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General Discussion>Girlfriends Dad..
pnoon 01:44 PM 06-22-2010
Originally Posted by colinb913:
I personally have no problems with her parents, so I dont plan on smack talking anyone. And I def. wont be ranting with her anytime soon.
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Except for the one that started this thread. :-)
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colinb913 01:47 PM 06-22-2010
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BigFrank 02:58 PM 06-22-2010
Originally Posted by icehog3:
No real way to fix it unless he lets her or you know what you did wrong.

I dated a girl when I was between high school and college whos Dad was allegedly a big wig in the Chicago mafia. He felt disrepected because I was Irish. :-)
damn irish....:-)
Adriftpanda 03:39 PM 06-22-2010
He's probably jealous of your rolex! you could be modest and put that thing away sometimes.
colinb913 03:42 PM 06-22-2010
panda- is that sarcasm... or...?
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floydpink 03:45 PM 06-22-2010
Colin threads are always more fun than a barrel of monkeys.
colinb913 03:49 PM 06-22-2010
True true.
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replicant_argent 05:14 PM 06-22-2010
Originally Posted by colinb913:
panda- is that sarcasm... or...?
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There might be something to that. And to answer your question, yes I just perused that old thread.

What kind of guy is he? Does he wear jewelry or a watch? Quite frankly, unless I would know a seriously good reason a younger (I assume you are under 20 or so) guy would be wearing a Rolex, I would probably wonder what kind of values that kid has. Even if it was possibly fake. :-) I understand craftsmanship, and value, and perceived value as well as what traits seem to mold that appreciation, in whatever stance it takes.

Yeah, I am sure there are many guys here that had 2-3-4K watches here as young men , and you can turn the flamethrower on me if you want, but quite frankly, that's the way I think, and a few decades of the hair on the back of my neck telling me something has some value to me.

Of course, there might be something else about the cut of your jib he doesn't dig. Get him alone for a few minutes and ask him straight up.

As the father of a 18 year old daughter, I 'might' actually give an answer to a fellow that was dating her. Then again, that info might stay mine, but I can assure you, he probably has a reason, whether it is valid to you or not, and you may want to have some kind of resolution.
colinb913 05:39 PM 06-22-2010
Well I havent really worn anything any guy my age wouldnt. No I have not worn the Rolex around him. I am pretty sure at least. Its not a daily watch for me
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replicant_argent 05:40 PM 06-22-2010
Is he a member here?
colinb913 06:05 PM 06-22-2010
I doubt it. He only smokes cigars once in a blue moon.
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floydpink 06:12 PM 06-22-2010

I reread your original post and am confused.
You said you don't know what you did to offend him, but say you "apologized to him many times". For what???

Without knowing all the details and being an overly cautious father myself, I have a sneaking suspicion you have rubbed him the wrong way and I might even go on a limb and say he might think you are a condescending, self important young buck that he would prefer his daughter not get too serious with.

Just a hunch....

If it were me I'd man up a little bit and perhaps sit down with him once he cools off. In the meantime, I'd stay clear.
colinb913 06:18 PM 06-22-2010
It was obvious I did something, and she told me he said I disrespected him. Therefore I apologized. What has me confused is I dont know what I did to disrespect him
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Pistol 07:46 PM 06-22-2010
Originally Posted by replicant_argent:
There might be something to that. And to answer your question, yes I just perused that old thread.

What kind of guy is he? Does he wear jewelry or a watch? Quite frankly, unless I would know a seriously good reason a younger (I assume you are under 20 or so) guy would be wearing a Rolex, I would probably wonder what kind of values that kid has. Even if it was possibly fake. :-) I understand craftsmanship, and value, and perceived value as well as what traits seem to mold that appreciation, in whatever stance it takes.

Yeah, I am sure there are many guys here that had 2-3-4K watches here as young men , and you can turn the flamethrower on me if you want, but quite frankly, that's the way I think, and a few decades of the hair on the back of my neck telling me something has some value to me.

Of course, there might be something else about the cut of your jib he doesn't dig. Get him alone for a few minutes and ask him straight up.

As the father of a 18 year old daughter, I 'might' actually give an answer to a fellow that was dating her. Then again, that info might stay mine, but I can assure you, he probably has a reason, whether it is valid to you or not, and you may want to have some kind of resolution.
I'd be a bit careful on the watch thing. I know several guys that were given nice watches as a high school graduation present, as a kind of "coming of age" thing. I believe that a nice watch that lasts a life time is a much more appropriate gift than a car (which may kids get). I'd be more concerned with a kid that age that wore ratty clothes or had a bad attitude. To me, that says more about a guy's character than a nice time piece. JMHO, of course.
Brutus2600 12:14 AM 06-23-2010
Yeah, his first post states that he was on good terms with the dad before the night in question, and since he's been friends with the girl for a long time, I'm assuming the dad has known him for awhile and if that's the case opinions have already been formed about whatever Colin's attitude is or what kind of timepiece he wears. These seem to be moot points to me, it's some specific interaction that happened on that night that offended the dad.
kaisersozei 07:02 AM 06-23-2010
Originally Posted by Brutus2600:
These seem to be moot points to me, it's some specific interaction that happened on that night that offended the dad.
Bump for proper spelling & grammatical usage of moot. :-)
Mindflux 07:08 AM 06-23-2010
Originally Posted by colinb913:
It was obvious I did something, and she told me he said I disrespected him. Therefore I apologized. What has me confused is I dont know what I did to disrespect him
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Just let it go?
Posted from a firefox whilst on a 24" iMac
neoflex 07:11 AM 06-23-2010
He probably saw you walk in the kitchen and slap both his wife and his daughters asses followed by "Thanks for dinner ladies.":-):-):-)
colinb913 08:07 AM 06-23-2010
That must have been it!! I was just trying to be nice!! :-) :-)
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OLS 02:57 PM 06-24-2010
Originally Posted by kaisersozei:
Bump for proper spelling & grammatical usage of moot. :-)
Dang straight. Man I go out of my skull on online forums, what with all the "refined pallets"
and "Mute Points" and such. :-)

Normally I wouldn't add more, or even THAT, but I read another reply and had to say something.
It said more or less to stay out of sight and not let him know or see what you guys do. Bullhockey.
HE KNOWS what you are doing. He is like Santa Claus. YOUR job is to ensure that he knows
all of that and is OK with it. Or resigned to it quietly. And like I said, you have to, from time to
time, show him that you are more interested in listening to him than her, or spending time with him
rather than her. Give you a good example. Say you are talking and all of a sudden, both of them
start blabbering about something at the same time. DO NOT LET YOUR EYES OFF OF HIS THE ENTIRE
TIME. HE is the most important speaker, you can always hear her speak later.
When they both ask you something in rapid succession, answer him first.
You can extrapolate that into all sorts of neat tricks to get back where you
need to be. It sounds sexist. It is not. It is survival. He is lord and master over her, and
what she says is trivially unimportant compared to what issues forth from HIS mouth. Or at
least, that's the way you need to play it while he is in the area. And like I said, DO SOMETHING
with him that shows him you are not just a video game playing, texting, facebooking F*$K
like every other kid he sees.

Hope that helps.
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