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Entertainment>Walking Dead Season 2
massphatness 04:56 AM 02-28-2012
Originally Posted by OLS:
Seems they are speeding up, though. Anyone else seem to notice this?

Originally Posted by massphatness:
Are the zombies faster this year?
So while "Sprinting Dead" doesn't quite roll off the tongue, "Walking Dead" is a bit of a misnomer.
OLS 06:38 AM 02-28-2012
To me it makes a viewer wonder....IS THERE a chance that these people are going to "wake up" from all this carnage
and zombie-ism? Maybe they are speeding up as they become more human. I mean I seriously doubt it, as do
all of you. But I thought it was my imagination, but maybe they are really being told to move faster to ramp up
the fear factor. Although we have had requests to stop with the references to the comic, I can tell now just
how SLOW this train is moving from having exposure to both the show and the comics. After having a major chunk
of my life stolen by that sham of a show "LOST", I can tell they are taking their sweet time over moving out of the
Greene Family Farm and getting to this other place they need to get to for the plotline. A much more secure spot. :-)
But you know they are going to try and make that location last a whole season like this farm BS. I still like the show,
if I had NO EXPOSURE to the comic, I would still think the farm series is boring me to tears, but the show is still
worth watching for now. I enjoyed the last episode I watched last night, they seem to be over way too fast for me,
though. I am just getting my Zombie boner and they go to black for the last time.
Blak Smyth 06:43 AM 02-28-2012
I have only watched the first few minutes of the most recent episode and I gotta admit, the talking to with Shane in the intesection was just what I needed to see. I think I am ready to get back into the series. I am excited to watch the rest of the episode now.
mase 06:50 AM 02-28-2012
Originally Posted by kelmac07:
Great epsiode last night. Why in the hell did Rick come back for Shane?
Remember the scene where Rick is looking at the 2 recently re-killed zombie officers laying on the ground. He must be thinking that he can't leave his partner behind. Than he goes back and saves Shane.
mase 06:56 AM 02-28-2012
There was a point when Shane was examining one of the re-dead zombie officers looking for a bit mark. Rick says they were probably infected by a scratch. What do you make of this? Do you think the "infection" spread through some other means?
Powers 07:51 AM 02-28-2012
Originally Posted by mase:
There was a point when Shane was examining one of the re-dead zombie officers looking for a bit mark. Rick says they were probably infected by a scratch. What do you make of this? Do you think the "infection" spread through some other means?
If you remember what they pulled into was a Public Works facility. I think it got into the water supply
icehog3 08:30 AM 02-28-2012
Originally Posted by mase:
There was a point when Shane was examining one of the re-dead zombie officers looking for a bit mark. Rick says they were probably infected by a scratch. What do you make of this? Do you think the "infection" spread through some other means?
I am thinking the virus has gone airborne, and direct contact might no longer be necessary for some humans to become zombified.
Powers 09:21 AM 02-28-2012
Originally Posted by icehog3:
I am thinking the virus has gone airborne, and direct contact might no longer be necessary for some humans to become zombified.
Or its being transferred thru the internet!! :-) :-)
mosesbotbol 09:35 AM 02-28-2012
Originally Posted by mase:
There was a point when Shane was examining one of the re-dead zombie officers looking for a bit mark. Rick says they were probably infected by a scratch. What do you make of this? Do you think the "infection" spread through some other means?
I thought they were just shot "murdered" before they became zombies perhaps.
OLS 10:00 AM 02-28-2012
I am going with water supply. When it happened I did not pay much mind to it. The rate this show travels at,
before it becomes an actual plot device I will be long dead myself. So it will not matter.
Powers 10:14 AM 02-28-2012
Originally Posted by OLS:
I am going with water supply. When it happened I did not pay much mind to it. The rate this show travels at,
before it becomes an actual plot device I will be long dead myself. So it will not matter.
OLS 12:23 PM 02-28-2012
Remember one thing that is perhaps a little too far fetched, but now starts to cozy up to some facts....
They could have found that fat walker in a couple of places, hell, they could have not even FOUND the fat
walker, it meant nothing to the plot progression. But they found him in a WELL....ground water. If there
is something in the water at the plant too, and it kills people, then we might be informed to the fact that
you can get it through water. So then it stands to reason that it can also be a bad deal if it's in the ground
water at the Greene Farm. Now couple that with the fact that the little blond girl, [last hope for some more
good group-greene love action], fell on the floor with a fever while washing dishes. Now I do not necessarily
mean that she was washing dishes, and that's where she got "da fever", especially since she also had a
close encounter with her zombie-mom. But I would say that if you get it through the water, it acts
really slowly. I still think Blondie could turn, then they will all be thinking, ahh, we should have let her
kill herself. Maybe we are intended to think that she got scratched, when she really is having too much
contact with well water? But again, if it's not a bite, but you can still die, it seems to work super slowly.

