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Accessory Discussion / Reviews>Fidello Cigar Cutter
Fuzzy 08:13 PM 09-04-2011
Back to the Fidello, I still use mine often. I had a hard time getting away from my punch. Had a hard time getting away from my cheap double blade cutter. My Palio gets used once in awhile. Had a hard time getting away from my fancy spring loaded X. Never mind all the lighters and cutters in my junk drawer. Still use all my tools, but I guess it's hard for some to try something new. You just never know until you try.
vinnydisilvio 07:29 PM 09-05-2011
definitely, which is why i ordered a shuriken. i actually have so many accessories (lighters & cutters) that i try to rotate them each time i smoke unless the cigar i'm about to smoke calls for a specific kind of cutter.
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