FallingSkies420 07:29 PM 04-13-2015
Originally Posted by pnoon:
Not really.
So explain to us your reason for joining. To enlighten us with your wisdom?
I already have, and I am not going to continue to talk to someone with an obvious grudge against me... I was just trying to help. goodbye.
markem 08:14 PM 04-13-2015
Originally Posted by FallingSkies420:
I already have, and I am not going to continue to talk to someone with an obvious grudge against me... I was just trying to help. goodbye.
I usually am sad when people go. Usually.
Anyone want to take a bet on if the door hit him on his way out?
pnoon 08:36 PM 04-13-2015
Originally Posted by FallingSkies420:
I already have, and I am not going to continue to talk to someone with an obvious grudge against me... I was just trying to help. goodbye.
Obviously you have no clue as to what the word grudge means.
Thanks for your "help". You'd be better served getting a job and a car, laying off the weed, and moving out of your parents basement.
icehog3 09:00 PM 04-13-2015
I can tell you the last part of your assumption is incorrect, as I am living in his parent's basement, and he is no where to be found. My, but you have a rather large basic knowledge gap.
AdamJoshua 09:03 PM 04-13-2015
Originally Posted by pnoon:
You'd be better served getting a job and a car, laying off the weed, and moving out of your parents basement. :-)
You could have just told me this in person, I don't know why you had to do it out in the open like this.
Originally Posted by AdamJoshua:
You could have just told me this in person, I don't know why you had to do it out in the open like this. :-)
Rude and unattractive, that's how he rolls.
OHMatt 08:08 AM 04-14-2015
Originally Posted by icehog3:
I can tell you the last part of your assumption is incorrect, as I am living in his parent's basement, and he is no where to be found. My, but you have a rather large basic knowledge gap. :-)
So that explains all of the empty Stoli Vodka bottles down here. But where did the Tito's bottle come from?
Knowledge gaps are abound! Elderboy knows how I like "filling gaps"!
Cigar smokers here who utilize Bics repent and all will be forgiven; go forth and spend your $1.50 on a Clipper instead!
"CLIPPER® is not only a lighter - it’s an eco-friendly, multi-purpose
device. It was the world’s first refillable gas lighter: CLIPPER® is
made in Barcelona since 1972. It’s unique round shape and the
special functions made it popular in over 80 countries.
CLIPPER® is a high tech quality lighter and it is customized with the
highest printing quality.
More than 10.000 different designs have been printed over the years
and tons of new collections and limited editions are launched per-
manently. This is why the CLIPPER® lighter is considered as highly
collectable. The largest known collections reach up to 4.000 different
Just need to find that URL for the eBay auction where I am selling them.
OHMatt 08:45 AM 04-14-2015
15 minute edit time! That has to be your doing Peter..
Originally Posted by FallingSkies420:
I recently switched to clipper from bic's, and can tell the difference, a... My thoughts on clipper/isobutane is that it appears to burn cleaner from my personal experience, and it must be safe if millions of Europeans have been using it for decades...
I see it now, our knowledge gap is because we aren't Europeans. Clipper must be safe if millions of Europeans have been using them for decades? BIC lighters can't be safe; 5 milllion of them are sold every day.
Time to go fill some better gaps.
longknocker 08:59 AM 04-14-2015
Originally Posted by OHMatt:
My ancient fuel thread resurrected by a 2-poster (troll). :-)
Looks like "clipper" realizes isobutane is better than N-butane as well.
I'm still using Brunton Fueltool and Primus Filling adapter with isobutane canisters and still clog free. I like the Brunton one better. I never purchased the Soto branded one.
Just Ordered Some Clipper Lighters. Your Fault, Matt!
pnoon 09:27 AM 04-14-2015
Originally Posted by OHMatt:
15 minute edit time! That has to be your doing Peter. :-)
Sorry, Matt. It's the software default.
See what I did here. I just filled your knowledge gap.
icehog3 09:47 AM 04-14-2015
Peter likes fillin' gaps.
markem 10:02 AM 04-14-2015
Originally Posted by icehog3:
Peter likes fillin' gaps. :-)
elderboy02 10:53 AM 04-14-2015
I am in for 843 depending if you can get them for 2 cents a piece.
OHMatt 11:19 AM 04-14-2015
Anybody still have the "other board" logo cigar cutters? I'm not sure what the minimum order was when Dave ordered them but I ordered 20. I still have a couple with the logo intact.
pnoon 11:21 AM 04-14-2015
Originally Posted by OHMatt:
Anybody still have the "other board" logo cigar cutters? I'm not sure what the minimum order was when Dave ordered them but I believe I was in for 20. I still have a couple with the logo intact.
They are collectors items for sure. I know I gave away and/or lost my last few of them a couple of years ago. Terrific single blade cutter.
Originally Posted by elderboy02:
I am in for 843 depending if you can get them for 2 cents a piece. :-):-)
Once you have them Dan I'll buy a few for double your money.
icehog3 07:32 PM 04-14-2015
elderboy02 07:44 AM 04-15-2015
Originally Posted by icehog3:
T.G. - 5
icehog 3 - 995
You forgot me
icehog3 09:36 AM 04-15-2015
Originally Posted by elderboy02:
You forgot me :-):-)
T.G. - 5
icehog 3 - 5
elderboy02 - 990