Of course I am just brain-stormin now, but look out for this water angle.
bonjing 02:34 PM 02-28-2012
If its that easily transferable, why didn't any of the guys get infected when they were covering themselves with the zombies? Example T-Dog when he had that bad cut on his fore arm on the highway, Rick under the pile of zombies with open wounds.
OLS 03:06 PM 02-28-2012
I am not saying it's easily transferable, I am saying that things are starting to glob together in a clue-like fashion.
I have no idea what the contagion factor is not to mention a lack of desire to know, lol. A lot of times you have
plot quirks that are simply there to give the producers a way out of certain situations and into other plot paths.
Lost was littered with them, and most of them turned out to be useless BS. Edit a scene here, add a line there, and
you unlock these sleepers for your use in the show. Another example is this apparent speeding up of zombies.
I mentioned the movie The Dead earlier in the thread, and one thing I can say about that movie, the zombies never
once moved faster than a dragging shamble in the entire 2 hour movie. And yet they were still menacing. But here
in TWD, they seem to be newly invigorated....why? And again, I need to re-watch some stuff, see if they actually
are speeding up or NOT. It seems to me that if Shane and Otis had faced these sprinting zombies at the school,
both of them would be dead now.
massphatness 03:12 PM 02-28-2012
If I have unprotected sex with a zombie but am not bitten or scratched, will I become infected?

Do condoms help?

How about dental dams?
Skywalker 03:13 PM 02-28-2012
My brain hurts!!!:-)
icehog3 03:58 PM 02-28-2012
Originally Posted by bonjing:
If its that easily transferable, why didn't any of the guys get infected when they were covering themselves with the zombies? Example T-Dog when he had that bad cut on his fore arm on the highway, Rick under the pile of zombies with open wounds.
Because the virus has mutated to become stronger.

I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express....
Skywalker 03:59 PM 02-28-2012
Originally Posted by icehog3:
Because the virus has mutated to become stronger.

I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express....
MikeyC 05:59 PM 02-28-2012
Originally Posted by OLS:
I am not saying it's easily transferable, I am saying that things are starting to glob together in a clue-like fashion.
I have no idea what the contagion factor is not to mention a lack of desire to know, lol. A lot of times you have
plot quirks that are simply there to give the producers a way out of certain situations and into other plot paths.
Lost was littered with them, and most of them turned out to be useless BS. Edit a scene here, add a line there, and
you unlock these sleepers for your use in the show. Another example is this apparent speeding up of zombies.
I mentioned the movie The Dead earlier in the thread, and one thing I can say about that movie, the zombies never
once moved faster than a dragging shamble in the entire 2 hour movie. And yet they were still menacing. But here
in TWD, they seem to be newly invigorated....why? And again, I need to re-watch some stuff, see if they actually
are speeding up or NOT. It seems to me that if Shane and Otis had faced these sprinting zombies at the school,
both of them would be dead now.
I think you guys are putting too much thought into the fact that the zombies seem to be moving faster. Here's my theory about that: the director decided it would be more tense if the zombies could actually catch up to people. I'm seriously doubting it will have anything to do at all with the storyline.

Originally Posted by mase:
There was a point when Shane was examining one of the re-dead zombie officers looking for a bit mark. Rick says they were probably infected by a scratch. What do you make of this? Do you think the "infection" spread through some other means?
Did you notice the pile of burnt bodies as well? Why would they be burning bodies? My thought is that everyone is already infected with the virus and if you die no matter what the cause of death then you become a zombie. It seems a little too coincidental that they would work it into the script that there are no bite marks on those zombies. It has to be part of the storyline.
Malazan 06:23 PM 02-28-2012
Originally Posted by massphatness:
If I have unprotected sex with a zombie but am not bitten or scratched, will I become infected?

Do condoms help?

How about dental dams?
I want a Zombie to get pregnant, so the little baby zombie eats it's way out, and then goes on a killing spree. Maybe some super Zombie Hybrid, that can think and move quick:-)
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