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Health and Fitness>Pumping Iron with Adriftpanda,Chainsaw13 and Icehog3 II
icehog3 04:15 PM 03-10-2020
Same typa chest day, just trying to not negate the progress with the chiro (who I visited after the gym).

Vertical bench x 6 sets
Incline bench x 4 sets
Decline bench 4 sets
Flyes x 4 sets
Precor inclines x 2 sets
Giant set: Precor incline drop set/flyes
Dead hangs

Off tomorrow. Thank you. :-)
Chainsaw13 06:43 PM 03-10-2020
Decent workout for me, with my trainer. Got in early to start phase 2 of the shoulder rehab.

Behind the neck Cuban press, weighted bar (those hurt like a mofo, rotating the arms down) x2
External rotation release, 2 min hold. X2
Rumble press x3
Dumbbell T Sweep x2
Dumbbell Cuban press x2
Overhead ring sweeps x2

Was supposed to do three rounds of 10 for all but the release hold, but didn’t get all three in before my back day workout. Only got the three rounds of rumbles in because my trainer was helping me get that setup, plus borrowing his bands.

Onto back day, and a bit of arms. Trying to incorporate more arm stuff now the shoulders are feeling better.

Assisted chin ups
Low cable rows
Farmers carry
Seated ez bar curls/hammer curls superset.
icehog3 09:19 PM 03-10-2020
It's impressive to do the rehab workout and a great back workout too. Kudos, Brother, keep 'er going. :-) :-)

The neck is improving a little each day. Only bummer is that the stiffness and pain is worst at night. Makes sleeping a little less satisfying then usual. :-) No chiro until Friday, I'm busy tomorrow and our work schedules conflict Thursday. I'll just stretch and try not to f up any of the progress we've made.
Chainsaw13 06:03 PM 03-12-2020
How’s the neck doing today, Tom?

Made it thru three full rounds of the shoulder work. Feeling better each time although those Cuban presses are still a *****. Then onto chest.

Dips (all four sets with body weight) :-)
Incline dumbbell press x4
Low cable flyes x3
TRX push-ups/plate press supersets x2

Good pump today. Went to change shirts and noticed veins popping in my upper chest. First time seeing that.
icehog3 08:00 PM 03-12-2020
Good workout, Bob! :-)

Neck is a little better today, seems to be a little better every day, which is all I can hope for. 2 weeks in and it feels at least 50% better. Even after a shoulder/arm workout today. I see the chiro again tomorrow between legs (phrasing) and work.

Military press x 7 sets
Barbell curls x 6 sets
Skullcrushers x 5 sets

Super basic, and avoiding traps/rear delts at least until next week.
Chainsaw13 01:41 PM 03-14-2020
Had plans to hit shoulder rehab, then legs. Made it through the shoulder workout, barely. I guess it’s legs tomorrow.
icehog3 08:48 AM 03-15-2020
Hope the shoulder is improving, Bob.

Friday was legs. Kept it to presses and hamstring curls as I didn't want to squat or to extensions until my neck stops cramping.

Leg press x 10 sets
Hammie curls x 6 sets

Back yesterday, short rest and high reps

T-bar rows x 5 sets
Barbell rows x 4 sets
Wide pulldowns x 4 sets
Cable rows x 4 sets

ICS today.
Chainsaw13 12:30 PM 03-15-2020
Good leg day today. Haven’t squated a lot lately due to a lower abdominal pain. Don’t think it’s a hernia, but not taking any chances. It’s been feeling better, so I went moderate weight, but also volume.

Squats x3 warmup sets, x5 working sets
Front squats x4
RDL’s x4
Hamstring curls x6
Calf raises x3
icehog3 06:08 PM 03-15-2020
Good lift, Bob, and glad you don't think it's a hernia.

Good lift today, hope it's not my last day in my gym for a while. Please please please.

Vertical bench x 6 sets
Wide inclines x 4 sets
Declines x 4 sets
Precor incline/Flyes x 4 supersets
Dead hangs
Chainsaw13 07:33 PM 03-15-2020
Tom, I notice you do a lot of dead hangs. Is that to keep grip strength up?
icehog3 09:50 AM 03-16-2020
No, Bob, it's to stretch my shoulders and lats out with gravity. Definitely benefits the grip strength too though.

My gym decides at 1PM CDT if they are closing for corona. Me sure hopes not.
Chainsaw13 12:58 PM 03-16-2020
Ok that was my other thought. I need to do more of those myself.

My gym closes today until at least the 31st
icehog3 05:14 PM 03-16-2020
The hangs really give my shoulder some relief after the lift, Bob.

As of an hour ago, corporate still hasn't made the decision on closing. I went today and did 52 minutes of hills on the PreCor bike, and it seemed everyone was making good use of social distance and sanitizing.
icehog3 01:15 PM 03-17-2020
Seated military x 7 sets
Cambered bar curls x 4 sets
Preacher curls x 4 sets
Skullcrushers x 4 sets
Tri extensions x 4 sets
Dead hangs

Found a gym! Old buddy owns a private club and is going to make it available to 4-5 of us from my gym for the interim. I'm more than pumped to keep pumping. Phrasing.

Bob, hope you figure out a plan, Brother. :-)
Chainsaw13 07:34 PM 03-17-2020
Going to do some EMOM’s at home and pick up running again. Might as well get lean.
icehog3 12:56 PM 03-18-2020
Adapt and overcome, Bob!

My friend who owns the gym texted and said I could come 2 hours early today as he is having cancellations (not surprising). I told him it was a scheduled day off, but I was SO tempted to go in anyway. :-) Afraid each day might be the last for a while.
icehog3 03:46 PM 03-19-2020
Went to my buddy's private gym today. He has given 4 or 5 of us permission to use it (with no employees necessarily present) during their "closed hours (Noon-4PM). At least 2 of those guys can't make the hours work, so that leaves 2-3 of us. Went in today, an old-school, hard core gym. I was alone at first, and then my buddy Patryk showed up a little later. Lots of disinfectants placed all over. I'm blessed to be able to continue to work out but still practice social distancing.

T-bar rows x 5 sets
Barbell rows x 5 sets
Cable rows x 5 sets
High pulls x 5 sets
Dead hangs





Chainsaw13 03:59 PM 03-19-2020
Damn, that’s awesome Tom! I did about a 2 mile run today. Lungs were burning breathing in the cold air.
icehog3 04:01 PM 03-19-2020
Originally Posted by Chainsaw13:
Damn, that’s awesome Tom! I did about a 2 mile run today. Lungs were burning breathing in the cold air.
Glad you got some work in today, Bob! Time to get creative.

Of course some of the equipment in my friend's gym is totally different than my gym, so I am guessing I'm hitting some different angles and ranges of motion, and will probably get extra sore this week.
icehog3 04:28 PM 03-20-2020
Weird sometimes training on all new equipment with different bars, angles and such. Felt like I got a good chest pump.

Incline bench x 5 sets
Dips x 5 sets
Bench press 4 sets
Bench press/Dips x 2 supersets
Dips x 2 sets

Yeah. That's a lotta dips. :-)

Illinois goes to "shelter in place" starting tomorrow at 5PM for 17 days. Among the exceptions are grocery runs. Glad my friend sells bananas at his gym. :-) :-)
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