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Sports>2010 NFL Draft Thread
doctorcue 10:20 PM 04-22-2010
I'm so happy with the Raiders taking McClain @ #8. We have needed a strong ILB presence; this will provide it. Now onto Round 2!!
GreekGodX 03:10 AM 04-23-2010
For as long as Best can stay healthy and provide the home-run threat he is, I am very happy with the Lions draft. I feel they could have gotten him in the 2nd round but who knows what was going on behind the scenes.
coastietech 06:18 AM 04-23-2010
I'm pretty stoked about the Jets pick up of Wilson... He will make a great addition to the nickel and is a powerhouse on special teams.

I still think Cody would have made a nice pick up with Jenkins being hurt last year and all, but overall I am very impressed with the move this team has made during offseason and this draft pick is no different. On paper there isn't a team in the NFL right now with more raw talent. Hopefully that shows up on the field. :-)
Bigwaved 06:30 AM 04-23-2010
Originally Posted by King James:
lets not forget he was not the only starter for that team last season. Not that he had a standout year regardless, but I'd take him over Orton
He did nothing with his opportunity in Cleveland. It really seemed like he was not playing with confidence. Either the offense was very limited play calling wise or he could not progress through his options down field last year. Teams did not have to respect any routes past 8-10 yards. It was pitiful. Painful to watch. He was not a trouble maker even though his stay in Cleveland was not very rosey. I wish him well, as soon as he plays for someone else besides the Broncos...
OLS 06:36 AM 04-23-2010
Originally Posted by forgop:
Tebow? He's already reached his ceiling. Excellent college player, but virtually every facet of his game translates to mediocre at the NFL. Dumb move IMO.
I see and hear this all the time, obviously, and NO ONE on earth hates
Tebow more than me, but this statement is chock full of holes and unknowables. I think you are
forgetting a little something called GOD.
DO you think Tebow's heavenly father will let him fail? snort! I don't see that happening.

OLS 06:40 AM 04-23-2010
Originally Posted by kelmac07:
My Bills need a QB and what do they draft??? A RB...nothing wrong at all with CJ SPiller, but Clausen would have been a perfect fit. Oh well...another cold season in Buffalo. :-) :-)
This was the surprise of the night for me as well. Tebow couldn't have come close to surprising me like
the Spiller pick did.
Kreth 06:42 AM 04-23-2010
Originally Posted by OLS:
I see and hear this all the time, obviously, and NO ONE on earth hates
Tebow more than me, but this statement is chock full of holes and unknowables. I think you are
forgetting a little something called GOD.
DO you think Tebow's heavenly father will let him fail? snort! I don't see that happening.

I think Tebow will be calling out to "Dad" the first time a Ray Lewis or Jared Allen puts a hit on him as he takes a minute or so to pick a receiver. :-)
Posted via Mobile Device
jmsremax 07:05 AM 04-23-2010
Originally Posted by forgop:
I personally don't see him even moving into the #2 spot ahead of Quinn.
Depends on how he does in camp. I can't disagree with your comment but Quinn sucks.
forgop 07:14 AM 04-23-2010
Seriously, do you have to knock a guy for being a well known Christian? It's one thing to evaluate his physical tools and ability to make it at the next level, but directing criticism or making a joke over his faith is weak IMO. In a world that lacks high character guys in professional sports and the corporate world, you'd think we'd be more happy to appreciate him on a personal level. It just shows how far we've fallen to resort to this level.
King James 07:35 AM 04-23-2010
Originally Posted by forgop:
Seriously, do you have to knock a guy for being a well known Christian? It's one thing to evaluate his physical tools and ability to make it at the next level, but directing criticism or making a joke over his faith is weak IMO. In a world that lacks high character guys in professional sports and the corporate world, you'd think we'd be more happy to appreciate him on a personal level. It just shows how far we've fallen to resort to this level.

I had more typed out, but don't think its worth posting. So will just leave it as I agree with you
St. Lou Stu 08:06 AM 04-23-2010
Originally Posted by jmsremax:
Depends on how he does in camp. I can't disagree with your comment but Quinn sucks.
I really don't see him playing this year unless Orton implodes (which could and has happened in the past).

All of the comments about him not having NFL talent are a little off base. He has talent that needs refined.
I'm not saying that he will be the second coming of Elway or anything like that, but if you look at the last 5-7 years of Denver QBs, this will be an improvement... if the coaching staff can restore some confidence into this kid and whip him into NFL shape. That isn't a huge stretch.

