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View Poll Results: Does your significant other support cigar habit
NO, Not at all... 42 17.57%
Smoking yes... buying NO... 35 14.64%
Yes, but, Get that thing OUTSIDE!! 120 50.21%
you smoke in bliss together! 51 21.34%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 239. You may not vote on this poll
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All Cigar Discussion>Does your significant other support smoking cigars
Skywalker 11:18 AM 07-10-2009
With a username like "Cigarwife", I think she is supportive!!!:-)

My wife has pushed me down the slope faster than most people on this board!!!

Thanks to Mean Darrell's significant other, she has begun smoking the flavored cigars... on occation!!!

NickyTeen 11:25 AM 07-10-2009
My wife is ok with it because she knows how much I enjoy it. Sometimes she'll take a puff or two or three. But I also get " that one really stinks" once in a while. All in all she's pretty good with it.
colimo 11:31 AM 07-10-2009
mine tolerates it outside, but likes my pipe better....she won't let me make a mancave in an area of the unfinished basement...and if she only knew what i have spent in the last 6 months...:-) PP=office supplies
Starscream 11:37 AM 07-10-2009
I smoke cigars, she smokes cigarettes. She complains about my purchasing cigars all the time, but no complaints about me smoking them.
stitch 11:39 AM 07-10-2009
Yep, she does ... In fact every evening we take a break together, sit out in the back 40 and watch the mountains turn colors and share a cigar or two.
She even has her own private little stash.
She doesn't complain that I smoke in my office, or in the shop, She say's My home is my castle.
She doesn't really like the fact that I smoke a few cigaretts a day, but I roll my own out of natural additive free tobacco so she really doesn't bug me about it.
I'm a grown Adult and she treats me like one.
She's a keeper! :-)
Commander Quan 11:59 AM 07-10-2009
Originally Posted by andysutherland:
I smoke cigars, she smokes cigarettes. She complains about my purchasing cigars all the time, but no complaints about me smoking them.
:-) Exactly. Although her dad is my biggest supporter. He's been quite a hit out at the country club ever since he started showing up with PSD4s for himself and all his friends.
TripleF 12:14 PM 07-10-2009
Originally Posted by WildBlueSooner:
No she doesnt..and for some reason I like it that way!

:-) Well put James :-)
tsolomon 12:28 PM 07-10-2009
She not only smokes cigars, but plays golf as well. :-)
bdcigarsmoker 01:01 PM 07-10-2009
Mine will sit outside with and steal puffs of what I have. I am thinking about getting a couple of small flavored ones for her to try. Sometimes she makes comments about my investment, but since I sold the Harley she is ok with my new hobby. It's cheaper and less likely to get me run over by a blue hair that can't drive anymore.

Smoke on
tobii3 01:15 PM 07-10-2009
Lemme think about this.....

Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

gonzo 01:25 PM 07-10-2009
My wife actually smoked regulary before I did...and encouraged me to smoke more often...and she gets upset when the humidor gets poorly stocked....YES, I am very, very lucky!!
TomHagen 02:40 PM 07-10-2009
Originally Posted by AndyMadera:
Thread title says it all, parents count too for those who still live at home

Mine doesnt like it at all...
and you make the things!
gnukfu 02:41 PM 07-10-2009
Didn't have the exact answer I was looking for but she doesn't mind me smoking cigars....doesn't really care about the buying either....but she doesn't smoke cigars.
TheBeard 03:15 PM 07-10-2009
Originally Posted by Skywalker:
My wife has pushed me down the slope faster than most people on this board!!!
I feel your pain, brother. Tanith is a whirlwind, and I can't hope to tread water against her pre-embargo CCs. Ah, but it has been a great trip down this slope so far.
looking for know 03:17 PM 07-10-2009
Mine likes to have a "taste" or two off almost every stick I smoke....but financial support? Not even close.
Catfish 03:25 PM 07-10-2009
she loves the smell of em, will take the occasional puff, offers to buy me any I want, will sit with me for hours while i kill stick after stick.

She liked the smell of it so much, I got her puffin on a Don Lino Africa the other night.

GFD, it was awesome.
bowhnter 07:17 PM 07-10-2009
My wife is a trooper! 100* out just now and she still sat out with me. Not everday, but at least on the weekends she does.
groogs 07:20 PM 07-10-2009
My wife doesn't mind my cigar habbit, unless she comes home early and catches me in the house with a cigar.:-)
hotreds 07:40 PM 07-10-2009
No problemo here!
kgraybill 08:32 PM 07-10-2009
Although she does not smoke, she makes sure that I get the CI catalog first thing when I come home.
I wonder if she has upped my life insurance.:-)
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