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General Discussion>User Name Thread
CigarSquid 08:27 PM 09-21-2011
I used to get called... and still do from time to time.. 'Double ERR'(mainly at my old job, but the ones who heard it outside of work, stuck with it)
CigarNut 09:01 PM 09-21-2011
CigarNut... It's what I am... (perfect for the Asylum a.k.a. the Nut House)
Ogre 09:20 PM 09-21-2011
Originally Posted by Remo_5_0:

I dont know what your problem is, I understood. I guess if there is no DD or KK in the name you dont get it!!!:-)
Moose6026 09:24 PM 09-21-2011
My old sgt used to call my partner Squirrel. we worked so well together and been friends for years that I became known as Moose, from Rocky and Bullwinkle. Then add my badge number.
Emjaysmash 09:25 PM 09-21-2011
My initals are M.J.
"Emjay" is just MJ spelled out and "Smash" was the name of the first explicit CD I got as a child. You can tell I've had this SN for a little while.. :-)
LasciviousXXX 12:39 AM 09-22-2011
Lascivious: inclined to lustfulness; wanton; lewd (He was arrested for lewd and lascivious behavior)

XXX: see definition for Lascivious :-)

It kind of describes me
icehog3 12:55 AM 09-22-2011
Originally Posted by LasciviousXXX:
Lascivious: inclined to lustfulness; wanton; lewd (He was arrested for lewd and lascivious behavior)

XXX: see definition for Lascivious :-)

It kind of describes me
I had some wantons at the Chinese restaurant in town last night, you must be delicious Týr. :-)
LasciviousXXX 12:59 AM 09-22-2011
I am

icehog3 01:03 AM 09-22-2011
Originally Posted by LasciviousXXX:
I am

maninblack 04:30 AM 09-22-2011
No need to explain mine unless you don't know anything about music. JC was the MAN!
NeuRon 05:47 AM 09-22-2011
BIG = Me

RON = Me

S = Last name Initial.

unique huh!

I hope to soon change my Screen name to Ron, and get rid of the "big". lol
safariguy 06:45 AM 09-22-2011
When I started selling hunting trips to Africa people would start calling me "That Safari Guy" when they coudn't remember my name. I liked it, so I went with it.
WittyUserName 06:59 AM 09-22-2011
Well I am just witty

The other forum I am on is a VW site and my user name is WhiteyVDub, I did not think that fit here.
msgtmac 07:04 AM 09-22-2011
Air Force. I'm not real creative
Devanmc 07:44 AM 09-22-2011
Devan = first name

M = middle initial

C = last initial

I'm as creative as it gets
Posted via Mobile Device
Tbagley 07:53 AM 09-22-2011
T is for Tom
bag is half of last name

Most of us have them.
Newbie_nick 08:14 AM 09-22-2011
Mine isn't that thoughtful, really. On every board in which I've participated, I always feel like a newbie.
MajorCaptSilly 08:30 AM 09-22-2011
I'm Major Captain Silly.

jonumberone 08:31 AM 09-22-2011
My username gets read as Joe #1
It should be read Jay Ohh #1

When growing up my father had the same nickname for my brother and I: Jerkoff
After numerous times of yelling "Jerkoff get over here" and having the wrong "jerkoff" show up, we were tagged as Jerkoff #1 and #2.
Why I got the #1 designation despite the fact my brother is older always perplexed me.
I guess I was the bigger jerkoff. :-)

Anyway me and my brother constantly referred to each other as Jerkoff.
After numerous calls from the school principal, we shortened it to JO.

To this day we still use the tags.
If I call his house, and his wife answers, I tell her to put Jerkoff on the phone.
CigarSquid 08:32 AM 09-22-2011
I like seeing the history behind these. Good thread.
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