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Health and Fitness>Pumping Iron with Adriftpanda,Chainsaw13 and Icehog3 II
Adriftpanda 12:31 AM 07-25-2014
Chest today.

Warmed up with some light cable flies 4x12-20 just to get the pecs going.

Flat db, incline db, dips, and then finished off flies. All 4x10-6, the last set is basically my heavy set, so just 6. Had some time so I did a couple tricep work.
icehog3 08:24 AM 07-25-2014
Back yesterday. Tried doing some pre-fatiguing with cables before hitting the rows, got a good workout.

Cable pulldowns 200, 220, 240, 260, 270
Cable Rows 220, 240, 260, 280, 300
T-Bar Rows 250, 270, 295
Barbell Rows 245, 275, 275, 225

Shoulders today. :-)
Adriftpanda 12:25 PM 07-25-2014

Back this morning. Real nice pump, feeling nice and full.

Neutral grip lat pull down - 4x8-10
Bent over DB row - 4x8 (drop set)
High row - 4x8-10
T-bar row 4x10-12 (2 drop sets)

Finished off with reverse grip lat pull down -- stuff arm lat pull down 4x10-12

Getting my cardio in this weekend, bball tournament. I hate running....
icehog3 02:26 PM 07-25-2014
Good luck in the tounament, Huy! :-)

Light shoulders today, actually got great range of motion and nice high reps. Didn't do many sets, felt like less was more today.

Seated Military Press 135, 155, 175, 195, 215, 175, 135
Barbell shrugs 275, 275, 315, 315, 275
DBall 05:33 PM 07-26-2014
Back on the 5x5 workout plan... :-)
Adriftpanda 11:03 PM 07-28-2014
Good chest day.

incline db press, 15* incline db flies, hammer strength decline press, dips. All 4x10-15

finished off with a couple tricep work.
icehog3 11:50 PM 07-28-2014
Good rep day, Huy. :-)

Took today off after a tough game late Sunday night (we had 8 skaters against a full team of 20 somethings, got outshot 30-9, but won 3-0). Figured I would be stronger for back with a good night's sleep, so that's up tomorrow.
icehog3 06:32 PM 07-29-2014
Back day.

Bent over rows 185, 205, 225, 245, 265, 275, 285
Bent over rows (Smith machine) 225, 255, 285, 305, 315
T-bar rows 270, 270, 270
Cable rows 260, 260, 260, 260
4 sets pullups to failure
Adriftpanda 11:57 PM 07-29-2014
Back day as well, Admiral!!!

Bent over DB rows 4x10
Seated row (single arm) 4x8-10
Neutral grip lat pull down -- stiff arm lat pull down 4x10-8
Roc-It machine reverse lat pull down 4x6 (drop set, went heavy for this)

Finished off with abs.
NeuRon 04:21 AM 07-30-2014
back/bi's day for me as welll yesterday

Rack Deadlifts - 135x15, 225x12, 275x10, 315x8, 375x4
Dorian Rows (Bent-over Rows) 135x15, 225x10, 275x8, 135x15
Wide Fat Grip Lat Pulldowns - 100x12, 140x10, 160x10, 175x9
Preacher Curls - 145x12, 155x10, 165x8, 175x7, 125x12
Closed Grip Cable Row - 180x12, 210x10, 230x10, 260x9
Hammer Curls SS with reverse grip Barbell Curls - 3 sets, same weight 35/40 x 10
Standing Bicep Curls (DB), Run The Rack - 25, 30, 35, 40, 35, 30, 25 x 7
icehog3 02:05 PM 07-30-2014
Shoulder day today. Like last time, kept it relatively light and real short due to being a wuss about pain.

Did Militarys with an exaggerated range of motion to try and free up the joint a little. 135, 165, 185, 205, 215, 195, 175.

High rep shrugs 8 sets @ 315 .

That was it...short and not so sweet. But I got through it. Hockey tonight, arms and abs tomorrow.
Adriftpanda 06:32 PM 07-30-2014
Seated or standing, admiral?
icehog3 06:35 PM 07-30-2014
Seated, I forgot to type that, Huy. :-)
Adriftpanda 09:03 PM 07-30-2014
Legs today. High volume, love/hate thing.

Leg press 5x15
Lying leg curls 4x15
Stiff leg deads 4x10-8
Front squats 5x8
Finished off with leg extensions 2xfailure (around 20-30)
mk05 06:34 PM 07-31-2014
Adriftpanda 10:03 PM 07-31-2014
Shouldas and aaaams today. Longest I spent at the gym in a while.

Standing military presses 4x6
Arnold presses 4x6-8
Incline single db side lat raise 4x8-10
Face pulls -- upright row 4x10-8
Cable side lat raise -- bus drivers 4x10

Super set my arms, bis and tris. Kept everything 3-4x8-10
Adriftpanda 11:12 AM 08-01-2014
Squeezed out a good back workout today before heading up to Portland to see Mr.Mark.

Pull ups to warm up 5x10-15
Neutral grip lat pull down
Bent over BB row
Reverse cable flies - 4x10-14
Seated low row machine

Pull up contest with my partner to finish it off. I win :-) Kept all the exercises to 6 rep max for 4-5 sets, not including my warm up. Wanted to go heavier today.
icehog3 01:25 PM 08-01-2014
Good workout prior to debauchery, Huy. Give Mr. Mark my bestest.
icehog3 03:17 PM 08-02-2014
International chest day.

Bench Press 225, 265, 285, 305, 315, 325, 275
Incline Bench 195, 215, 235, 255, 275
Flex Vertical Bench 250, 275, 295, 320
Dips 3 sets to failure

Followed by a steak and egg whites lunch
icehog3 01:46 PM 08-03-2014
Rep day for back, with a little weight to make it challenging/interesting

T-bar Rows 225, 270, 270, 270, 270, 295, 295
Wide grip Pulldowns 220, 240, 260, 280
Cable Rows 220, 240, 260, 280
Bent Over Rows 225, 245, 275, 275

Dead hangs x 2 to failure
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