Cigar_Noob 07:27 PM 10-25-2009
i have spent approximately $4 so far..mhmm...I'm awesome like that...
:-) everything else I have been blessed enough to get for free
fyrftr 07:41 PM 10-25-2009
Cigar Noob
Thats way too much to spend on that GyV green & gamey!!
To OP, The amount/month veries widely, depending on overtime,bills, and what I can hide from the wife. prolly about $40-50 bucks a month on average. Some times I can sneak a stick or three from the local B&M.
Tim L.
Mr. Ed 07:51 PM 10-25-2009
What do they say??? It isn't the size of the boat, but the motion of the ocean?
Seriously though, spending varies from month to month, some months I buy almost nothing except for a few singles from the B&M or a sampler or two online (October/September/August) other months (July/June/May) I buy a several boxes, but usually there's a line I do not cross no matter what and that's about $175 unless something very interesting catches my eye. November and December present problems though because of deals and discounts for the holidays.
Bubba - NJ 08:06 PM 10-25-2009
Not as much as I would like to spend .

longknocker 08:08 PM 10-25-2009
Originally Posted by markem:
I don't spend money on cigars ... I lavish money on cigars
:-) Seems Like I Always Agree With You, Mark!
s15driftking 08:09 PM 10-25-2009
Originally Posted by Bubba - NJ:
Not as much as I would like to spend .
your kidding?
joeybear 08:13 PM 10-25-2009
I don't know and I don't care. If I really knew, I'd probably feel guilty but since I don't know, I'm good
hotreds 08:19 PM 10-25-2009
acarr 08:19 PM 10-25-2009
Ok since there is a lack of answers, I will shamefully say that I spent about $4000 in the last year. However, I have cut back drastically and have only bought 2 boxes since June.
Cigar_Noob 09:13 PM 10-25-2009
Originally Posted by fyrftr:
Cigar Noob
Thats way too much to spend on that GyV green & gamey!!
Tim L.
NU UH!! $4 for 2

icehog3 09:14 PM 10-25-2009
That's just disturbing, Hugh.
replicant_argent 09:25 PM 10-25-2009
Originally Posted by MajorCaptSilly:
I spend more on hookers if it makes you feel any better.
Scott, is this the part where we have the interventionalist conversation about "quality vs. quantity"?
Using arbitrary figures of course, you could spend 2 grand on 500.00 hookers 4 times, or 50 bucks..... er... hell, nevermind.
elderboy02 09:45 PM 10-25-2009
Darrell 09:47 PM 10-25-2009
Not as much as I used to spend. At one point it was like $500 a month.
Kreth 09:49 PM 10-25-2009
More than the wife approves of, less than I'd like to.
Lately I've been buying almost exclusively from cbid. You can score some great deals with patience and good timing.
Posted via Mobile Device
Skywalker 09:49 PM 10-25-2009
How much do you spend on cigars?
Depends on which vendor you are asking about!!!:-)
duckmanco 11:58 PM 10-25-2009
since april 09 its gone waaayy down, and it was mainly because I just didn't want to support the tax in anyway possible (and I still think the other shoe has yet to drop). But that attitude only lasted so long, what with new smokes coming out all the time. But I kept the frugality of it going, and have since really gotten into some amazing cheap smokes. So:
Prior SCHIP - sky was the limit, some months were multiple (upwards of 2-5) boxes anywhere from a min. of $100.00 and a max of $300.00 once
Post SCHIP - most months $0.00 with a general max of $50.00
I have come to really enjoy the thrill of the hunt for amazing cheap smokes... especially when you learn that most of the stuff you love is made from Nicaraguan Aganorsa leaf anyway.... lot to be had of that for wicked cheap.
smokin5 05:42 PM 10-26-2009
This question got me curious, so I went back over my records and was pleasantly surprised at the result.
Since 1/1/09, I've only spent a total of about $1,400.
Oh, plus the $60 I'm about to spend on 2 Padilla Commerative Samplers (4@ of Padilla 1932, 1948 & 1968 Robustos for $29.99 at Cigars Int'l, using the free shipping code).
KDKLOSS 06:50 PM 10-26-2009
Stocked up a new Cabinet and a vino. Averaged 400 a month over the last 5 months doing it. Both are now full so I've vowed to cut back on my spending. Of course I'm lying to myself because I have an empty large marine cooler calling me from the basement.
Starscream 06:53 PM 10-26-2009
Well under $100 a month. I'm a cheap bastage with too many people to feed in one house on a teacher's salary.
But I like what I smoke.