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Discussion>Whats in your bowl?
TheTraveler 01:42 PM 10-26-2008
I'm getting ready to light up a bowl of Borkum Riff Whiskey in a no-name briar. :-)
groogs 10:46 PM 10-26-2008
I have been away from the pipe for quite some time, but this evening I decided to pack some Christmas Cheer 06 into my NordinfFreehand and light it up. I now remember what I liked so much about smoking a pipe.
TheTraveler 08:00 AM 10-27-2008
Originally Posted by groogs:
I have been away from the pipe for quite some time, but this evening I decided to pack some Christmas Cheer 06 into my NordinfFreehand and light it up. I now remember what I liked so much about smoking a pipe.
Welcome back! :-)
Mister Moo 08:38 AM 10-27-2008
Dipping from a tin of Robert McConnells Red Virginia in a sweet little WDC. I've been puffing on this on and off for the past month or so, changing pipes and trying it on for size. Nice.
Hydrated 12:37 PM 10-27-2008
1792 Flake in my Butz-Choquin. OMG!

Never again.

Read the review.
DrDubzz 03:42 PM 10-27-2008
Trout Stream, very tasty

wasn't sure what to open, but the smell of this told me I couldn't pass it up
petewho 03:55 PM 10-27-2008
Sunjammer in the nice cob that Hydrated bombed me with.
Dgar 04:23 PM 10-27-2008
shirlocks choice ,bulk from local tinderbox, im trying this again, still a newb and this one dosent smell all nicey nicey like the aromatics.. but I'm trying one more time. to soon to call, but so so Okay.. so far
nonameman 10:59 AM 10-28-2008
Anniversary Kake after lunch today. My daily smoke lately.
petewho 03:32 PM 10-28-2008
C&D Star of the East bulk
Dgar 04:09 PM 10-28-2008
Blue @ Grey... an english blend from the local B/M still trying to decided If I like the english tobaccos.
floydp 04:35 PM 10-28-2008
Think I'm going to pack a bowl of Squadron Leader in Mastro de Paja.
TheTraveler 04:52 PM 10-28-2008
I just filled my Savinelli with Dunhill Royal Yacht. :-)
mugwump 08:34 PM 10-28-2008
I enjoyed a bowl of Shortcut to Mushrooms in a brand new Meerschaum this afternoon. I forgot how much Latakia was in this blend and have been tasting it ever since. Still good though.
petewho 01:10 PM 10-29-2008
Dunhill Elizabethan mixture
petewho 02:49 PM 10-29-2008
Originally Posted by petewho:
Dunhill Elizabethan mixture
Since I am smoking little 1/2 and 1/4 bowls to cake my pipe, when this was done I loaded the cob with Bracken Flake and am smoking it now. And it is good stuff.
DrDubzz 05:21 PM 10-29-2008
peterson university flake

first bowl of it, pretty good so far
DrDubzz 06:06 PM 10-29-2008
update, about halfway through the bowl and not really liking it anymore. I think I"ll smoke something else to finish with a more pleasant experience.

I think I might cellar this for a while and hope it improves
Mennald 12:30 AM 10-30-2008
Started the evening with butternut burley in an Ashton bulldog and decided to end it with Boswell Christmas Cookie in a Castello bent egg. Both were equally nice smokes.
DrDubzz 12:38 AM 10-30-2008
how is Christmas cookie? it sounds nice
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