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All Cigar Discussion>Look what I won today....
Scottw 09:04 AM 07-22-2009
rizzle 10:22 AM 07-22-2009
Now that is a great prize. Good on you bro.
jjirons69 11:11 AM 07-22-2009
Great prize! Enjoy!
DPD6030 12:25 PM 07-22-2009
Congrats Dan. Great looking kegerator. :-)
WyGuy 12:41 PM 07-22-2009
Very cool!
shilala 12:45 PM 07-22-2009
That is so unbelievably cool that there's no words.
Congratulations!!! :-)
Darrell 12:52 PM 07-22-2009
Very Nice!

and Coors Light? Really.

hornitosmonster 12:59 PM 07-22-2009
Very cool!! Enjoy!
chubby 02:09 PM 07-22-2009
Wow, congrats. I likey....
dubnick 02:18 PM 07-22-2009
Very Nice Win...
darkninja67 02:21 PM 07-22-2009
That is one hell of a prize.
Coors Light though? gah
That thing deserves something like Stone Arrogant Bastard or some Rogue Chocolate Stout at the least.
elderboy02 02:44 PM 07-22-2009
Ok, you guys decide what beer. I hate dark and full flavored beer like Sam Adams. I think Sam Adams tastes like absolute crap.

I like Blue Moon, Bud, Bud Light, Killians Irish Red.

What is a pricier beer along those lines that will make you all happy?
ade06 02:53 PM 07-22-2009
Originally Posted by elderboy02:
Ok, you guys decide what beer. I hate dark and full flavored beer like Sam Adams. I think Sam Adams tastes like absolute crap.

I like Blue Moon, Bud, Bud Light, Killians Irish Red.

What is a pricier beer along those lines that will make you all happy?
Kegstands with Blue Moon!!!
dubnick 02:54 PM 07-22-2009
Stella Artois
darkninja67 03:11 PM 07-22-2009
Go with Blue Moon out of those.
hornitosmonster 03:28 PM 07-22-2009
Blue Moon!!
BengalMan 04:26 PM 07-22-2009
Originally Posted by darkninja67:
That is one hell of a prize.
Coors Light though? gah
That thing deserves something like Stone Arrogant Bastard or some Rogue Chocolate Stout at the least.
Now your talking!

Dan, get with Micah as I think he had a list of what you can choose from.
The Poet 04:30 PM 07-22-2009
Originally Posted by elderboy02:
I am thinking about getting Coors Light.
You are? I thought you were gonna get some beer. :-)

Congratulations - that's one nice kegger.
gnukfu 04:31 PM 07-22-2009
That looks great! So the cigars come out the tap?
Random Guy 04:32 PM 07-22-2009
Very cool!! :-):-)
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