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Health and Fitness>Pumping Iron with Zemekone and Icehog3
BigFrank 02:39 PM 12-21-2010
Christos unless you get it via a prescription you would have to travel down the same road as far as obtaining it as you would the real deal. At that point, I would rather see someone just use the real stuff, that way it's more controlled. Propecia also comes with it's own side effects. And with any testosterone booster, whether it be real test or pro-hormones that side effects and the way your body processes it is going to be the same regardless of how you go about it. Increase in testosterone also increases aromatase enzymes and the chances of side effects.

I know a lot of guys are in the position where they cannot use the real stuff ( work, athletics, fear ) or something along those lines and therefore are tempted to use something that is seen as "legal" alternative, when in all actuality if a real test was done you would test positive anyways due to an increase of free testosterone. If you really want to move down that side of the game, there are ways to obtain the real deal stuff via a prescription. If legal and work related issues are of concern.
GreekGodX 09:05 PM 12-21-2010
Thanks for the response Frank :-) I feel like that's almost exactly what you said about pro-hormones not too long ago.

I merely posed the question because Propecia talk was going around at my house. I looked into it fairly quickly (ie searched google and read a select few articles in about 5 minutes). Then it got me to thinking as to why the IOC would ban it. Looking more into it now, I've simply come to the conclusion that there actually would be zero benefit for anyone to try and take Propecia along with steroids or a pro-hormone. It isn't even proven that taking Propecia increases testosterone levels, and if it did then the affect would be short lived.
PeteSB75 09:31 AM 12-24-2010
Good lifts this morning, still going fairly light, but it's good to get in and move some. Missed yesterday so did legs and shoulders today, so squats, presses and hang cleans along with some time stretching on the mat and some ab work. Good stuff.
The Professor 06:39 AM 12-31-2010
Howdy, folks.

Back in the gym ... first time posting here in a LOOOOONG time. Damage to my muscles and nerves last spring was worse than anyone thought. I've still got occasional pain and constant numbness in my right leg, so no crazy squats or deads for a while. Between the injury, getting out of the habit, then having a busy summer and fall semester, I've gone to sh*t. I'm sure I weight more than I ever have and I'm weaker than I've been in a couple of years -- a bad combination.

Basically, I'm a weak fatty right now. I guess that just means I have lots of room for improvement. :-)

Anyway, the plan for right now is to be getting my cardio back up, start eating better, get things stretching, and start testing out where I'm at in my upper body. So today, I did 32 minutes on the recumbent bike at various levels of tension. Followed that up with a bunch of HammerStrength pull-downs and HS low rows, both working my way up with sets until I was failing out at 4-6. Ended up doing about a half dozen sets of 12 to 5 reps on each. Thought about doing some crunches; but was feeling like puking, so I stopped. :-)

Anyway, it's time for me to get back in it to win it. I need to lose some weight and tone up a little before I head to SoCal for a conference in March. I don't want zEmEk0nE to mock me too much. :-)
icehog3 10:07 AM 12-31-2010
You'll be back in no time, Dokk. :-)
The Professor 01:44 PM 12-31-2010
Thanks, Admiral. I hope you're right. :-) :-)
The Professor 06:52 PM 01-01-2011
Went late to the gym, today; but at least I went. :-) 32 minutes of cardio, then chest and tris with some curlz for the gurlz at the end. All in all, I've solidified my opinion that I'm a weak a$$ mo'fo. :-) I've never been great (or even particularly good) at chest exercises, but tonight's attempt was just pitiful. Oh well -- you've gotta fail to grow.

At least cardio is getting a little easier each day. :-) :-)

Time for some salad and lean protein.... :-)
PeteSB75 10:01 AM 01-02-2011
Welcome back Dokk!

Spin yesterday and today for me. Back lifting tomorrow.
The Professor 11:43 AM 01-02-2011
Originally Posted by PeteSB75:
Welcome back Dokk!

