Chainsaw13 12:10 PM 01-11-2020
Pull kinda day. Felt good.
Close grip pulldowns
Bent over rows
Lat pulldowns
Farmers carry
Tri pushdowns
Wood choppers
Overhead tri extensions
icehog3 03:39 PM 01-11-2020
Good deal, Bob!
Cardio today with some curls and skullcrushers thrown in for good measure.
icehog3 05:09 PM 01-13-2020
Figured on splitting up back and chest this go-round. Walked into the gym planning to do a back superset workout. My chest cold had other ideas. Managed to get through rowing supersets, but body told me to finish with straight sets. And not a sh!tload of them.
:-) :-)
Barbell rows/T-bar rows x 4 supersets
Narrow grip pulldowns 3 sets & 1 drop set
Cable rows x 3 sets & 1 drop set
Rear delt flyes x 4 sets
Dead hangs
Don't feel any worse, hopefully this crud will be history soon.
icehog3 06:10 PM 01-14-2020
Breathing compromised by this chest crud. Went in with the intent to superset, I was lucky just to get through a straight set workout.
Wide inclines x 5 sets
Vertical bench x 4 sets
Declines x 4 sets
Precor inclines x 3 sets
Dumbbell bench x 3 sets
Dips x 2 sets
Coughing fits
Chainsaw13 08:48 PM 01-14-2020
You did more than me. Been feeling off the last few days. Off the next week as I head up north.
icehog3 01:06 AM 01-15-2020
Have fun and be safe, Bob. Hopefully you're at 100% soon.
icehog3 12:13 PM 01-18-2020
Chest cold has put a hurtin' on my workouts, not in a good way. Hope to be well enough to go back tomorrow.
Chainsaw13 07:18 PM 01-20-2020
Now that I’m back home, it’s time to get back into the groove.
icehog3 07:24 PM 01-20-2020
Get in there, Bob!
First workout in days. Almost turned around and went home half way to the gym (my breathing is still semi-compromised). Sucked it up, went in and had a decent workout. Skipped doing back today just to make sure it would go down without coughing spasms. Did chest which is much easier (breathing wise). No supersets either, maybe by the end of the week?
Wide inclines x 6 sets
Vertical bench x 3 sets
Decline bench x 3 sets (last set drop set)
Precor inclines 4 sets
That was it. Feel fine several hours later, so hope fully back will be doable tomorrow.
icehog3 02:58 PM 01-21-2020
Did back today. Knew my breathing was still compromised so did cables first to prefatigued. Once I felt that urge to cough uncontrollably, I ended the workout. Hopefully by next back day I'll be breathing normally again.
Wide pulldowns x 6 sets
High pulls x 3 sets
T-bar rows x 5 sets
Cable rows x 3 sets
Chainsaw13 07:58 PM 01-21-2020
Damn bicep tendon still limiting me. Just gonna do what I can.
Flat bench
Pushups/scapula shrugs
Seated flyes
Tri kick backs
icehog3 04:19 PM 01-22-2020
Good to get it tin, Bob.
Breathing is still pretty limited, but did a volume day for shoulders, tris and abs.
Seated military
Rear delt flyes
Dead hangs
Skipped traps 'til my next back day, hoping breathing will be much improved by then.
icehog3 10:33 AM 01-23-2020
Cardio and probably some abs today. Tomorrow off. Hopefully well enough by Saturday to superset back and chest. We shall see.
Chainsaw13 07:56 PM 01-23-2020
Legs. Been a while since last leg day. Trainer had me do a routine similar to what a friends been doing.
Squats, 3 warmup sets, 6x3@65%, 1 min rest between sets
Front squats, 6x5@75%, 30sec rest
Walking lunges, 6x5@65% per leg, 30sec rest
Hammie curls, 6x5@85%, 30sec rest
Hip adductors, 1x8@75%, 4x8@85% 30sec rest
icehog3 10:20 PM 01-23-2020
Good job, Bob!
Hit hard cardio for 45 minutes, then added in some leg presses, extensions and hammie curls, as I missed my last leg workout with the crud.
Chainsaw13 11:31 AM 01-24-2020
Feeling any better? Surprisingly my legs don't hurt today. I'm sure tomorrow will be different. Always worse the 2nd day.
icehog3 11:34 AM 01-24-2020
I think I'm about 80%, Bob, thanks for asking. Hope to be even more improved after today off the gym.
icehog3 04:00 PM 01-25-2020
Went ahead with some supersets today. Not a lot of sets, but a lot of reps and intensity. Crud is definitely subsiding, but not fast enough for my liking.
T-bar rows/Incline bench x 3 supersets
Narrow grip pulldowns/Vertical bench x 3 supersets
Rear delt flyes/Flyes x 2 supersets
Barbell rows/Decline bench x 2 supersets
icehog3 09:53 AM 01-27-2020
Crushed the legs with hard cardio after.
Squats x 6 sets
Extensions x 4 sets
Hammie curls x 4 sets
Leg presses x 4 sets
48 minutes cardio
icehog3 11:19 AM 01-28-2020
Short and sweet shoulder workout after Sunday's marathon session.
Military press x 6 sets
Rear delt flyes x 4 sets
Barbell shrugs x 6 sets
Dead hangs