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Entertainment>Any House fans here?
elderboy02 09:34 PM 04-12-2009
The bands look a lot like the Flor de Oliva Maduro bands:

Don Fernando 03:41 AM 04-13-2009
Originally Posted by LooseCard:

Wrapper is close to some I've seen, but not positive they were ISOMs. Likely to be a specialized line....
I think it's more likely those are not CC's.
elderboy02 06:04 AM 04-13-2009
Originally Posted by Don Fernando:
I think it's more likely those are not CC's.
Especially since the show is filmed in the US.
Whee 08:48 PM 04-30-2009
This is pretty funny. clips of interviews with Hugh Laurie.
akumushi 02:28 AM 10-01-2009
The box they came in was some black varnished thing, nothing came to mind when I saw them either. Poor house got gifted some fauxhibas!
GreekGodX 04:29 AM 10-01-2009
I can't read any of this thread because I'm still watching season 1. Great show and I'm sure I haven't seen anything yet
elderboy02 05:52 AM 10-01-2009
I really like the new season. The Asylum episode (season opener) was very, very well written
LooseCard 08:21 AM 10-01-2009
Definitely going to be an interesting season.

Going back to the old team... it's like deja-vu all over again!

And, with possibility of a new team coming in....
The Poet 04:47 PM 10-01-2009
I have enjoyed this show since the start. but I do wonder how many more times they will try their best to jump the shark. First, his original staff leaves, but not really. Then House channels Survivor/Princeton to find replacements, while Foreman really does leave, but not really. Then Thirteen is a lesbian, but not always. Then House causes the death of his best friend's - well, only friend's - girl. Then Chase catches Cameron, or maybe not. Then the whole suicide/murder/whatever thing with the guy I cannot help but think as Kumar. Then the ghost of girlfriend past starts haunting House, while he and Cuddy finally get cuddly - or maybe not. Then House commits himself, or maybe is committed. Then . . . well, you get my point, and I've left out several I am sure.

You do crap like this long enough, often enough, and the show becomes a soap. Such is my fear.
MedicCook 11:05 PM 10-01-2009
#13 is all the show needs.
Mark C 07:30 AM 10-02-2009
Originally Posted by MedicCook:
#13 is all the show needs.
:-) Saw her on the front of a magazine last weekend in the airport, not sure if it was GQ or Maxim or something like that.
Genetic Defect 08:01 PM 10-03-2009
Originally Posted by Mark C:
:-) Saw her on the front of a magazine last weekend in the airport, not sure if it was GQ or Maxim or something like that.
MedicCook 10:52 PM 10-03-2009
She was on Letterman last night. Looking awesome.
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