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Health and Fitness>Losing Weight with Starscream
Starscream 10:48 AM 05-07-2009
I am back down to 243 today. Took yesterday off from exercise b/c I felt drained when I got home. Full day at school, then children's group at church was a lot. Went under on my points again, had 2 leftover again.

This afternoon I'm going to complete another round of Tae-Bo.

Today's meals:
Breakfast: Two Nutri-Grain bars (4pts)
Lunch: two turkey and spinach wraps with pesto (4pts)
Dinner: ?
borndead1 10:53 AM 05-07-2009
Originally Posted by andysutherland:

My starting weight, Nov 19th: 264lbs.

Weight as of Dec 11th: 258lbs.

My diet right now is low-fat (for the most part). Thinking of switching to a low-carb diet, but need more time to make that decision. Nothing is set in stone just yet.

Exercise: Right now I am working out w/ dumbells at home. Not in the gym yet. Started some cardio workouts this week too.

Wow...I can't believe I've never checked out this thread until now.

I am the KING of low carb! :-)

I am 5'9", medium build. Used to weigh 195 and eat Rolaids like they were candy. Since going low carb, I've lost 30 lbs and kept it off, and the only time I ever need antacids now is when I "break my diet".

I am not super strict. I eat fruit semi-regularly, a lot of black beans, an occasional ear or 2 of corn, etc. What I really kicked was plain sugar. Stopped drinking Pepsi, switched to sugar free chocolate, stopped the 3 donut get the idea.
-MG- 01:25 PM 05-07-2009
Originally Posted by Ahbroody:
As to breakfast shakes, it sounds to me like you are refering to a MRPs meal replacement shake. This is a good option if time is an issue and you want to get it right.
Yup, that's basically what I was shooting for. More often than not I'm rushed in the morning and I wanted something quick and easy. Adding protein seemed like a good bonus for those days I don't have time to make something. I picked up a small container of Muscle Milk last night before I even got saw your message, and it looks like it fits the bill.

Originally Posted by Ahbroody:
I dont want to be anyones downer. I see some things that should be changed. That said I dont want to force my opinions on anyone
I welcome advice from anybody... if there are parts I don't agree with or dont fit my lifestyle I may not follow through, but it never hurts to learn :-). I'm also realistic and know I can't easily change everything at once.

As far as drinking, water is my friend. I've got a 2.3L bottle at work that I usually finish by mid afternoon, and then have to fill up a 32oz bottle at home a couple of times at night. I used to drink 5+ sodas a day, a year or so back cut down to about 3x a day and diet sodas, but now have pretty much just eleminated them altogether as a daily habit.

I'm starting to use an application I found last time I lost weight that keeps track of what I eat, and lets me track all sorts of useful information about the food (calories, fiber, protein, fat, sodium, etc). Last time it really helped to make sure I was eating enough of the right things.
Starscream 06:57 AM 05-08-2009
Another good day yesterday! Had an extra point leftover yesterday again. Got in another round of Tae-Bo. Dinner last night was broiled chicken, rice-a-roni, and corn on the cob. Filling and healthy.

Today's meals:
Breakfast: 2 turkey sausage links (2pts)
Lunch: leftovers from supper (7pts)
Dinner: ? (as always)

I weighed in back at 245 this morning, but i know that I'm on track now. I'm expecting a good loss for next week's weigh-in.

Kris, What application are you using to track your diet?
kayaker 08:56 AM 05-08-2009
Originally Posted by andysutherland:
Went under on my points again, had 2 leftover again.
Hey Andy,

Does that include your bonus points? I don't mean to get preachy, but try to avoiding coming under too often. Although it may help for a little extra short-term loss, it can also lead to more cravings. Also make sure you count back in your activity accurately. The Plan is supposed to give you enough energy/nutrition on a daily basis so that you use a little more than you consume resulting a a net take of the extra energy from your body. If you consistently take too much from your body it may rebound on you.

My sister in law lost over 100lbs in a year using WW. But she was eating less, and exercising way more than she was telling anyone. She lost the weight, but eventually cracked under the extra pressure she was putting herself under. She gained it all back again. Now she's trying a more balanced approach.

