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View Poll Results: How long have you been a member of CS AND CA?
6 Months Or Less 20 11.36%
7 Months to 11 Months 37 21.02%
1 to 2 Years 63 35.80%
3 to 5 Years 48 27.27%
6 to 8 Years 4 2.27%
9 Years + 4 2.27%
Voters: 176. You may not vote on this poll
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General Discussion>How Long Have You Been Around - Poll?
Don Fernando 03:39 PM 01-20-2009
I joined CS somewhere april 07, joined the Asylum the day the doors opened.
Da Klugs 03:57 PM 01-20-2009
We're all a bunch of newbies. :-)
DavenportESQ 03:59 PM 01-20-2009
1 year in March
CBI_2 09:06 PM 01-20-2009
Joined CS 09-28-2007 but made 1st post 5-16-08

CA 10-15-2008 as soon as I found out about it.
awsmith4 10:48 PM 01-20-2009
I joined CS in June '07
AAlmeter 10:59 PM 01-20-2009
Not sure... Club Stogie says 1999, I think it used to say 1997, but I think there was a crash and my true date was closer to 2000 or 2001.
Skywalker 11:44 PM 01-20-2009
Not long enough at CA!!!:-)
macpappy 05:26 AM 01-21-2009
CS - July 2007
CA - Oct. 2008
newcigarz 05:39 AM 01-21-2009
CS joined 02/07
CA joined 10/08
Sailchaser 05:44 AM 01-21-2009
ummm I belong here,I thought this was home:-)
G G 05:47 AM 01-21-2009
I think sometime around 8/2007 for CS, and then 10/2008 for here.
Savor the Stick 11:33 AM 01-21-2009
Originally Posted by Mugen910:
CS May'07
CA Oct'08

CS- May 14 2008
CA- Oct 14 2008

10 months last week--:-)

rizzle 11:36 AM 01-21-2009
10 months. I'm just a baby.
Willygt 01:22 PM 01-21-2009
CS - 09-13-2004

CA - Last week 01-16-2009
Genetic Defect 01:23 PM 01-21-2009
sometimes I think to long
Don Fernando 01:34 PM 01-21-2009
Originally Posted by GKitty:
Joined CS in Aug 2007, right before I attended my first herf. I hid out in the shadows mostly there. Since coming to CA in October though, I have a whole new view.
Yeah, a few people found a huge spotlight and aimed it at you :-)
DKPRLP 04:30 PM 01-21-2009
CS-06 and I was committed 10-08
Whee 08:44 PM 01-21-2009
August '07 with a small no internet break of 5 months.
tobii3 08:57 PM 01-21-2009
If you were to include other sites, I would claim as far back as 2002....

However, after watching members of that site become so self absorbed they became predatory on other members, I requested deletion of my account and have never returned.

Personally, with no offense to CS/CA members, my loyalties lie with ONE person, the owner/operator/moderator of ONE board, the board that I claim my true family and loyalty to.....the RNB.

It's a Redneck thang, ya know????
floydp 09:33 PM 01-21-2009
Been around a couple weeks.
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