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General Discussion>Will 500 members happen tonight?
poker 12:48 PM 10-20-2008
Correct. If you look at the member list at CS, and look at posts, reverse the order from lowest to highest, you'll see there are pages and pages of members that have 0 to 1 post.
BC-Axeman 12:50 PM 10-20-2008
Originally Posted by RGD.:
The forum program itself will classify active verse in-active based on the amount of time between posts, etc. So on a new forum - anyone who signs up is going to be listed as active.

I figured that. That was no surprise. What seemed strange to me is that at the old site the total members is still about the same but the active members has shot up by about 2000. It could be that a whole bunch of inactive members have logged in to see what's going on.
awsmith4 12:51 PM 10-20-2008
Originally Posted by BC-Axeman:
I figured that. That was no surprise. What seemed strange to me is that at the old site the total members is still about the same but the active members has shot up by about 2000. It could be that a whole bunch of inactive members have logged in to see what's going on.
Or someone changed the setting on how long between posts makes you inactive
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