BC-Axeman 06:38 PM 02-25-2009
Originally Posted by MarkinCA:
That's absolutely correct and a part of history that may have been white washed from our childrens school cirriculum. In Nazi Germany, it was gun registration, gun confiscation, and then the round-up and extermination of the Jewish people...
Hitler was very charming, charismatic, an excellent speaker, full of hope for change. He was extremely popular and had unopposed support from the media. He turned the economy around from a severe depression. Some people didn't agree with him and they had to be shown how they were mistaken. He may have gone a little too far, here or there. Now Stalin really had it down. His Utopia almost succeded.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated. Or eliminated.
BTW, gun registration (not equals) extermination.
M1903A1 06:54 PM 02-25-2009
Originally Posted by Silound:
I just don't see how, under any circumstances, the government will ever be able to take away legally registered guns. Look what hell the automatic weapons ban went through to pass, and they're still legal if they were manufactured before a certain year (84 I think?), which a large number were indeed.
The "automatic weapons ban" was passed on a voice vote (of questionable legality) as part of an overall pro-gun package in 1986. Anything that was registered with the ATF before May 19, 1986 (the day the bill became law) is still legal and transferable (with prices to match).
The so-called "assault weapon ban" was a whole 'nother matter and revolved around physical characteristics (bayonet lugs, magazine capacities etc.) that really had very little to do with how potentially lethal a given gun was.
Another reason why I don't like the idea of registration is...suppose somebody gets hold of part of the registry? That would be an easy way for anybody with a mind towards stealing something to "go where the pickin's are".
taltos 07:09 PM 02-25-2009
Keep in mind that the British tried to disarm subjects in the Colonies whose loyalty to the crown was questionable. This is why in New England there were huge caches of weapons around Lexington and Concord. The British also tried to disarm the Irish and the Indians when attempting to subjugate them.
Registration equals easier disarmament of law abiding citizens. That is the step taken before the suspension of the Constitution and whoever is President installing themself as dictator. This is why the Second Amendment is so important.
MarkinAZ 07:16 PM 02-25-2009
Originally Posted by BC-Axeman:
BTW, gun registration (not equals) extermination.
Hopefully, you got my point Lance how one individual had a hard-on for the Jewish population. Fortunately, he did not succeed at his goal, but did make a determined effort to totally eliminate these kind and wonderful people. It started with the registration and then the disarming of the population, who then could not defend themselves from an overbearing and oppressive government.
This, I will not allow to occur in my country, period...
Sauer Grapes 08:15 PM 02-25-2009
Originally Posted by Rabidsquirrel:
Of course they won't legally buy them. The get their family/wives/girlfriends to legally buy them and give them to them.
I don't need people to keep telling me that criminals don't follow the law. They're called criminals for a reason, I realize that. If you crack down on the people that willingly give known criminals a handgun, it's a start.
There is no way for their family/wives/girlfriends to
legally buy them and give them to them. In doing so, they have lied on a federal form and committed at least two felonies. Any straw purchase is an illegal purchase through fraud and therefore those guns weren't purchased legally. You pretty much just gave ANOTHER example of how criminals will find a way to get a gun. At what point do we stop punishing the law abiding citizens?
As I see it, there are two options.
1) take all guns (criminals will still have them, but there will be less around for sure)
2) enforce the current laws with very strict punishments, ones that some will even call too much. Of course, that'll never fly because we protect criminals in this country because "it's not their fault" and "it's society's fault." Seriously, IMO, if a convicted felon is found in possession of a firearm, I think it should be mandatory life in prison.
Silound 08:21 PM 02-25-2009
Originally Posted by BigAl_SC:
1930's Germany, Those that didn't support the government, lost their weapons. Who would have believed the things congress has done in the last 12 months, back in 1982. Please don't let this get political. Its against the rules......
Being from South Carolina, I appreciate you using the correct name.:-):-):-)
Originally Posted by BC-Axeman:
Hitler was very charming, charismatic, an excellent speaker, full of hope for change. He was extremely popular and had unopposed support from the media. He turned the economy around from a severe depression. Some people didn't agree with him and they had to be shown how they were mistaken. He may have gone a little too far, here or there. Now Stalin really had it down. His Utopia almost succeded.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated. Or eliminated.
BTW, gun registration (not equals) extermination.
Off topic, but Godwin's Law wins again
:-) Reductio ad Hitlerum!
/threadjack off
Sauer Grapes 08:43 PM 02-25-2009
Also... registration is unnecessary in the prevention of straw purchases. If a gun used in a crime is found, and they haven't completely removed the serial number beyond restoration, then the ATF has the ability to trace the history of the gun back to any purchase that took place through an FFL, and a lot of times even some purchases that weren't through an FFL. They are able to catch straw purchasers now without registration.
Genetic Defect 11:18 PM 02-25-2009
white_s2k 10:56 AM 02-26-2009
"An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life." – Robert A. Heinlein
BC-Axeman 11:18 AM 02-26-2009
"Freedom isn't free, slavery is." -- Me
BigAl_SC 11:35 AM 02-26-2009
Originally Posted by Big Vito:
I am out of this one ....
While I have definite opinions on where this bill is leading, I agree that as this has the potential to go from gun control to political, I am also out of this one as of now.
taltos 01:45 PM 02-26-2009
Originally Posted by white_s2k:
"An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life." – Robert A. Heinlein
Lazarus Long? Have to read him again.
BC-Axeman 02:44 PM 02-26-2009
"Time Enough for Love"
A most excellent book.
BC-Axeman 11:34 AM 02-27-2009
I heard that the reason they want to ban "assault rifles" is to keep "sophisticated weapons" from USA going to MEXICAN drug criminals. This is so absurd on so many levels that only a government propagandist could come up with it.
Since when is a cheap Chinese AK47 a "sophisticated weapon" anyway?
For those who see no risk in registration, see England, Canada, and Austraila as examples. Registration is usually followed by confiscation. Once they have a list, it's much easier.
"Laws that forbid the carrying of arms. . . disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes. . . Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man."
- Thomas Jefferson
The Constitution preserves "the advantage of being armed which Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation. . . (where) the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms." -- The Federalist, No. 46
- James Madison
The problem with this bill is that it does not target criminals or outlaws. Most gun legislation does not attack the black market or illegal trafficking of guns which it should. It targets honest everyday citizens and their wallets. I could pull up some stats from Australia and how their crime rate has gone through the roof since they banned guns but I'll let some one else do that.
M1903A1 09:28 PM 02-27-2009
Originally Posted by BC-Axeman:
I heard that the reason they want to ban "assault rifles" is to keep "sophisticated weapons" from USA going to MEXICAN drug criminals. This is so absurd on so many levels that only a government propagandist could come up with it.
Since when is a cheap Chinese AK47 a "sophisticated weapon" anyway?
Ironically, as I understand it, a selective-fire AK is actually CHEAPER on the world market ($150-200?) than any semiauto AK you could find in the States. And there's literally tens of millions of them out there.
Originally Posted by M1903A1:
Ironically, as I understand it, a selective-fire AK is actually CHEAPER on the world market ($150-200?) than any semiauto AK you could find in the States. And there's literally tens of millions of them out there.
I've read you can buy full-auto AKs in Iraq for $50, and it's 100% legal.
BC-Axeman 09:57 PM 02-27-2009
All of the vids and pictures of Mexican drug criminals showed them with some kind of AK variant. They are very cheap and available anywhere but here.
TheRiddick 10:09 PM 02-27-2009
I never wanted to buy a gun before, but all this non-sense lately is making me rethink this. I'll probably buy one soon.