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Entertainment>Justified - DISCUSSION THREAD
ChicagoWhiteSox 03:21 PM 03-30-2010
Originally Posted by GKitty:
ok.. this week, I'm sure.... :-)


PeteSB75 08:16 AM 04-09-2010
Originally Posted by GKitty:
I'm wondering when we're going to get to meet Arlo. He sounds like a treat.
From the previews, it looks like we will meet him next week. Good ep this week. Thoroughly enjoying this show. :-)
GKitty 07:47 PM 04-13-2010

Time to meet daddy, Justified fans!!

12 minutes and counting.
GKitty 09:05 PM 04-13-2010
Arlo did not disappoint.
SmokeyJoe 10:03 AM 04-14-2010
I'm showing up late to this party... but thanks to the power of the "interwebs" (Thanks, Al Gore :-) ) I am caught up.

Holy Moley! My second favorite show to "Sons of Anarchy." Loved, LOVED the first episode. I also have the perspective of having lived in Southeast Kentucky (my daughter was born in Corbin) and I spent some time in "Bloody Harlan." Overall, they do a fairly good job of capturing the feel of the area.

Looking forward to more. :-)
kydsid 10:12 AM 04-14-2010
Well at least in this episode he finally managed NOT to shoot anyone. Love the show but shootin someone every time was gettin old.
GKitty 10:14 AM 04-14-2010
I was wondering how they were going to manage to keep him shooting in every episode. I like the emergence of the bat.

"Of course, I have a bat."
GKitty 07:21 AM 04-20-2010
gvarsity 10:53 AM 04-20-2010
I what I have seen so far. Still it is missing something at this point. SOA you could kind of see the big over arching story lines that tied the episodes and the season together. So far with Justified it seems the episodes are relatively unrelated.
GKitty 04:44 PM 05-04-2010
It's Tuesday... you know what's up.
SmokeyJoe 08:02 PM 05-04-2010
Look out... Bo is back on the street. :-)
GKitty 08:59 AM 05-05-2010
Lock up the women and children, it's a Crowder family reunion.
kydsid 09:23 AM 05-05-2010
I am sorry but so far all the Crowder characters bore me, one dimensional, stereotyped bad guys, and the actors potraying them seem to take it all half assed.

Olyphant may be in a stereotype but at least he tries.
captain53 09:38 AM 05-05-2010
I have tried to like this show but about to give up on it. Just seems like it gets cheesier and cheesier with bad acting and stupid plots. As much as I enjoy shoot-um-up shows this one is just not quite right!
PeteSB75 08:00 AM 05-21-2010
Great ep this week. Loved Raylan's prayer he says for Boyd's congregation.
Originally Posted by :
Dear Lord, before we eat this meal, we ask for forgiveness for our sins, especially Boyd, who blew up a black church with a rocket launcher and afterwards shot his associate Jared Hale in the back of the head on Tates Creek Bridge. Let the image of Jared’s brain matter on that windshield not dampen our appetite but may the knowledge of Boyd’s past sins help guide these men. May this food provide them with all the nourishment they need, but if it does not, may they find comfort in knowing the United States Marshals Service is offering $50,000 to any individual providing information that will put Boyd back in jail.

captain53 08:23 AM 05-21-2010
I gave up on watching it, just too rediculous and the acting is beyond bath. It started out with good potential but went down fast.:-)
SmokeyJoe 09:56 PM 06-08-2010
Despite the hatin' on the show... I love it!

I lived about 45 minutes from Harlan... visited several times... we always called it, "Bloody Harlan."

The finale was amazing! Can't wait for next season. :-)
newcigarz 08:10 PM 06-18-2010
just watched the season finale, thought it was a great. i almost gave up on this show, glad i stuck with it.
newcigarz 02:54 PM 01-06-2011
Bump for Justified.

Just saw that new season starts Feb 9th. :-)
GKitty 03:19 PM 01-06-2011
Well... it'll help take the edge off until SOA comes back in September. :-)
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