He needs work, but NFL coaching and training are light years ahead of what he has had to this point.
e.g. Tony Romo

Get a kid comfortable, coach him, and work with him. Do not throw him into the fire. Very few QBs comer into the NFL and thrive if thrown into the fire.
BeerAdvocate 08:47 AM 04-23-2010
Originally Posted by forgop:
Seriously, do you have to knock a guy for being a well known Christian? It's one thing to evaluate his physical tools and ability to make it at the next level, but directing criticism or making a joke over his faith is weak IMO. In a world that lacks high character guys in professional sports and the corporate world, you'd think we'd be more happy to appreciate him on a personal level. It just shows how far we've fallen to resort to this level.
:-) Couldnt have said it better.
I guess players that cheat on their wife, beat their girlfriend, have 7 kids with 7 different women, shoot up the club, smoke weed, and drink and drive make better stories!
Kreth 09:35 AM 04-23-2010
I apologize, maybe I should've used the phrase "crying like a little girl." Or would that offend our Girl Scout members?
My point is that Tebow will be eaten alive with his late release and insistence on keeping it *every damn time* he runs the option.
Posted via Mobile Device
King James 09:44 AM 04-23-2010
I would be part of the camp that thinks it would be possible to state the fact that you think Tebow will fail in the NFL without going out of your way to offend christians, girl scouts, or anyone else besides maybe Tebow himself.

Also, his new release/throwing action is much better if he can keep it.... but I still think he is not a franchise QB for the NFL
OLS 11:56 AM 04-23-2010
Originally Posted by forgop:
In a world that lacks high character guys in professional sports and the corporate world, you'd think we'd be more happy to appreciate him on a personal level. It just shows how far we've fallen to resort to this level.
That's because you relate religion with high character. So it would follow that you think people with No religious beliefs to be of low character? To me it shows how far Christianity has "fallen" in that believers continue to have a "we're right, you're wrong" mentality. How high in character do you think those Irish priests were? How high in character were Jim and Tammy? And these were people at the very top of the pile. And frankly the list goes ON AND ON. Sorry for offending you, but your argument is a little biased. People have been successfully making Tebow jokes for years and years. As for the actual sentiment, I think he is going to be fairly successful in the NFL. But religion, to me, is a highly sophisticated superstition. A money extraction device hiding behind the fear of a higher power.

And my goal is not to offend the religious. This is a free country, that I served to defend.
I welcome the fact that people can serve any god they wish, theoretically, in peace.
It binds communities together in a shared expectation of behavior and beliefs. But so does common sense and a general acceptance of right and wrong, acceptable and unacceptable behavior.

Mods, feel free to entirely delete this argument by me. But I was not making fun of his
religion, I was stating that I think that Tebow truly believes that his heavenly father will
intervene on his behalf.
OLS 12:01 PM 04-23-2010
I haven't had this much crap thrown since I rejoiced when he cried on the
sidelines after Alabama showed him how real football teams accomplish their
King James 12:06 PM 04-23-2010
Originally Posted by OLS:
I haven't had this much crap thrown since I rejoiced when he cried on the
sidelines after Alabama showed him how real football teams accomplish their
now that was funny, and your second post clarifies your argument much better. However, my post was not in reference to you being offensive so no hard feelings :-)
OLS 12:13 PM 04-23-2010
Originally Posted by King James:
now that was funny, and your second post clarifies your argument much better. However, my post was not in reference to you being offensive so no hard feelings :-)
And I def don't want to drag the thread down, this is not a religious thread. But I get raised hackles when the point is made in a certain way in my direction. Everyone knows I am an A-hole, we have established that long ago. But maybe now I see that raised hackles work both ways. I hate Tebow cause of the way he managed to escape countless opponents by miracles and still be part of the No.1 team. I rejoiced when his perspective was altered by the Tide.
As a NFL'er, I am part of the minority that thinks he is going to surprise alot of people.
Kreth 12:28 PM 04-23-2010
Originally Posted by OLS:
As a NFL'er, I am part of the minority that thinks he is going to surprise alot of people.
I'm tempted to ask if you want to put a 5er where your mouth (keyboard?) is, but I don't know how we could quantify something like that (too many variables)... :-)
Posted via Mobile Device
OLS 12:36 PM 04-23-2010
Excellent, back to football. You are right it would be hard to really fairly judge the results.
As for the measuring stick, I would say 'look at the man'. He is a big boy and will be playing with
big boys. At least for NOW, he has no fear it would seem. There might be mechanical problems,
but at the height of the arguments, I saw Tebow make the toughest throws there are with NO trouble.
They were on the 5 and everyone is thinking jump pass or something. He might have even faked
that throw, and then RIFLED the ball out to a sideline button hook right across the goal line.
Thrown PERFECTLY where no one could get it but his guy. Alot of people say that in FLA, all you have to
do is put the ball as far downfield as you can and let someone fast run under it. It WAS true. But
when Tebow has a throw to make, he usually makes it. And I hate him. People say wildcat this
and wildcat that, and they are right as far as it goes. But there are teams RIGHT NOW who could have
plenty of success with him, even under center. Granted, they would need a good O line to make it work
for a 16 game season, but if Tebow is the best you have, and in Denver, he might BE, I think they can
make it happen. And to be honest, EVERYBODY showed a little wildcat last year.
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