MrClean 04:22 PM 11-29-2013
maninblack 04:32 PM 11-29-2013
Those look great Jeff!
big_jaygee 04:36 PM 11-29-2013
some nice looking cigar Jeff and Ken
Heavy_d 04:53 PM 11-29-2013
Couple real good looking purchases around here lately.
:-) Jealous of those SS maduros Jeff!
Lockspur 05:12 PM 11-29-2013
Originally Posted by Porch Dweller:
A box of Ave Maria Clermonts from the devil site. I've been throwing low-ball bids at these for about three months just for the heck of it and one was finally taken.
Nice! Love those!
kelmac07 08:16 PM 11-29-2013
Snagged a couple of 5ers from Jason (Big_Jaygee). Thanks again brother.
:-) :-)
Headley Grange Drumsticks (Lanceros)
CAO Evil Snowman
688sonarmen 08:32 PM 11-29-2013
Originally Posted by ky70:
Interested in how that Achilles smokes.
Originally Posted by 688sonarmen:
Interested in how that Achilles smokes.
I smoked it today and I enjoyed it (medium body and kind of creamy). Picked it up based on a recommendation because the 1 review I saw was not good. I will buy more to confirm my first impression but it certainly warrants a rebuy.
irratebass 11:19 AM 11-30-2013
Oooo those Drumsticks look enticing
Porch Dweller 11:25 AM 12-02-2013
Some LP goodies from ZachF88:
czerbe 11:41 AM 12-02-2013
MUNKY 01:15 PM 12-02-2013
Originally Posted by Porch Dweller:
Some LP goodies from ZachF88:
Very nice!
Originally Posted by kelmac07:
CAO Evil Snowman
Those look interesting!!
Some very nice grabs!!
Ortega Series D Lancero
Diesel Double Perfectos. Couldn't pass up these beauties.
Sweet_Leaf_PDX 10:11 PM 12-03-2013
Leaf Sampler. This is a new line of cigars from The Leaf and Bean Company. Need to let them sit for a bit, but I'm excited to try them.
Outlaw God 10:18 PM 12-03-2013
Originally Posted by Sweet_Leaf_PDX:
Leaf Sampler. This is a new line of cigars from The Leaf and Bean Company. Need to let them sit for a bit, but I'm excited to try them.
I love new stuff, nice
maninblack 07:14 AM 12-04-2013
Those Leaf and Beans look good.
Chainsaw13 02:26 PM 12-04-2013
Just drove back from Louisville. Stopped byThe Party Source since it's on the way home. Well, that was a shot to the ol' wallet.
The CLE's were on sale for $30/box.
Originally Posted by Chainsaw13:
Just drove back from Louisville. Stopped byThe Party Source since it's on the way home. Well, that was a shot to the ol' wallet.
The CLE's were on sale for $30/box.
You never stop by the party source. Its dangerous.