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General Discussion>Job Interview
icantbejon 09:54 AM 06-21-2010
I'm actually glad I mentioned it, because I would have had no idea that they were testing for nicotine.

The wife and I are just settling down, tired of moving all over the country.
Pistol 10:00 AM 06-21-2010
Originally Posted by icantbejon:
I'm actually glad I mentioned it, because I would have had no idea that they were testing for nicotine.

The wife and I are just settling down, tired of moving all over the country.
They have a zero tolerance policy and test for nicotine?! I've never heard of actually testing for nicotine by an employer. I know that some life insurance plans require this, but I've never heard of this for health insurance. They may have a no smoking policy on company grounds, but they can't prevent you from smoking at home, can they?
icantbejon 10:06 AM 06-21-2010
Originally Posted by Pistol:
They have a zero tolerance policy and test for nicotine?! I've never heard of actually testing for nicotine by an employer. I know that some life insurance plans require this, but I've never heard of this for health insurance. They may have a no smoking policy on company grounds, but they can't prevent you from smoking at home, can they?
That seems to be everyones thought. However, as a corporate policy, they don't hire smokers. It is a mining company, so their miners aren't allowed to smoke at all. In an effort to not foster a "white house" mentality of do as I say, not as I do, they don't allow officer workers to smoke either. It's all kinda BS in my opinion. However, their company, their rules. They told me after being hired it wouldn't really be a problem.
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