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General Discussion>Day 4 Of Quitting Snuff...
elderboy02 03:36 PM 08-29-2012
Keep up the good work Scott! :-)
Big Bert 05:39 PM 08-29-2012
You got this Scott!!!!
Fordman4ever 08:01 PM 08-29-2012
Originally Posted by King James:
I quit a few months ago. For me, it was more missing the action of chewing than actually having problems with a nicotine addiction. I tried chewing seeds, which seemed to help. Hope you can continue to go strong!
I also used seeds to help me quit. It seemed to help me out a lot, but the enormous amount of salt that I was intaking was not good. When my dad quit smoking he used Atomic Fireballs. Every time he wanted a cigarette he would suck on one of them and eventually he didn't want to smoke anymore. It worked for him, might work for you too.
Kycop34 07:48 PM 08-31-2012
I have dipped snuff for 28yrs now. I quit for right at 6 months back when i was around 23-24yrs old. The biggest problem i remember having during the first few weeks was just the habit of having the dip in my mouth, especially when i was working or whatever. Gum helped a lot and the "jawbreaker" candies.

I started back up because i got pissed off about something or other wound up throwing a good drunk and woke up the next day with a can of snuff in my pocket and I still dip today.

Good luck on sticking with it man, I do have several friends who have quit one cold turkey and a couple who went the jerky route. They all 3 have been quit for awhile now, one of the for about 3yrs or so.
RHNewfie 06:21 AM 09-14-2012
Are you still sane Scott?
shilala 11:16 AM 09-14-2012
It's Day 24, Jeff. I had read, and Paul (PCR) told me, that things would smooth out after Day 21. In some ways, that's true. I'm feeling differences in my body, and my brain is unmushing a bit.
I still want to chew snuff. I'd pick it back up in a heartbeat and I've had a dip here and there so I didn't snap and go off the deep end. Over the period of 24 days I've chewed a 3/4 full can that I found in my trunk bag on my motorcycle. (It was WAY better than Christmas when I found it!!!)
I'm still making up my mind if I'm quitting or not. I promised Lisa I'd continue to quit for a month. I have Dr. appt.s on the 24th and 27th, so I'm going at least that long.

Here's the thing...
I can either continue as is and enjoy a dip once in a blue moon until I forget I chew snuff, or start again and go completely overboard immediately. I know I'll be chewing 2 cans a day in a week, and I don't want that at all.
So, if nothing, my perspective has changed a lot. Hopefully it'll continue in that direction. :-)
shilala 09:35 AM 09-22-2012
Day 32.
No "In the house backup snuff" left. It's been a couple days with zero nicotine, not even cigars, and the urge really has faded. Goes to show how stupid I am. 35 years of training on when and where to have a dip of snuff and in 32 days I've pretty much forgot.
The one time that I still never forget it's time for a dip is right after a meal. Especially dinner. The Force is strong with that one.
LostAbbott 09:51 AM 09-22-2012
Congrats man. I am really happy for you. Way to kick ass and take names. Keep up the good work.
Posted via Mobile Device
hammondc 10:25 AM 09-22-2012
Awesome job, bro. Stick with it.
PCR 10:35 AM 09-22-2012
Right with ya Scott!
Stephen 12:13 PM 09-22-2012
Originally Posted by shilala:
The one time that I still never forget it's time for a dip is right after a meal. Especially dinner. The Force is strong with that one.
Well, you could try quitting dinner. :-)

In all seriousness, congratulations. It's not easy giving up addicting habits.
RHNewfie 08:28 AM 09-23-2012
Keep it up Scott!
Big Bert 09:54 AM 09-23-2012
Way to go brother!!
poriggity 11:20 AM 09-23-2012
Way to go brother. Keep it up!

Chainsaw13 11:38 AM 09-23-2012
Keep it up Scott.
elderboy02 12:32 PM 09-23-2012
Nice job!
shilala 03:40 PM 09-27-2012
Day 37 of this nonsense. :-)
I'd very much like to start dipping again. I miss it. It makes it a lot easier when I don't have it around the house, and I haven't found any "lost" cans lately, so that's easier.
I'm on the fence with the jerky snuff placebo. It just makes me want to have real snuff.
All in all, it's working out very well even though my heart is not even remotely in it.
363 03:41 PM 09-27-2012
Hey at least you are sticking with it :-) congrats on making it this far Scott
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