kelmac07 02:13 PM 06-24-2010
601 Blue...hands down
DPG Black (distant second)
NCRadioMan 02:13 PM 06-24-2010
dannysguitar 02:47 PM 06-24-2010
Originally Posted by BryanB:
I like the Series JJ Sublime the best. NMSS Coffee Break is next. Only had 1 DPG I didn't enjoy.
Based on this statement, we should probably just make a thread about the DPG's we don't like.
BryanB 04:31 PM 06-24-2010
Originally Posted by dannysguitar:
Based on this statement, we should probably just make a thread about the DPG's we don't like.
TB Series H
Enjoy many of the blends he produces but recently I can't get enough of the Le Bijou line
pinotguy 09:44 PM 06-26-2010
El Centurion (especially the Emperadores) and Habana Leon (any size).
Habana Leon may be Pepin's BADDEST blend ever, Tats included. They pack a wallop with all of that ligero but are very balanced and smooth. Tremendous smoke.
Steelergar 07:25 AM 06-27-2010
the cigar king brands are the only pepin's I haven't tried. As soon as I can afford it their next on my list.
longknocker 07:48 AM 06-27-2010
fuente~fuente 08:45 AM 06-27-2010
It's hard for me to just pick out one.
:-) Although it may not be my most fave, I will give a little love to one nobody has mentioned yet that I've always had a soft spot for...
El Rey De Los Habanos
bvilchez 12:17 PM 06-27-2010
JJ Maduros all the way for me
Mirrorlure7m 01:52 PM 06-27-2010
Giralda Patriarca Medium with a beautiful Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper from Forcade Cigars made by Don Pepin Garcia.