Ashcan Bill 01:09 PM 03-05-2011
Best wishes Dave. Hope you have a good one!
markem 01:23 PM 03-05-2011
Happy birthday, my friend. Hope that this day is filled with miles of smiles and close loved ones for you.
kaisersozei 01:30 PM 03-05-2011
Coach Deg 01:39 PM 03-05-2011
Da Klugs 02:12 PM 03-05-2011
Thanks everyone! Nice to be back.
FWIW 54th.. (not 80th ya bastages)
At the shack now with jane. Kait and dan are on their way with maddie. Nagoya for dinner and maybe later "the gift".
hotreds 02:12 PM 03-05-2011
Stick 02:36 PM 03-05-2011
issues 02:37 PM 03-05-2011
icehog3 03:37 PM 03-05-2011
Originally Posted by Da Klugs:
maybe later "the gift". :-)
jdakine 03:42 PM 03-05-2011
TBone 07:41 PM 03-05-2011
Happy B-Day Dave...oh and your my 900th post woot woot
RevSmoke 08:33 PM 03-05-2011
Hey Dave, hope God blessed you with a great day for your birthday.
Peace of the Lord be with you.
jesseboston81 09:27 PM 03-05-2011
Happy birthday Dave, hope it's a great one!
replicant_argent 09:43 PM 03-05-2011
HBD, sir, hope you had a great one!
Sailchaser 09:48 PM 03-05-2011
gvarsity 10:09 PM 03-05-2011
MedicCook 01:38 AM 03-06-2011
BnBTobacco 01:48 AM 03-06-2011
Warm wishes for you on your birthday!
cle_smoker 06:15 PM 03-06-2011
Chingas 08:08 PM 03-06-2011
Happy belated Dave! Thanks for all you and the other Ten do for us here!