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General Discussion>Odd Names You've Encountered
Mr B 05:22 PM 09-21-2009
Went to school w/ a Barbi Growth
Worked w/ an American Indian meatcutter named Glenn Tall-white-man.
Brother had a friend whos Dad was named Bing Cherry.
Pilon 05:28 PM 09-21-2009
I worked with a gentleman whose name was Andrew Liss, his father's name was Dick. Honestly!
bobarian 05:29 PM 09-21-2009
When I was a kid, a guy around the corner from my house was named Rusty Weil! :-)
chippewastud79 06:02 PM 09-21-2009
Originally Posted by leasingthisspace:
My first name is Tabb. I have only met one other guy named Tabb.
Posted via Mobile Device
I know two other Tab(b)'s myself :-)
chippewastud79 06:03 PM 09-21-2009
Had a high school teacher Mr. (Craig) Beech who named his daughter Sandy. :-)
HK3- 07:33 PM 09-21-2009
At a previous job we had a guy down in our shipping department named Richard Little.... we called him Little Dick. :-)
Whee 07:50 PM 09-21-2009

GHC_Hambone 08:10 PM 09-21-2009
Originally Posted by illinoishoosier:

HAHA! I laughed out loud when I read that.
itsme_timd 08:16 PM 09-21-2009
There's a guy that works for my company and his birth certificate was mistyped so his first name is "Male"... true story! I thought he was joking until I got his DL and SS card for ID!

I went to high school with a girl named (I know I'm spelling this wrong) Gabriellashepleshette. She REFUSED to go by Gabriel or Gabby, apparently the name had religious signifance.
BlackDog 08:50 PM 09-21-2009
Originally Posted by illinoishoosier:

:-) :-) :-)
Cigary 09:00 PM 09-21-2009
Originally Posted by Doctorossi:

Penelope Poupstane

This one had me in stitches. Great thread here and just goes to show you that when you think your name might be just a bit strange, think what it could have been .

There was a guys name in S. Florida at a Publix Grocery Store whose first name was ABEER and his last name was Phoru. Some names are just funnier than others.
yachties23 09:09 PM 09-21-2009
Originally Posted by Poronico:
Working in a pharmacy in phoenix area I have seen quite a few, but the two that stick out most is a young child named Soda Popp and a 21 year old woman named Kandi Kane and yes she was a stripper and that was her real name.
When you name your daughter Kandi, you are preparing her for that.

I went to grammar school with a kid named Justin Case.
akumushi 09:09 PM 09-21-2009
I met some D-bag at a party once who apparently had some kind of existential crisis in his twenties and legally changed his name to Just A Name.
As for tacky names that people were given at birth, my fiancee's friend just had a son and she named him Vanderlei Jedi Gonzalez.
jjirons69 09:45 PM 09-21-2009
Charleston, SC phonebook:

Updegraves - Douglas, Philip, and Celia (better know as Dug, Fill, and Seal Updegrave)

Also knew a Dr. Peter Bendt in highschool.

My nickname is Dr. Long Van Hugendong :-)
kgoings 09:52 PM 09-21-2009
Worked with a guy named Pong ping.

We worked in Networking, and we would always ask him 'does it ping, pong?' might not get that unless your in IT
kgoings 09:53 PM 09-21-2009
Originally Posted by leasingthisspace:
My first name is Tabb. I have only met one other guy named Tabb.
Posted via Mobile Device
I know a Tab, he says when people ask his name it usually goes like this

Whats your Name
*silence* like the drink?

replicant_argent 10:13 PM 09-21-2009
I don't dig foghornable names. I did have a Chip Wood as a customer for a while a decade or so back.
icehog3 11:42 PM 09-21-2009
A couple great businesses near me in my youth....A guy named A.B. Dick had a construction company named "A.B. Dick Erectors".

Two brothers, Bill and Phil Enis, had used car dealerships on the same stretch of road. Phil's sign said "P. Enis Used Cars".

Of course there is also Chicago politician Richard Phalen....Dick for short. :-)
DPD6030 11:48 PM 09-21-2009
Sonny Forest Fog, real name mom and dad were hippies and native americans
BonVivant 12:56 AM 09-22-2009
A Korean girl, named See Yoo Soon
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