WildBlueSooner 05:36 PM 03-13-2009
Originally Posted by Tenor CS:
Please bear in mind, I am also looking for an animal that costs $20 or less to purchase. Last time I saw ferrets in a pet store, they were $100. And wife just gave me a dirty look when I said skunk.
Her reply: Your farts are all the stink I can handle.
Promise her you will stop farting if you get the skunk. She will gladly accept that trade. Then just go back on your word. Easy enough!
I called the expert today and she said to get a longhair or "teddy bear" hamster. They are the friendliest. Don;t get a plastic cage because it makes them sweat a little and make sure they don;t have "wet tail".
taltos 05:43 PM 03-13-2009
I agree with Sean about getting a Teddy Bear if you get a hamster. Another tip is that if the place sexes them, a male if friendlier and less prone to biting than a female.
Originally Posted by taltos:
I agree with Sean about getting a Teddy Bear if you get a hamster. Another tip is that if the place sexes them, a male if friendlier and less prone to biting than a female.
True. We got females because the males came with a couple of large accessories that made my daughter giggle waaaaaayy too much.
Crap, I just agreed with a masshole AND a Pats fan....
taltos 05:48 PM 03-13-2009
Originally Posted by illinoishoosier:
True. We got females because the males came with a couple of large accessories that made my daughter giggle waaaaaayy too much.
Crap, I just agreed with a masshole AND a Pats fan....:-)
Hey Bozo, I made the first mistake and agreed with you.
Originally Posted by taltos:
Hey Bozo, I made the first mistake and agreed with you.:-):-)
You're right...damn it...
hotreds 06:09 PM 03-13-2009
nozero 06:18 PM 03-13-2009
Which ever you decide on, please don't expose them to wood shavings...
We used CareFRESH, manufactured from 100% wood pulp fiber for our small pets. It does not cover the odor as well (at all), but if it stinks, you need to change the litter... It also pays to remove the wet spots frequently (daily) with a scoop and replace it with a handful of fresh from the bag.
The problem I have with little creatures is that we have enough time to get very attached to them and then they leave us. But, on the brighter side, if you can give them a good, happy, healthy life, you done good.
My friends and co-workers thought I was crazy when I paid about $150 to have one of our cavies (guinea pigs) ovarian cysts removed. She was getting bald spots on her sides so I took her to the vet. They said she had two to three months if we didn't take care of the problem, she (Pebbles) lived two more years after we had it done. She made it to six years old, our others lived to be three or four. She loved dandelion leaves and St. Augustine grass, but she only got either if they'd never been chemically fertilized.
I'll stop now... Yeah, I know...
MithShrike 06:50 PM 03-13-2009
Originally Posted by WhoDeySchenk:
how about a cute cuddly Sugarglider. They make great pets, very affectionate. I believe they're better off in pairs, so you'll need 2.
My old roommates had about 6 sugar gliders after the initial pair mated. They are very affectionate and a lot of fun. The little noise they make sounds pretty cool, almost like a wind up toy.
That being said, they smell. Bad. I couldn't ever go into my old roommate's bedroom. Also, to properly care for a sugar glider they require a very large habitat. The habitat my old roommates built was about 6 feet long by 6 feet high, and 4 feet deep. It was considered small in the sugar glider world apparently. They need room to glide in their habitat.
AD720 07:45 PM 03-13-2009
Originally Posted by illinoishoosier:
This put an unfortunate picture in my head...a nice one, but unfortunate...:-)
Originally Posted by lightning9191:
I'd like to thank you for putting the strangest image in my head so far today.
Originally Posted by smokeyandthebandit05:
Can't argue with results though!
Tenor CS 10:16 PM 03-13-2009
Quick update. We went to the pet store today to look at some animals.
We found a super cute mouse and tried to play with him, and it was way too skittish. Plus, I can't get my "fluffy pet play" fix from something that's so small.
They didn't even have any teddy bear hamsters. Just the weird Russian and Chinese ones. We didn't like them.
The rats ... eh, we weren't feeling much love for them. Plus, all they had were males, who have these huge nuts they drag all over.
The guinea pigs were awesome. They let us hold them and cuddled into our chests. We decided to sleep on it.
As we left the store, my wife rubbed her eye. Uh oh. Bright red, burning, won't stop tearing. It appears that wifey is allergic to guinea pig fur.
No small rodent pets for me, not in the near future, anyway.
Thanks for all the advice, though.
lightning9191 11:04 PM 03-13-2009
That's too bad about your wife being allergic to other furry animals....you could get a turtle and put a wig on its shell or some faux fur.....if you do please post pics.
shilala 01:49 AM 03-14-2009
Originally Posted by Tenor CS:
As we left the store, my wife rubbed her eye. Uh oh. Bright red, burning, won't stop tearing. It appears that wifey is allergic to guinea pig fur.
Christian, I'm not sure that's "allergic". I don't think there's anyone that can touch a guinea pig and touch their eyes and not have that happen.
Certain rabbits cause the same problem.
Usually people will tell you to wash your hands. I'm not sure why they didn't tell you that at the pet store, but it comes with the territory.
I'd always thought it was from the bedding, because cedar and pine is aromatic and irritates eyes anyways. We've kept pigs on the ground (my daughter used to buy them at auction and bring them home a dozen at a time to sell them) and it goes a long way toward alleviating the problem. Bedding them in newspaper helps a lot, too.
Tenor CS 07:40 AM 03-14-2009
Originally Posted by shilala:
Bedding them in newspaper helps a lot, too.
I thought newspaper was bad because the ink was poisonous? Well, maybe not poisonous, but definitely not good for them.