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Health and Fitness>Pumping Iron with Adriftpanda,Chainsaw13 and Icehog3 II
icehog3 09:25 AM 09-28-2019
Most excellent, Bob! :-) :-)

Took yesterday off. Not today. Off to the gym.
icehog3 04:07 PM 09-28-2019
ICS - Heavy day

30* inclines x 3 sets
Inclines x 4 sets
Vertical bench x 4 sets
Declines x 3 sets
Flyes x 3 sets
Precor inclines 5 sets at 5 different angles
Dead hangs
bonjing 09:45 PM 09-28-2019
No more free gym for me. So just been doing some basic complexes and squats at home. Bought a steel chain from orchard, before they went out of business, and using that for additional weight around my neck. Feels good to start back up little pain in back but screw it push on through.
icehog3 10:01 PM 09-28-2019
I think we must have a picture with you and the chain around your neck, Greg. :-) :-)
icehog3 03:59 PM 09-29-2019
Still waiting for that Houdini pic, Greg. :-)

Back day - fast and HEAVY. :-)

Barbell rows x 6 sets
T-bar rows x 5 sets
Cable rows x 3 sets
High pulls x 4 sets
Dumbbell rows x 3 sets
Chainsaw13 04:46 PM 09-29-2019
Ever wonder who all these guests are who are reading this thread?
icehog3 04:48 PM 09-29-2019
Originally Posted by Chainsaw13:
Ever wonder who all these guests are who are reading this thread?
Wannabes? :-)
bonjing 09:24 PM 09-29-2019
Maybe like this
Attached: 062D1C07-5787-4BFD-B902-2EBB7301969C.jpg (8.3 KB) 
icehog3 09:10 AM 09-30-2019
Originally Posted by bonjing:
Maybe like this

:-) :-)
icehog3 04:18 PM 09-30-2019
Quick shoulder workout today

Military press x 8 sets
Barbell shrugs x 6 sets
Rear delt flyes x 4 sets
icehog3 02:12 PM 10-01-2019
Squats x 6 sets
Leg press x 4 sets
Leg curls x 4 sets

Cambered bar curls x 4 sets
Olympic bar curls x 3 sets
Preacher curls x 4 sets

Skullcrushers x 4 sets
Tri extensions x 4 sets
Chainsaw13 06:04 PM 10-01-2019
Nice work Tom!

Icarian Press
Incline dumbbell press
Low cable flyes
Seated flyes
EZ bar curls
Incline Zottman curls
Chainsaw13 03:51 PM 10-02-2019
Shoulders today

OHP, strict movement so lighter weight. Try and take the legs out of it.
Rear Delt Flyes
Cable 21's for shoulders
Face Pulls

Saw the idea for the cable 21's (or tri set) online. Position cable low. First move, bent over at waist, cable going across body. Straight arm, lifting to the side to hit the rears. Next move, standing straight at a slight angle, cable behind back. Again straight arm, lift to isolate the mid delt. Last position, cable at side (and slightly behind) and facing forward. Lift to isolate front delt. Lit them up pretty good.
icehog3 04:56 PM 10-02-2019
Nice lifts, Bob. :-)

I had a couple things to do this morning / early afternoon, so today was a day off. ICT tomorrow.
Chainsaw13 04:18 PM 10-03-2019
Legs this morning.

Leg Press
Front squats
hamstring curls
hip adductors
Calf raises

Kept it simple, not super heavy.
icehog3 07:45 AM 10-04-2019
Killer, Bob! :-)

ICT yesterday:

Incline bench x 5 sets
Decline bench x 4 sets
Vertical bench x 4 sets
Flyes x 4 sets
Precor bench x 4 sets
icehog3 11:14 AM 10-04-2019
Not a good day at the shithole gym.

Decided to prefatigued with cables today for back and go relatively light on rows after.

Did 5 good heavy sets of cable rows.

Put 200 on the pulldown stack and starting pulling rep 1 of set 1. Cable snapped about 18 inches up from the bar, I went flying back, bar hit me in the chest. The porter from the gym was right behind me and saw it happen.

Took a few minutes, back felt only slightly tweaked, so I finished the workout with light T-bars and some other light rowing. Didn't make it any worse, but it's stiffening up now that I'm cooling down. Hopefully no big deal. Management at the gym didn't seem too concerned, but I had them do a report, just in case. And an employee as a witness. Gym has gone downhill in a big way the last few months.
Chainsaw13 05:41 PM 10-04-2019
Damn. That had to be quite a shock. Hopefully you didn’t hurt yourself.
icehog3 10:43 PM 10-04-2019
Originally Posted by Chainsaw13:
Damn. That had to be quite a shock. Hopefully you didn’t hurt yourself.
B ack definitely stiffened up some after I cooled down...especially being on my feet for 5 hours afterwards at school. Hopefully it's fine tomorrow.

Yeah, it was a shock. I tossed the bar about 8 feet in disgust as I lay on my back on the floor. :-)

Crazy thing was, back workout wasn't bad afterwards. Lots of reps with the lighter weights.
Chainsaw13 11:33 AM 10-05-2019
Got ya covered Tom. Good back day this morning with my trainer.

Trap bar deadlifts. New PR of 300lbs. Easy Peasy. Glad we didn’t go for more, feeling it in the knee.
One arm rows, went heavy.
Narrow grip pulldowns, heavy again
Lat pullovers
Tri pushdowns
Tri kick backs
Dead hangs, trying to stretch out the lats.
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