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All Cigar Discussion>Anyone willing to part with some bands?
Heavy_d 11:22 PM 08-01-2013

Finally got the pics scanned and printed, so here's the finished product. I'll probably replace the pic of me if I can ever get a better one of me enjoying a smoke.
big_jaygee 05:51 AM 08-02-2013
looks great Derek
yourchoice 11:27 AM 08-02-2013
Originally Posted by Heavy_d:
I'll probably replace the pic of me if I can ever get a better one of me enjoying a smoke.
It would be cool if you had a posed shot similar to your father's pose done in black and white. We did something similar with a photo we found of my dad when he was 4 or 5 comparing him to my nephew. The family resemblance was striking when looked at side by side.

And, the black and white photos with the bright bands might set it off.

Cool project.
Heavy_d 07:14 PM 08-02-2013
Originally Posted by yourchoice:
It would be cool if you had a posed shot similar to your father's pose done in black and white. We did something similar with a photo we found of my dad when he was 4 or 5 comparing him to my nephew. The family resemblance was striking when looked at side by side.

And, the black and white photos with the bright bands might set it off.

Cool project.
That's a great idea! I may do just that.
Heavy_d 04:42 PM 08-05-2013

Theo. Got your package in the mail today. Holy crap that's a lot of bands! Gonna have to get the wife started on the collage soon. Thank you man, I really appreciate it. Can't wait to see all the different types in the bag.
Sweet_Leaf_PDX 04:48 PM 08-05-2013
that is a really good idea and the finished product looks great!
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