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General Discussion>Pet peeves lets hear em.
ActionAndy 04:55 PM 04-16-2009
Originally Posted by WildBlueSooner:
When someone calls milk "melk"
When someone says soda pop
When someone says yuns

I knew a kid in high school that said melk, and also referred to monsters as "mongster."
leasingthisspace 06:54 PM 04-16-2009
I hate when your wife and kids are in a different state and your mother-in-law is going to watch your 2 year old and some how your 2 year old:
opens a big glass door
walks outside
gets herself into the EMPTY pool
and you don't her about it til the next day

Thank God it was empty.
MedicCook 06:59 PM 04-16-2009
People who do not put the toilet paper on the dispenser the correct way.
Texan in Mexico 07:33 PM 04-16-2009
That little section of the windshield that normal wipers dont get to when you are trying to clean the dust off the winshield.
BlackDog 09:29 PM 04-16-2009
I've gotten to the point where traffic really doesn't bother me. There are a bunch of idiots out there, and it's not going to change. Don't get your blood pressure up over it.

My pet peeve is bad spelling. I do misspell things occasionally, but I hate when the person writing doesn't seem to even try to spell properly. There is a MN fishing board I frequent, and sometimes I really have to "bite my tongue" when reading some posts, so as to not give the poster a ration of crap for their bad spelling. "Jeez dude, are you really that dumb?"
Junior 09:39 PM 04-16-2009
Originally Posted by WildBlueSooner:
When someone says soda pop
Where I come from any carbonated drink is a coke not a pop or soda pop it is all a coke.

Close talkers you know the ones. They want to be nose to nose to speak to you.

People who limp wrist for a hand shake.
ActionAndy 06:18 AM 04-17-2009
Originally Posted by Junior:

People who limp wrist for a hand shake.
Give them the weasel. This is when you take your middle finger and stroke their palm 3 or 4 times during a handshake. I did it to my principal at high school graduation.
poker 06:47 AM 04-17-2009
When the brilliant ones decide to post a stupid thread with a title like "this thread sucks" in a classic baiting fashion.
rack04 06:56 AM 04-17-2009
I get aggravated with bad drivers and stupid people.
Hardcz 07:11 AM 04-17-2009
Originally Posted by Junior:
The thing that floored me was he came and apologized for it about an hour later.
Just shows he wasn't an a.hole.... takes some balls to do that.

Originally Posted by Junior:
Where I come from any carbonated drink is a coke not a pop or soda pop it is all a coke.

People who limp wrist for a hand shake.
Well that's wrong... it's a Soda...

And is up with people who can't shake a hand properly... SQUEEZE THAT SUCKER!!!
IBQTEE1 08:45 AM 04-17-2009
When people say that they are going to call you and you know full well they are not. Just don't say it and then everything will be ok. Yep, I know I am a girl.
ahc4353 08:48 AM 04-17-2009
Originally Posted by poker:
When the brilliant ones decide to post a stupid thread with a title like "this thread sucks" in a classic baiting fashion.
:-) Image
Junior 09:37 AM 04-17-2009
Originally Posted by Hardcz:
Just shows he wasn't an a.hole.... takes some balls to do that.

It sure did, and I respect him for it.

Well that's wrong... it's a Soda...

No it is a Coke.

And is up with people who can't shake a hand properly... SQUEEZE THAT SUCKER!!!

That's what I do my grip gets tighter when they limp wrist it.
Here are a couple of golf ones I have.

People that stand up at the tee box and BS with everyone in there group for 10 minutes before teeing off.

We have pretty open fairways where I play. Well one day I shanked one into another fairway, and someone coming up from the hole ahead of us tried to pick up my ball. The kicker when he tossed a ball back out it wasn’t the ProV1 that I hit it was a cheap junk ball.

And the last one people that hit into you. People this is not my fault I have to wait for the group ahead of me before I can hit, and they usually don’t even yell fore. I got so steamed a couple of years ago when one almost hit my mom that I hit that ball into the woods for them. I had asked them a couple of times to please not do that, and I let my temper get the better of me.

Ball marks you made em you fix them. We all have to do our part to keep the course in good shape for everyone.
e-man67 10:03 AM 04-17-2009
I agree with you on all accounts...and I will add:

Improper speech and the thug talk kills me as well.
(I am not a scholar nor perfect but come on!)

Drivers driving with their turn signal on.

Tailgaters, especially when I was on my Harley.
(I would slow down, yell, and tell them to back off...along with a bird sign)

When musicians and celebs voice their political opinions.
(Just sing and act and shut the hell up)
loki 10:08 AM 04-17-2009
Originally Posted by Junior:
Where I come from any carbonated drink is a coke not a pop or soda pop it is all a coke.

soda or pop are the only acceptable names for a carbonated beverage. Right now I'm drinking a coke, before this I had a pepsi maxx, after this I will have a cheerwine. only one of them is called "coke".
ahc4353 10:28 AM 04-17-2009
A man using the word "peek" in a banter thread.

Man rule 274B Section 2 states the following: The word "peek" shall never be used in written or spoken form involving another man. If you want to use the word "peek" it can only be said to a women in private in a phrase such as, "can I have a peek".
WildBlueSooner 12:05 PM 04-17-2009
Originally Posted by loki:
soda or pop are the only acceptable names for a carbonated beverage. Right now I'm drinking a coke, before this I had a pepsi maxx, after this I will have a cheerwine. only one of them is called "coke".
Wrong! You are referring to a coca-cola...which before you have a pepsi maxx. All of the rest are called cokes. Sorry you got confused as a child, but I am glad I could clear it up. :-)
Junior 12:29 PM 04-17-2009
Originally Posted by e-man67:
I agree with you on all accounts...and I will add:

Improper speech and the thug talk kills me as well.
(I am not a scholar nor perfect but come on!)

I agree 100%, and will add one in it is the Redneck/Hick talk. I will admit I fall into it every once and a while when with old friends, but my Mother is a English teacher so she kept us in line.

Having to spell my name for people it is simple Ray Smith. Now how hard is that? I actually had to write it down for a hotel clerk in Columbus, OH last year, and I don’t have much of an accent.

One more driving one that happened to me while at Wal-Mart during lunch. Morons that will sit forever for a parking spot when there is a open one 3 spaces down. I had one that I just about backed out into because they had backed up behind me while I was backing out to wait for a parking spot when 2 spots down was one that was empty.
mmblz 09:00 AM 01-20-2010
the word "webinar"
Mugen910 09:05 AM 01-20-2010
People in New England who use the word "Idear"...It's "Idea"...there is no "r" there! :-)
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