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General Discussion>Tablet Information help please
irratebass 05:29 AM 08-13-2012
I caved and gave it to her, she is digging it, but taking some getting used to....she has played several games and even brought it to church with her and downloaded the bible google play just needs to come up with some gift cards like itunes....we don't feel comfortable putting out cc info on our devices.
Eleven 06:34 AM 08-13-2012
Originally Posted by irratebass:
....we don't feel comfortable putting out cc info on our devices.
I don't think it's on the device. It's on google's servers. Same thing with amazon. You can be on ANY device, just log into your account and make a purchase, they have your info, your device does not.

Not that it would really make a difference if you just don't like giving out your CC number in general :-)
irratebass 11:44 AM 08-13-2012
Originally Posted by Eleven:
I don't think it's on the device. It's on google's servers. Same thing with amazon. You can be on ANY device, just log into your account and make a purchase, they have your info, your device does not.

Not that it would really make a difference if you just don't like giving out your CC number in general :-)
Yeah, just too risky with all the hackers and I have been a victim of identity theft, but thanks for the info anyway. :-)
CigarSquid 09:21 AM 08-20-2012
Very good info..

I am scared to buy a Android tablet due to updates.. but don't want to fork out the big bucks for an ipad.

Nexus 7 seems the way to go for now..
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