MrClean 07:37 PM 10-10-2013
Originally Posted by kelmac07:
Raking 'em in huh Jason? :-) :-)
He's stocking up for the end of the world
big_jaygee 07:53 PM 10-10-2013
Originally Posted by MrClean:
He's stocking up for the end of the world :-)
end of the world?? nope...just to put a smile on a botl's face
:-) :-)
Damn Jason, been busy and looking good
maninblack 08:52 PM 10-10-2013
Jason doing it big as usual! Nice grabs brother!
MUNKY 09:14 PM 10-10-2013
Nice Jay!
MUNKY 09:16 PM 10-10-2013
Finally got some head!!!
Blockhead that is, and yes leave it to Mac to get em first
equetefue 08:54 AM 10-11-2013
those look tasty. How they compare to the other RomaCrafts ?
kelmac07 08:56 AM 10-11-2013
Originally Posted by equetefue:
those look tasty. How they compare to the other RomaCrafts ?
The CroMagnon Blockhead is a box-pressed version of the 6 x 54 Cranium that started out as event-only before being added to regular production.
warpedcigars 09:53 AM 10-11-2013
Got a 5er of Tat Noella Reserva and J21's yesterday. Haven't had a J21 in years, cant wait!
maninblack 01:46 PM 10-11-2013
ImageDoing a box split with Tjarv aka Tony. Lat 54 maduros.
kelmac07 02:11 PM 10-11-2013
maninblack 02:17 PM 10-11-2013
Damn they smell good! Might just keep them all!
big_jaygee 08:59 PM 10-11-2013
these showed up today...
Viaje Sampler and a Fiver of DPG Cuban Classic's from Tony (TJarv)
LFD Chapter 1
and they all look
:-) :-)
maninblack 09:20 PM 10-11-2013
My man! Awesome brother!
big_jaygee 09:24 PM 10-11-2013
but the ride is so much fun
:-) :-) :-)
kelmac07 09:25 PM 10-11-2013
Nice grabs Jason. Let those Chapter Ones rest a bit. Had one right when I got my box and they need a little time.
big_jaygee 09:31 PM 10-11-2013
i PLAN on letting them sit for a while.... and i hope i will be able to resist temptation
These showed up yesterday , a bit of trade fodder for
Big_@ss...err Jaygee.
big_jaygee 01:38 PM 10-13-2013
Chico57 04:22 PM 10-13-2013
These arrived over the past few days.
LG Diez 2010 and 2012 Americanos, Cubanitos, and Paisanos. LFD Coranado Especials,
L300 Oscuros, and Colorado Oscuros. Just to mix things up a few DPG JJ Selecto Maduros and some old and new Triple Maduros.