Spin yesterday and today for me. Back lifting tomorrow.
Thanks, Pete. :-)

Did legs for the first time in 4-5 months, today. It was sad; but you've gotta start somewhere, right? Started with 15 minutes on the recumbent to warm up. Did leg press, working up with sets of 10 from 0 pies to 8 pies (total, not per side). Did 2-3 sets (can't remember) of 10 with the 8 pies. Then went to do deads. Warmed up with 95lbs for 10, then did 3 sets of 10 with 135lbs. Tried to follow that up with some more recumbent bike, but my calves started cramping. :-)

Anyway. I'm gonna keep taking it slowly. I'm not going for bulk right now, anyway. I need to get to the point where I'm not disgusted by how fat I've gotten. I don't want to be "skinny," mind you -- I've never been *that*. But I'd like to tone up a bit and lose some fat before I start thinking about lifting for power again.

Thanks for listening, folks. Logging things here helps keep me honest with myself and accountable.

PeteSB75 06:40 AM 01-03-2011
Starting to lift a bit heavier again after almost a month of lighter weights. Back today, so Deads, lat pulldowns, a bit of rowing and finished up with some supinating curls. A few new years resolutioners in, even at 5 this morning.
Mugen910 07:25 AM 01-03-2011
Originally Posted by PeteSB75:
Starting to lift a bit heavier again after almost a month of lighter weights. Back today, so Deads, lat pulldowns, a bit of rowing and finished up with some supinating curls. A few new years resolutioners in, even at 5 this morning.
I have never had trouble finding parking at the gym on a sunday afternoon till this time of year. :-)

Then again I only went to sit on the bike :-)
hscmit 07:59 AM 01-03-2011
it has been warm enough to run outside the last 3 days. I love not having to wait for cardio equipment this time of year
GreekGodX 08:21 AM 01-03-2011
Oh I am not looking forward to all the New Years resolution people at the gym. It's funny because I definitely spot them out. Maybe there will be some new skinny girl with a skewed body image :-)
The Professor 09:40 AM 01-03-2011
Originally Posted by GreekGodX:
Oh I am not looking forward to all the New Years resolution people at the gym. It's funny because I definitely spot them out. Maybe there will be some new skinny girl with a skewed body image :-)
Wow. :-)

Oddly, there were nearly none when I went today. I think a lot of the resolutioners join the different classes and I went at a time that had no classes. :-)

Shoulders today. Bought an iPhone app to help me track everything. It (Gym Buddy) is a pretty good app. No frills -- just a tracking app that will run stats on what you've done so you can track your progress/regress.

Anyway ... another day down. :-)
bonjing 05:09 AM 01-04-2011
Nice solid day back after a 2 weeks off, gained a few pounds back :-) :-)
Incline and flat dumbbell.
Decline machine
Incline dumbbell flys
Decline cable flys

Machine curls
Seated barbell curls
Easybar curls

All 3x12
Patrick B 05:26 AM 01-04-2011
Back from two weeks vacay and eating everything that wasn't nailed down. I did run and do sit UPS and pushups 4x while in Florida, but still put on a few pounds. Strict low cal diet and lots of cardio for a few weeks then I am going back to heavy lifting and lots of clean calories.
The Professor 07:58 AM 01-04-2011
Another day down. Did lats and bis today -- mostly lats. Didn't have time for my full cardio because I got drawn into spotting a friend and chatting with another professor who I haven't seen in a while. Didn't get as much accomplished as I had hoped; but I did get a better sense of my limits and managed to get some more muscles to turn on and remember how to do things. :-)

Tomorrow's supposed to be an "off" day; but I might save that for Thursday since I'll be traveling tomorrow evening. It's possible that I'll have to take the rest of the week off after that; but we'll see.
hscmit 08:40 AM 01-04-2011
cardio then
back and shoulders didnt start out well, just feeling weak first set of pull ups was only 9 took five sets to get to 30
DBall 10:39 AM 01-04-2011
Squatted 225 for 3 (with no belt)... Most I ever did before was 205. I'll hit my goal of squatting double my weight (290) soon, I think. :-)
PeteSB75 02:29 PM 01-04-2011
Originally Posted by DBall:
Squatted 225 for 3 (with no belt)... Most I ever did before was 205. I'll hit my goal of squatting double my weight (290) soon, I think. :-)
Good job Dan :-)

Chest and Tris for me this morning. Bench, Incline bench and some random arm exercises. Shoulder is bothering me a little, but my wife says I have been sleeping weird with it, so I put some icyhot on and it feels better.
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