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All Cigar Discussion>stirring the pot local B&M vs big internet
SeanGAR 07:44 PM 03-18-2009
Originally Posted by 14holestogie:
So nobody's gonna answer legend's latest query?
I mean, it's already been said, no?

Originally Posted by Silverfox:
This thread has no empirical evidence and in my opinion denies simple logic and flies in the face of ethical business practices.

Legend 09:43 AM 03-19-2009
Originally Posted by SeanGAR:
I mean, it's already been said, no?
Only when the difference is taken to the extreme which you consistantly do even though I've repeatedly let you know thats not what I'm saying.

You see when you lose that exaggeration, as I noted before, you have nothing to stand on. I offered the challenge earlier to come lose the exaggeration and come up with something and no one responded.

Bottom line neither side has any empirical evidence. Even the example you gave was made up. you arbitrarily chose 25 boxes to the local and 3000 to the the big guy. But ignored the fact that there are thousands of little guys and 3-5 big ones. Make up stats and ignore facts then call my argument nonsensical???!?? Pot-Kettle
DPD6030 09:51 AM 03-19-2009
Checkin in...nothing useful to type so I'm leaving. :-)
Smokin Gator 09:53 AM 03-19-2009
Originally Posted by Legend:
Only when the difference is taken to the extreme which you consistantly do even though I've repeatedly let you know thats not what I'm saying.

You see when you lose that exaggeration, as I noted before, you have nothing to stand on. I offered the challenge earlier to come lose the exaggeration and come up with something and no one responded.

Bottom line neither side has any empirical evidence. Even the example you gave was made up. you arbitrarily chose 25 boxes to the local and 3000 to the the big guy. But ignored the fact that there are thousands of little guys and 3-5 big ones. Make up stats and ignore facts then call my argument nonsensical???!?? Pot-Kettle
Sean... leave it alone... I am BEGGING you to leave it alone:-):-):-)
ahc4353 09:54 AM 03-19-2009
I can't believe I'm #3 on the leader board of this nightmare. :-)

Total Posts: 623
User Name Posts
Legend 89
icehog3 40
ahc4353 33
SeanGAR 30
Hardcz 25
andysutherland 24
WildBlueSooner 19
ggainey 19
md4958 18
pnoon 17
chippewastud79 14
14holestogie 14
MajorCaptSilly 14
SilverFox 10
Kreth 10
taltos 9
Big Vito 9
thebiglebowski 8
gnukfu 8
illinoishoosier 7
TheRiddick 7
Raralith 7
DPD6030 7
Stogieboy 7
Col. Kurtz 6
Da Klugs 6
shvictor 6
rizzle 5
yourchoice 5
dunng 5
Smokin Gator 5
lightning9191 5
Scottw 4
tedrodgerscpa 4
montecristo#2 4
mahtofire 4
Sr Mike 4
landhoney 3
replicant_argent 3
Darrell 3
chenvt 3
mithrilG60 3
knliebe 3
Yazzie 3
JaKaacH 3
JKim 3
alley00p 3
Totemic 2
Stick 2
bobarian 2
Cigarcop 2
SmokeyJoe 2
gvarsity 2
BlackIrish 2
jledou 2
Negncic 2
Lucky_Hippo 2
HK3- 2
borndead1 2
ca21455 2
Java 2
shilala 2
macpappy 2
D_A 2
ChicagoWhiteSox 2
gwc4sc 2
pmp 2
Bruzee 2
Addiction 2
Waynegro1 2
nozero 2
MedicCook 1
Les Nessman 1
Volusianator 1
Sancho 1
Ahbroody 1
TomHagen 1
jkim05 1
Gonesledn 1
Footbag 1
Bax 1
marge796 1
Tio Gato 1
stitch 1
bonggoy 1
Cyanide 1
steve 1
NCRadioMan 1
Chemyst 1
Taboo Cigars 1
Commander Quan 1
ScottishSmoker 1
tunes 1
Obscenejesster 1
Homebrewer 1
vudu9 1
boonedoggle 1
potlimit 1
Luciuswand 1
kiokicigars 1
Bear 1
CoventryCat86 1
neoflex 1
Cigarman 1
Texan in Mexico 1
icantbejon 1
Dgar 1
mikeyj23 1
Smokin Gator 09:57 AM 03-19-2009
I say the top five should be horse whipped... or at least made to nub a Cremosa!!
rizzle 10:07 AM 03-19-2009
Originally Posted by ahc4353:
I can't believe I'm #3 on the leader board of this nightmare. :-)...
How did you know this? Please tell me you counted each and every post with user names and hash marks.

SeanGAR 10:45 AM 03-19-2009
Originally Posted by Smokin Gator:
Sean... leave it alone... I am BEGGING you to leave it alone:-):-):-)
:-) OK then. But only because a G8R asked.
Stogieboy 10:53 AM 03-19-2009
Originally Posted by SeanGAR:
:-) OK then. But only because a G8R asked.
Thank you, thank you and thank you!
landhoney 10:57 AM 03-19-2009
I don't undertand what the issue is here, can somone recount all the arguments put forth by both sides in a clear and concise manner?
landhoney 10:57 AM 03-19-2009
Stogieboy 11:04 AM 03-19-2009
Originally Posted by landhoney:
I don't undertand what the issue is here, can somone recount all the arguments put forth by both sides in a clear and concise manner?
:-) I fart in your general direction.
Yazzie 11:05 AM 03-19-2009
I like Legend's other thread better when he talks about getting hammered and smoking yard Gars.....:-):-):-)
Legend 11:41 AM 03-19-2009
Originally Posted by SeanGAR:
:-) OK then. But only because a G8R asked.
sure , He'll leave it alone .....NOW!! :-):-):-):-)
icehog3 12:22 PM 03-19-2009
Originally Posted by Legend:
sure , He'll leave it alone .....NOW!! :-):-):-):-)
You too? :-)
WildBlueSooner 12:45 PM 03-19-2009
Originally Posted by Smokin Gator:
I say the top five should be horse whipped... or at least made to nub a Cremosa!!
whew....barely safe! :-)
chippewastud79 12:59 PM 03-19-2009
Originally Posted by WildBlueSooner:
whew....barely safe! :-)
Damn, I didn't even make it into the top 10 :-)
Starscream 01:46 PM 03-19-2009
Originally Posted by icehog3:
You too? :-)
If only...

rizzle 01:50 PM 03-19-2009
Originally Posted by chippewastud79:
Damn, I didn't even make it into the top 10 :-)
Its not locked yet. There's still hope for ya:-)
chippewastud79 01:58 PM 03-19-2009
Originally Posted by rizzle:
Its not locked yet. There's still hope for ya:-)
Good point :-)

Stay Classy Asylum :-)
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