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General Discussion>How are you doing at the tables (Poker Thread)?
poker 04:59 PM 11-15-2008
I see what you are trying to say, but I dont think I can explain the kicker rule in place at these 2 casinos any easier for it to make more sense.
Ollie 08:22 AM 11-16-2008
Because everyone loves a bad beat story :-)...

Seat 2: Villain (3995 in chips)
Seat 7: SB (4260 in chips)
Seat 8: HERO (5245 in chips)
SB: posts small blind 100
HERO: posts big blind 200
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to HERO [Js Jc]
Villain: calls 200
SB: calls 100
HERO: raises 600 to 800
Villain: raises 600 to 1400
SB: folds
HERO: calls 600
*** FLOP *** [6c Jh 5c]
HERO: checks
Villain: bets 1000
HERO: raises 2845 to 3845 and is all-in
Villain: calls 1595 and is all-in
Uncalled bet (1250) returned to Quint45
*** TURN *** [6c Jh 5c] [4s]
*** RIVER *** [6c Jh 5c 4s] [Kd]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
HERO: shows [Js Jc] (three of a kind, Jacks)
Villain: shows [Kh Kc] (three of a kind, Kings)
Villain collected 8190 from pot
white_s2k 08:36 AM 11-16-2008
Originally Posted by Ollie:
Because everyone loves a bad beat story :-)...

Seat 2: Villain (3995 in chips)
Seat 7: SB (4260 in chips)
Seat 8: HERO (5245 in chips)
SB: posts small blind 100
HERO: posts big blind 200
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to HERO [Js Jc]
Villain: calls 200
SB: calls 100
HERO: raises 600 to 800
Villain: raises 600 to 1400
SB: folds
HERO: calls 600
*** FLOP *** [6c Jh 5c]
HERO: checks
Villain: bets 1000
HERO: raises 2845 to 3845 and is all-in
Villain: calls 1595 and is all-in
Uncalled bet (1250) returned to Quint45
*** TURN *** [6c Jh 5c] [4s]
*** RIVER *** [6c Jh 5c 4s] [Kd]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
HERO: shows [Js Jc] (three of a kind, Jacks)
Villain: shows [Kh Kc] (three of a kind, Kings)
Villain collected 8190 from pot
Wowwww... that's bad man. I would have done the same thing though.
JKim 02:26 PM 11-25-2008
Played some 1/2 PL Omaha/8, PL Omaha, and 2/4 Stud/8 last night in rotation. It was a nice change of pace. Stole some with pot sized bets on the turn and river. Scooped a few Stud/8 pots. It was fun.
KASR 09:47 AM 11-27-2008
I have a home game every Saturday and Sunday night (anyone in Oklahoma is welcome to play) - I take away with more than I came over 85% of the time...and we've been playing for about 2-3 years now.
Dealers choice of several fun games...last weekend I was up 400% on Saturday and 50% on Sunday. :-)
poker 12:51 PM 11-27-2008
Just got back from an unusually long session for me (4am-11am) of 8/16. Did alright and cashed out way more than my buy in. No special stories really, the cards just happened to fall in my favor today :-)
JKim 02:55 PM 12-03-2008
Very nice Kelly.. It's always a little surreal to play through the night and leave when the sun is blazing.

I'm heading to Tunica this weekend for some action Fri-Mon. Pray to the Poker gods for me. Maybe I'm in their favor. :]
Heliofire 02:59 PM 12-03-2008
I just started playing at full tilt poker and i was up earlier today but after a little losing streak I said that's enough for right now.
JKim 10:52 AM 12-04-2008
Last night's 4.5 hour session started dreary, lost half my buy-in in the first half hour. I hunkered down, made some good continuation bets and timed raises. Got most of my hands paid off when I had the best of it. Cashed out 7x my buy-in. wooot Tunica here I come.
poker 08:08 PM 12-04-2008
Originally Posted by JKim:
Last night's 4.5 hour session started dreary, lost half my buy-in in the first half hour. I hunkered down, made some good continuation bets and timed raises. Got most of my hands paid off when I had the best of it. Cashed out 7x my buy-in. wooot Tunica here I come.
Nice! :-):-)
JKim 02:09 PM 12-18-2008
I seem to be on a dry spell. I can't seem to get anything together. Didn't have much luck in Tunica a few weekends ago. Although I finished up ahead overall for the trip, I was disappointed by my play at the 1/2 NL tables.

Got beat of a pot last night playing a home game. I've got QQ middle position raised to 15. BB (tight player called)

Flop Q 8 rag. He checks, I bet 15 knowing he's got something good. He smooth calls.

