Fordman4ever 05:18 PM 03-21-2014
Dude Here 05:27 PM 03-21-2014
Someone is a bit of an Oliva whore....
Nice grabs!!
Fordman4ever 08:04 PM 03-21-2014
Only a little bit.
WhiteMamba 01:11 AM 03-22-2014
The devil site got me and I got some other five packs and a couple singles to try.
Nice assortment guys!
Dude Here 03:38 PM 03-22-2014
Made a stop by my favorite B&M today:
The Project 805's were on clearance and I'm thinking of going back an making an offer on what's left of the robustos.
roro16 04:37 PM 03-22-2014
Thank you to small batch cigars..15% off sale had me pull the trigger
kelmac07 07:45 PM 03-22-2014
Nice grab Royln. Love me some Allison's.
:-) :-)
MrClean 09:55 PM 03-22-2014
Bought these from Tyler (Bighairlogo), he couldn't help but throw in a few extras and a cool sticker! Thanks again Tyler
I bought 5 JDN Quatro Cinco from Jason (big_jaygee), who is currently failing remedial math classes. He hooked me up with 5 sticks that are new to me.
Also picked up a 1000 cigar bands, this should do me for a minute.
WhiteMamba 11:11 PM 03-22-2014
excuse my ignorance Jeff but what do you do with the cigar bands?
MrClean 11:30 PM 03-22-2014
Michael I put them on most of my singles that I don't plan to smoke right away. So I know when I bought it. Also use them anytime someone sends me unsolicited sticks
:-). That way when I do smoke them I can thank them again.
maninblack 08:20 AM 03-23-2014
Very nice Jeff!
Nice Jeff, the HG Estupendos are Awesome!!!
irratebass 09:38 AM 03-23-2014
Earl, Michael, Steve, Rolyn & Jeff
CigarSquid 09:41 AM 03-23-2014
Jeff, where did you pick up the bands? I need to get like 50-100
MrClean 11:19 AM 03-23-2014
Originally Posted by garryyjr:
Jeff, where did you pick up the bands? I need to get like 50-100
Heartfelt, but if you only need 100 I'll send them to you. I only this many cause it was cheaper. I must say the glue on these seems better than the others I've had in the past.
czerbe 10:24 AM 03-24-2014
Anything that Says EPC I'm a sucker for
irratebass 12:07 PM 03-24-2014
Hear hear Corey.
irratebass 12:19 PM 03-24-2014
I split a box with Kevin (maninblack)
Cromagnon Blockheads
WhiteMamba 06:26 PM 03-24-2014
Originally Posted by MrClean:
Michael I put them on most of my singles that I don't plan to smoke right away. So I know when I bought it. Also use them anytime someone sends me unsolicited sticks :-). That way when I do smoke them I can thank them again. :-)
Thats smart thinking!
:-) :-)