quantim0 07:14 PM 01-25-2011
Originally Posted by Superbad:
Here is my NC stash. The T-52 box is full of No.9 pigs and rats. The big ziplock at the back are sticks for the troops. The big bag in the foreground has about 40-50 random cigars, ie Bomb-making materials, I pulled out of my desktop. I am consolidating and going to start getting rid of some of the stuff I don't want.
Looks like you have quite the high quality stash. Color me jelous on some of those.
Ismith75 07:23 PM 01-25-2011
hscmit 07:25 PM 01-25-2011
kelmac07 07:30 PM 01-25-2011
Originally Posted by Ismith75:
Ian what size cooler is that?
thebayratt 08:56 PM 01-25-2011
Bottom drawer
Tats, Viajes, Lanceros, and a few others (three deep 2 layers hidden)
Second Drawer
Robustos, Toros, few Belicosos etc (three deep 2 layers hidden )
Third Drawer
More Robustos, Toros a few Churchills etc... (three deep 2 layers hidden )
Top Drawer
CCs & LE Cigars.
lyle23 09:36 PM 01-25-2011
Wow everytime I see someone with those skull and bones I get jealous. Great stashes guys. Chingas is gonna need his own page if he decides to post some pix on this thread.
Ismith75 10:06 PM 01-25-2011
Originally Posted by Drez:
Ian what size cooler is that?
160 quart
maninblack 10:10 PM 01-25-2011
Originally Posted by kelmac07:
Herf at Kevins!! :-) :-)
Amen brother! You guys are always welcome at my house!
Devanmc 06:39 AM 01-26-2011
Ill have to post pictures once im home and have finished a taxes buying spree.
I think even ill be amazed how fast my collection has grown, when i finally get to go threw it.
swh127 07:28 AM 01-26-2011
I smoke too many cigars for my collection to grow LOL
shvictor 08:32 AM 01-26-2011
maninblack 01:33 PM 01-26-2011
Originally Posted by Devanmc:
Ill have to post pictures once im home and have finished a taxes buying spree.
I think even ill be amazed how fast my collection has grown, when i finally get to go threw it.
We better not see pictures and pictures of flavours.
Matt-N-Ga 02:08 PM 01-26-2011
Awesome pics, I'm taking some of mine tonight.
Jenady 02:24 PM 01-26-2011
Originally Posted by Jenady:
Dooooooood, nice collection!
Bill86 02:45 PM 01-26-2011
Damn some of you have some awesome collections. Good lord.
MarioF 03:07 PM 01-26-2011
Originally Posted by Jenady:
Holy f'n cow, that is an awesome collection. If my wife saw that on our dining room table, that would be the end of it
Bageland2000 03:30 PM 01-26-2011
Kevin there is a TV show called hoarders, I went ahead and contacted them on your behalf. Be expecting a call from them soon.
pektel 03:33 PM 01-26-2011
Originally Posted by Bageland2000:
Kevin there is a TV show called hoarders, I went ahead and contacted them on your behalf. Be expecting a call from them soon.
And I'll be coming over to help "clean up".