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Health and Fitness>Pumping Iron with Adriftpanda,Chainsaw13 and Icehog3 II
icehog3 09:08 AM 10-06-2019
Excellent back day I'd say, Bob. :-)

Back is still a bit tight, going to give it a go today though.
icehog3 05:58 PM 10-06-2019
Shoulders and tris today. Kept it short to let me lower back loosen up, and to keep the hip flexor that apparently got injured from getting worse:

Seated military x 7 sets
Rear delt flyes x 5 sets
Skullcrushers x 4 sets
Extensions x 4 sets

Tomorrow scheduled legs and bis...have to see how that hip flexor is feeling, I have a bad feeling Imma hafta skip a leg day. :-)
icehog3 03:53 PM 10-07-2019
Skipped legs this go-round, just want this hip flexor or whatever it is to get better. It's better this evening, took some Aleve (after buying some :-)) and it's already better. Must just be inflammation.

Did bis seated today. Two different styles of preacher curls and some concentration curls. Hoping the pain won't affect me much on chest tomorrow.
icehog3 02:16 PM 10-08-2019
Back in normal and hip flexor is much better after a couple rounds of Aleve. ICT was a heavy one.

30* inclines x 4 sets
Wide inclines x 4 sets
Vertical bench x 3 sets
Flyes x 4 sets
Declines x 3 sets
Precor incline x 4 sets (4 different angles).
Chainsaw13 06:43 PM 10-08-2019
ICT, plus some bi’s for good measure.

Push-ups/plank pyramid prefatigue
Seated flyes, lots of them
Flat bench
Dumbbell flat bench
Dumbbell incline bench
Seated 21’s
Hammer curls

I can’t feel my arms. Lol. Worked on a lot of flyes to see if we can’t further activate my left side. The pinched nerve is messing with the mind/muscle connection.
icehog3 09:13 AM 10-09-2019
Good lift, Bob. Hoping that left side keeps improving.

Back day for me. Imma be a little gun shy on the pulldowns, I'll definitely use the station where the cable snapped on me Friday. It's got the newest cable. :-) :-)
Chainsaw13 10:36 AM 10-09-2019
Give that machine hell, Tom. :-)

I"m planning on going in tonight after work for legs. It is squatober after all.
icehog3 05:14 PM 10-09-2019
Nice, Bob. I think my hip flexor has healed enough for legs next leg day.

I used the machine I "broke" Friday and told all my buddies to use it too, it's the only relatively safe one right now. :-)

Barbell rows x 7 sets
T-bar rows x 5 sets
High pulls x 4 sets
Rear delt flyes x 4 sets
Pulldowns x 5 sets
Chainsaw13 06:02 PM 10-09-2019
Well, I did legs. Probably gonna pay for it. Didn’t go crazy with weights, but everything felt good, strong.

Bulgarian split squats (those always get my heart pumping)
Hamstring curls
Hip adductors
Calf raises

Driving home, my legs were shaking. Lol.
icehog3 07:55 PM 10-09-2019
Good stuff Bob! :-)
icehog3 02:21 PM 10-10-2019
Did arms and shoulders today so that I can concentrate exclusively on legs tomorrow...ok, maybe a little trap work too. :-)

Military press x 7 sets
Cambered bar curls x 5 sets
Skullcrushers x 5 sets
Seated military press x 4 sets
Preacher curls x 4 sets
Tri extensions x 4 sets
Chainsaw13 03:25 PM 10-10-2019
Nice job Tom! :-)

I was planning to go in today for back. But worked at the office, which took forever to get home. And the spicy poke bowl I had for lunch is exacting revenge.
icehog3 10:23 AM 10-11-2019
Originally Posted by Chainsaw13:
Nice job Tom! :-)

I was planning to go in today for back. But worked at the office, which took forever to get home. And the spicy poke bowl I had for lunch is exacting revenge.
MMMM, spicy poke! :-)

Legs this AM:

Leg press x 6 sets
Front squats x 4 sets
Lunges x 3 sets
Hammie curls x 4 sets
Quad extensions x 4 sets
Chainsaw13 06:11 PM 10-11-2019
Back and tri day. Did something to my back on the wide grip pulldowns, so I didn’t push it much more.

Assisted pull-ups
Super wide grip pulldowns
Reverse grip bent over rows
Tri pushdowns
Band tri kick backs
Ez bar skull crushers
icehog3 08:30 AM 10-12-2019
Bob, we need you 100% healthy soon! :-)

ICS.....heading in soon.
Chainsaw13 01:47 PM 10-12-2019
Boulder shoulders workout today. Full hour of nothing but presses, raises and some band exercise my trainer thought up for me. Really don’t remember everything I did, just that my shoulders were lit after that.
icehog3 02:09 PM 10-12-2019
Love the presses, Bob, good stuff! :-)

ICS gym is a dump.

Incline x 6 sets
Vertical bench x 5 sets
Flyes x 5 sets
Wide declines x 4 sets
Precor/Flye supersets x 2
icehog3 08:24 PM 10-13-2019
Relatively light weights on back today, super high reps/volume with minimal rest.

Olympic bar rows x 7 sets
T-bar rows x 6 sets
Super wide pulldowns x 6 sets
Rear delt flyes x 5 sets
High pulls x 4 sets

Gym is still a dump.
icehog3 12:18 PM 10-14-2019
shoulders and arms …. kinda medium. :-)

Seated military x 6 sets
Cambered bar curls x 4 sets
Skullcrushers x 4 sets
Dumbbell press x 4 sets
Barbell curls x 3 sets
Tri extensions x 3 sets
Shrugs x 4 sets
Dumbbell curls x 3 sets
French press x 3 sets
Chainsaw13 02:54 PM 10-14-2019
Dang, that’s a lotta sets. :-) I’ve adjusted my schedule to give me a two day break, today being the second day off. It’ll be ICT tomorrow.
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