Sports>Yankees vs Angels ALCS 2009
Genetic Defect 11:48 PM 10-20-2009
Originally Posted by MedicCook:
It's not over til it's over. ~ Yogi
the fat lady is warming up
MedicCook 11:53 PM 10-20-2009
Genetic Defect 11:54 PM 10-20-2009
Blueface 07:38 AM 10-21-2009
Finally, we drive in runners by numbers!!!
Great pitching by CC in the 7th and 8th.
Horrible umpiring.
BlackDog 09:13 AM 10-21-2009
Wow, CC Sabathia was a beast last night. I'm not a Yankee fan but that was great pitching. If they continue to play like this I think they're unstoppable.
floydpink 09:44 AM 10-21-2009
Yikes, the big guns all have a few days rest now.
Wouldn't want to be a Yankee hater now.
I gotta give the 3rd base ump credit; he came on ESPN and admitted how bad the calls were and appologized, which took guts.
Just the same, I would need time to consider his request if he asked to sell beer in the stands from here on out.
shilala 09:59 AM 10-21-2009
I thought the Angels were gonna pull it out. After CC shut them down in the fifth and sixth, and arod hit that shot, I was like "dayum, what a machine."
The Yanks looked incredible.
I guess that's what an eleventy billion dollar payroll can get you.
Blueface 10:00 AM 10-21-2009
Originally Posted by floydpink:
Yikes, the big guns all have a few days rest now.
Wouldn't want to be a Yankee hater now. :-):-):-)
I gotta give the 3rd base ump credit; he came on ESPN and admitted how bad the calls were and appologized, which took guts.
Just the same, I would need time to consider his request if he asked to sell beer in the stands from here on out.
Least he could do was apologize.
Can't figure out for the life of me how he was able to say foot was off the bag too early when his face was dead on left field and was not looking at the runner or bag.
Man has eyes on the side of his head.
In the end, I think it was all to get even with the bad call at second where Swisher should have been called out.
shilala 10:10 AM 10-21-2009
Originally Posted by Blueface:
Least he could do was apologize.
Can't figure out for the life of me how he was able to say foot was off the bag too early when his face was dead on left field and was not looking at the runner or bag.
Man has eyes on the side of his head.:-)
In the end, I think it was all to get even with the bad call at second where Swisher should have been called out.
There were loads of bad calls.
It kinda evened out. Didn't even come close to making a difference, thankfully.
Had the Angels won, they'd convene Congress cause the Yanks got hosed.
floydpink 10:40 AM 10-21-2009
Say what you want about the Yankees payroll, Teixeira WAS an Angel, Damon gave the Redsox a Wirld Series with a grandslam against the Yanks, for a couple more million, A-Rod was a Red Sox, and we would all be watching a different series.
It's the golden rule; whoever has the gold makes the rules.
Blueface 10:44 AM 10-21-2009
Originally Posted by floydpink:
Say what you want about the Yankees payroll, Teixeira WAS an Angel, Damon gave the Redsox a Wirld Series with a grandslam against the Yanks, for a couple more million, A-Rod was a Red Sox, and we would all be watching a different series.
It's the golden rule; whoever has the gold makes the rules.
I love the payroll argument.
Sort of the "wealth redistribution" argument of baseball fans.
Yankees suck because they have revenue, they spend it as they please in an attempt to win, and generally, are successful as evidence by their history.
So........when I hear that argument......I laugh. Deep down, they wish their team made as much money and their owner spent as much.
floydpink 10:44 AM 10-21-2009
Also, if Chrysler spent their money more wisely, they'd be competing with Toyota.
Life is full of painful little lessons.
This will be 27 titles if my math is correct.
floydpink 10:46 AM 10-21-2009
I steer clear of politics, but sure hope Obama isn't a Red Sox fan.
shilala 10:57 AM 10-21-2009
Originally Posted by floydpink:
Say what you want about the Yankees payroll, Teixeira WAS an Angel, Damon gave the Redsox a Wirld Series with a grandslam against the Yanks, for a couple more million, A-Rod was a Red Sox, and we would all be watching a different series.
It's the golden rule; whoever has the gold makes the rules.
I wasn't saying it's a bad thing.
It sure makes a heck of a story when a bunch of scrubs step up and spank the Yanks, though.
It's just a given that they own the World Series, cause they paid for it.
I love watching good ball, too, and the Yanks sure delivered this year. It's been an amazing season for them.
That game last night, for instance. It was a thing of beauty. I definately got my money's worth, and I ain't got a dime in it.
The Angels definately threw the kitchen sink at them, even if they came up way short.
I did hear a comment Buck made about Scott Kazmir that I'm still shaking my head about. He said the Angels picked up Kazmir specifically because he was a Yankee stopper. I must have missed that along the way.
Kazmir has never played up to my expectations, and I really never had any.
Yankee stopper? Where'd that come from?
I'd go look at his box scores, but I figure you guys might have the numbers in your head, and I'm busy. And lazy.
shilala 11:03 AM 10-21-2009
I'm also voting for a raise for arod.
He's pretty much
been baseball this year.
floydpink 11:13 AM 10-21-2009
In his career against the Yankees, Kazmir has a 6-4 record and 2.53 ERA

All bets off this year.
No raise necessary for A-Rod, a half billion between him and CC should suffice.
Blueface 12:10 PM 10-21-2009
Originally Posted by shilala:
I wasn't saying it's a bad thing. :-)
It sure makes a heck of a story when a bunch of scrubs step up and spank the Yanks, though.
It's just a given that they own the World Series, cause they paid for it.
I love watching good ball, too, and the Yanks sure delivered this year. It's been an amazing season for them.
That game last night, for instance. It was a thing of beauty. I definately got my money's worth, and I ain't got a dime in it. :-)
The Angels definately threw the kitchen sink at them, even if they came up way short.
I did hear a comment Buck made about Scott Kazmir that I'm still shaking my head about. He said the Angels picked up Kazmir specifically because he was a Yankee stopper. I must have missed that along the way.
Kazmir has never played up to my expectations, and I really never had any. :-)
Yankee stopper? Where'd that come from?
I'd go look at his box scores, but I figure you guys might have the numbers in your head, and I'm busy. And lazy. :-)
Funny how that all works out.
Freaking Diamond Backs and Marlins!!! Thorns. Or Boston in '04. Thorns!!!
When we get one, we bought it.
When we don't, we overpaid and didn't get it.
Meantime, anyone check the payroll of the Mets as an example?
Where did they end up this year?
Quite a few others like that.
It happens. Money doesn't always do it. However, like they say with the Lotto, you have to be in it to win it.
That is funny stuff there about Kazmir.
MedicCook 12:21 PM 10-21-2009
The small market teams could sign players also with all the money they get from the Yankees, Red Sox, Mets & Dodgers. Their owners prefer to pocket the money instead of putting it back into the team. The Steinbrenners would rathder lose money on the team if it meant winning and making the fans happy.
floydpink 01:21 PM 10-21-2009
That's why they call it a luxury tax. You pay for the luxury of consistently winning and filling stadiums wherever you go.
The Poet 03:41 PM 10-21-2009
There are half-a-dozen teams that spend money like drunken sailors, not just the Yankees. The biggest difference is that, when the Yanks make a mistake (can you say "Carl Pavano", for instance?), they have both the will and the means to eat the error and attempt to correct it with another move. Other teams just shrug and say "Wait 'til next year."