Turn A - He checks, I bet 25, he raises to 50. He'd been check-raising me all night catching me when I'm trying to steal the pot. I figure I've got him this time.

River 8 - He comes out firing 30 which I expected. No way he can check the River. I raise to 90. He considers and stalls, then goes all in for about 120 on top of his original 30.

I felt the pain before I even had to look at his cards. Of course I called, he turned over pocket A's. Interesting he smooth called pre-flop and the flop. I couldn't make anything else happen after that really.

Lost my last hand of the night with JJ against the same guy. He had Ac Kc. Flop 10c 7c 7r. Of course I couldn't get him off his hand after the flop. He caught his K on the turn.
Silound 04:03 PM 12-18-2008
I play a local weekly tournament here at the shop, usually $20 NLH games, final two split 50/50.

Up about $1,000 this year. Hit a lucky month walking in with 40, walking out with over 200.
JKim 03:12 PM 01-28-2009
Here is the Scenario......

Let's say you're under the gun at a 1/2 NL Hold'em table. You've stepped away from the table for second, dealer asks what you would like to do. You say call blind. Middle position and late position limp in... You get back to the table and find you're holding Js 3s

Flop is Ks 8s 2s

You check. Middle position bet's 8, button calls, you call.

Turn is a blank

You check again, Middle position bet's 15, button calls, you call.

River is a blank

You come out firing 40, middle position folds, button without much thought raises to 140.

What do you do?

After the look of surprise in your face...... Button shows you the 7s....

You try and get a read off of button with some banter... What do you do?
JohnnyFlake 03:38 PM 01-28-2009
Originally Posted by JKim:
Here is the Scenario......

Let's say you're under the gun at a 1/2 NL Hold'em table. You've stepped away from the table for second, dealer asks what you would like to do. You say call blind. Middle position and late position limp in... You get back to the table and find you're holding Js 3s

Flop is Ks 8s 2s

You check. Middle position bet's 8, button calls, you call.

Turn is a blank

You check again, Middle position bet's 15, button calls, you call.

River is a blank

You come out firing 40, middle position folds, button without much thought raises to 140.

What do you do?

After the look of surprise in your face...... Button shows you the 7s....

You try and get a read off of button with some banter... What do you do?
You be foolish to raise at that point! Your only option, IMHO, is to call. He may be slow playing the nut flush!
BigAl_SC 03:58 PM 01-28-2009
Originally Posted by JohnnyFlake:
You be foolish to raise at that point! Your only option, IMHO, is to call. He may be slow playing the nut flush!
I agree you can't walk away. with out playing with them, they could be:
pushing you out of a missed draw; pushing with trips, 2 pair, or his own missed draw; or he's got you crushed with the nuts.

call and either you win(70%) or lose(30%).
JKim 04:51 PM 01-28-2009
So the money is right for you to call at a little better than 2 to 1 if the 70/30 percentage is right. Anyone think that you should fold in that position. Keep in mind this is a cash game, no tournament survival at stake here.
BigAl_SC 05:50 PM 01-28-2009
Originally Posted by JKim:
So the money is right for you to call at a little better than 2 to 1 if the 70/30 percentage is right. Anyone think that you should fold in that position. Keep in mind this is a cash game, no tournament survival at stake here.
The 70/30 is a guess without knowing the players and a 1/2 game. Knowledge of them or higher stakes would change that.
JKim 06:05 PM 01-28-2009
Your right about the stakes and the players. Even if you're a 34% dog in the hand the money is still right to call.

At any rate I'm the one on the button. J3 saves himself 80 bucks (all he had in front of him) and mucks his hand. I was pretty surprised because I've made the same move on bluffs medium strength and strong hands and been called in each scenario. I had Qs 7s.


On to the next scenario, button limps, SB with Ac Qh raises to 10, BB calls.

Flop Ah 8h 3h

In the small blind you bet 15. BB calls button folds.

Turn. 10h

2nd nut out of position you check. BB bets 25, what's your next move?
BigAl_SC 05:51 AM 01-29-2009
Originally Posted by JKim:


On to the next scenario, button limps, SB with Ac Qh raises to 10, BB calls.

Flop Ah 8h 3h

In the small blind you bet 15. BB calls button folds.

Turn. 10h

2nd nut out of position you check. BB bets 25, what's your next move?

25 into a 60 pot is probably a feeler bet. raise to 75 and either take it down or BB comes over the top all-in. either way you get the info without putting it all in.
JKim 08:52 AM 01-29-2009
Hey Big Al.. I meant to preface.. After the turn.. SB was sitting on about 150, BB had about 325. Same action?
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