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All Cigar Discussion>Who's been your biggest cigar influence on & offline?
pnoon 05:00 PM 05-28-2013
Originally Posted by rennD:
Mine were a mixture of online and offline (herfs and phone calls).

Pnoon got me into this, gave me a parachute (with holes) and kicked me of the cliff.

Mo The Man, SD Beerman, Goatlocker, Poker, markem, and Leo (not active on this forum) to name the others. Of course, there are many more over the years (sorry if I didn't list you).

Thanks to all! I will continue to learn from and appreciate your knowledge and experience.
Now that made me LOL
MichaeldeL 03:14 AM 06-06-2013
Most probably my dad and uncle. I remember how my uncle would come over on Saturdays and share a Toscano with my old man out on the porch. It was like a weekend ritual.
longknocker 03:47 AM 06-06-2013
Originally Posted by jonumberone:
For me, it was Dball, hands down.
Dball Started Me Down The Dark Slope & Shilala Down The NC!:-):-):-)
bstarrs 12:06 PM 06-06-2013
I've really learned a lot from Rob Ayala and all the people on Friends of Habanos over the years. Rob does some of the best reviews IMO on youtube. I'm soaked up a lot of knowledge about Habanos from them.

As for NCs I lurked here for awhile before joining and I'm enjoying learning about the other side of cigars as I have been a solely CC smoker thus far. There's so many brands of NCs to learn about so having resources like this board really helps.
jaycarla 03:34 PM 06-09-2013
Easy one, Papajohn. Knows what I like better than I do. Understands cigars and what it is to enjoy a cigar.
maninblack 07:50 PM 06-09-2013
I blame Mac for my maduro addiction. Damn enabler.
Jbailey 08:14 PM 06-09-2013
Offline: My brother for the first push.

On/offline: Everyone I meet at my first herf "Mega Mob 1". They pretty much shoved me down the "slope".
icehog3 12:34 AM 06-10-2013
Originally Posted by Jbailey:

On/offline: Everyone I meet at my first herf "Mega Mob 1". They pretty much shoved me down the "slope".
That puff-puff-pass was EPIC. :-)
sevans105 01:00 AM 06-10-2013
Offline-my buddy Ethan. Jerk just moved to Cali on me this last week. He was one of the few guys my age in this backwater town with a brain in head. Killed many many cigars and just a couple of bottles of bourbon, scotch, and whiskey. He never even bothered buying his own humidor. Just kept his stash in mine. Crud. Now I'm gonna have to find a new cigar buddy.

Online-Shilala has been a great influence and friend. Chingas, who doesn't stop here too much anymore, pushed me into the fantastic world of CC's with a couple of Team Death bombs. I still have a couple of those original CC's he sent me. Not sure I'll ever burn that Partagas.

Good thread. Good memories. That's what cigars are for me. A chance to spend an hour or two deepening friendships and making memories. Some of those friends are here.
Mr. Grimes 10:20 PM 06-10-2013
I have to say both online and offline bluegil (Andy S.) has been my biggest influence. If it weren't for him I wouldn't have gotten into cigars or joined CA. So if he reads this, thanks brother. He's a wealth of information and never tires of answering questions.
Zanaspus 04:32 PM 06-11-2013
Online is easy: Tom of Icehog fame. He needed some DPG blues, I sent them, he returned Cubans and promptly made my marriage slightly less smooth. :-)

Offline: Just too many folks to pick one.
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