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Health and Fitness>Pumping Iron with Adriftpanda,Chainsaw13 and Icehog3 II
icehog3 08:00 AM 04-03-2020
Good workout, Bob. :-)

Good that you're staying active. Moses. My gym closed down days before Illinois went on "lockdown". I have a buddy who owns a gym which is closed to members and the public, but he allows a few of his friends from my gym train there. Usually 0-3 other people, all practicing social distancing and disinfecting equipment before and after using.

Back day yesterday. Was supposed to be bi's too, but I have a tweak in the belly of the muscle, and first (attempted) set of curls yesterday told me to lay off it.

T-bar rows x 5 sets
Close-grip bent over rows x 3 sets
Cable rows x 4 sets
Super wide pulldowns x 4 sets

Just Tito and I there yesterday.

Chainsaw13 10:07 AM 04-03-2020
Good for you Moses. I get you on the speed of pushups. Easy to rack out a lot if you’re not following good form. Time under tension is a lot better for you than hitting a number.

Tom, belly of your bicep?

I shouldn’t have done so many sets of hammer curls yesterday, or used a lighter band. Aggravated my shoulders. I was doing my best to keep good form, but I think it was the full range of motion at the bottom that did it.
icehog3 10:31 AM 04-03-2020
Yes, Bob, right in the middle of my left bi. Have had similar tears before, if I work around them for 7-10 days they seem to heal themselves.
icehog3 05:58 PM 04-03-2020
Just chest today, bi a little testy. Kept it simple, super high reps and super low rest, got through it in no time. One kid there when I arrived (competitive arm wrestler), and Tito arrived as I was stretching at the end.

Bench press x 5 sets
Super wide press x 3 sets
Dips x 8 sets
Dead hangs
Chainsaw13 06:52 PM 04-03-2020
:-) Tom!

Went for a run/walk today.
icehog3 11:03 AM 04-04-2020
Sounds good, Bob, you runnin' fool you.

Legs coming to a gym near me shortly...…
icehog3 05:44 PM 04-04-2020
Only guy in the gym today. Still sanitized every piece of equipment before, and of course after. Kept it super simple and fast once again.

Front squats x 6 sets
Leg press x 6 sets
Stiff legged deadlifts x 4 sets
Hack squats x 4 sets
icehog3 10:49 AM 04-07-2020
Starting to get a little bored with the limited things to do for some body parts, but then I think how blessed I am to have a place to train when most people do not. Back yesterday, I did some pre-fatigue stuff to change it up before finioshing with the BB rows.

Wide pulldowns x 5 sets
High pulls x 4 sets
Cable rows x 4 sets
Barbell rows x 5 sets

ICT today.
icehog3 07:31 PM 04-07-2020
Heavy on inclines and high reps on the rest today for ICT.

Incline bench x 3 sets
30* inclines x 3 sets
Vertical bench x 5 sets
Dips/Dead hangs from rings x 4 supersets
Skullcrushers x 4 sets
Extensions x 4 sets
Dips/Dead hang x 1 superset

Legs manana.
icehog3 04:36 PM 04-08-2020
Leg press x 6 sets
Squats x 4 sets
Hammy curls x 4 sets
Quad extensions x 4 sets
Hack squats x 2 sets
icehog3 10:31 AM 04-10-2020
T-bar rows x 7 sets
High pulls x 5 sets
Close grip pulldowns x 3 sets
Wide pulldowns x 2 sets
Barbell rows x 3 sets
Dead hangs on rings
icehog3 10:32 AM 04-10-2020
Been laying off shoulders, neck injury pretty much healed but just being careful. Laying off biceps at least the rest of the week to let that heel too. So pretty much been legs, back, chest and tris lately. Gotta make due.
Chainsaw13 01:26 PM 04-10-2020
I’ve kinda lost motivation right now. Need to get it back.
icehog3 01:52 PM 04-10-2020
If there's anything I can do to help, Bob, please let me know.

Most crowded the gym has been today. But I seemed to have a horseshoe up my ass, as there are two rooms. I was in the North room for half of my workout, and everyone else in the gym was in the south. When I needed to move to the south, everyone except my friend Tito moved to the north. My breath? B.O.? Pure intimidation? WTFK? :-)

Bench press (heavy) x 8 sets
Inclines x 4 sets
Vertical bench x 4 sets
Skullcrushers x 4 sets
Extensions x 4 sets
icehog3 04:15 PM 04-11-2020
Gassed out on legs today. Gym to myself again. Going to take tomorrow off and hope for more gas Monday.

Front squats x 6 sets
Hack squats x 6 sets
Reverse hamstring curls x 5 sets
Extensions x 4 sets
icehog3 02:22 PM 04-13-2020
Lots of energy today, that was nice. :-)

Had the gym to myself for about 2/3rds of the lift. The owner and his 2 buds came in but weren't in my area. The young girl and Tito came in just as I was finishing up.

High pulls x 5 sets
Barbell rows x 5 sets
T-bar rows x 4 sets
Super wide pulldowns 3 sets & 1 drop set
Cable rows 3 sets & 1 drop set
Chainsaw13 04:49 PM 04-13-2020
Did 20 minutes of an EMOM. Holy crap I’m out of shape already. Kicked mu butt.
Chainsaw13 04:50 PM 04-13-2020
Did 20 minutes of an EMOM. Holy crap I’m out of shape already. Kicked mu butt.
icehog3 06:03 PM 04-13-2020
Originally Posted by Chainsaw13:
Did 20 minutes of an EMOM. Holy crap I’m out of shape already. Kicked mu butt.
Originally Posted by Chainsaw13:
Did 20 minutes of an EMOM. Holy crap I’m out of shape already. Kicked mu butt.
So total of 40? :-)

Ok, tell me what EMOM is, Bob. I'm old. :-)

Jon who owns the gym I'm using is going to bring in a stim machine for me to borrow, says it will help my bicep tear heal faster. Worth a shot. :-)
Chainsaw13 07:23 PM 04-13-2020
lol, didn’t see the double post. I planned on doing 30 minutes, but was ready to puke if I went any more.

Emom is every minute on the minute. Do a series of exercises, a certain number of reps. If you get done before the minute is over, that’s rest time before the next.

I did the following:
Jumping jacks, 30 reps
Pushups, 15
Squats, 20
Russian twists, 30
Mountain climbers, 40
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