I'll stop nagging now.:-)
Starscream 09:06 AM 05-08-2009
Originally Posted by kayaker:
Hey Andy,

Does that include your bonus points?
I'm using the old version where you can "bank" points for each day and save them for a later date in the week. The newer version just gives you a set bonus for the week. I'm going old school and earning my bonus points.
Shaerza 09:54 AM 05-08-2009
Originally Posted by kayaker:
Hey Andy,

Does that include your bonus points? I don't mean to get preachy, but try to avoiding coming under too often. Although it may help for a little extra short-term loss, it can also lead to more cravings. Also make sure you count back in your activity accurately. The Plan is supposed to give you enough energy/nutrition on a daily basis so that you use a little more than you consume resulting a a net take of the extra energy from your body. If you consistently take too much from your body it may rebound on you.

My sister in law lost over 100lbs in a year using WW. But she was eating less, and exercising way more than she was telling anyone. She lost the weight, but eventually cracked under the extra pressure she was putting herself under. She gained it all back again. Now she's trying a more balanced approach.

I'll stop nagging now.:-)
Just to offer a flip side perspective to this.. Once I adjusted to the dieting, I was under on points almost every day, sometimes by as much as 5 points. And I also very rarely used my 35 weekly points.. those I pretty much allocated to the drinking nights a few times a month. I averaged about 2lbs a week lose while doing the diet, and have kept it off since I lost it. It may be important to add that I did this as a 25yr old guy that is now fairly fit and active at the gym.. so circumstances may very well be different.

I guess my point is, as long as you are not leaving yourself hungry or energy drained while your cutting more points, I don't think you should be concerned with using them all.

edit: guess i missed your reply Andy. That is a good approach I think
-MG- 10:18 AM 05-08-2009
Originally Posted by andysutherland:
Kris, What application are you using to track your diet?
The one I'm using is called Food And Exercise Diary. It's pretty full featured and works well for me, the trick is being disciplined about putting in the information about what you eat and how much you exercise (and optionally things like body fat %, and body measurements).

I find I do way better if I'm using something like this that lets me chart overall progress, and see at a glance where I sit for any given day.
Starscream 10:37 AM 05-08-2009
Originally Posted by -MG-:
The one I'm using is called Food And Exercise Diary. It's pretty full featured and works well for me, the trick is being disciplined about putting in the information about what you eat and how much you exercise (and optionally things like body fat %, and body measurements).

I find I do way better if I'm using something like this that lets me chart overall progress, and see at a glance where I sit for any given day.

The one I'm using does not allow me to track exercise. I think being able to track exercise and calorie burn would be a great tool.
Starscream 10:39 AM 05-08-2009
Originally Posted by Shaerza:
And I also very rarely used my 35 weekly points.. those I pretty much allocated to the drinking nights a few times a month.
Thinking about doing this as well, but when I drink it makes me hungry and lose all sense of willpower.
kayaker 12:38 PM 05-08-2009
Originally Posted by Shaerza:
Just to offer a flip side perspective to this.. Once I adjusted to the dieting, I was under on points almost every day, sometimes by as much as 5 points. And I also very rarely used my 35 weekly points.. those I pretty much allocated to the drinking nights a few times a month. I averaged about 2lbs a week lose while doing the diet, and have kept it off since I lost it. It may be important to add that I did this as a 25yr old guy that is now fairly fit and active at the gym.. so circumstances may very well be different.

I guess my point is, as long as you are not leaving yourself hungry or energy drained while your cutting more points, I don't think you should be concerned with using them all.

edit: guess i missed your reply Andy. That is a good approach I think
Cool. I get that. I guess it comes down to finding a balanced approach that works for you.

I haven't really been tracking my food intake lately, but trying to be "good" most of the time. My active job has been a big part of my success lately, but that's over as of yesterday.

I'm down one more pound this week. Next week I'll be weighing in on Thursday, and from home (my real home). After that it's going to be more sporadic as I have a busy summer coming up with lot's of time away from the house. Fortunately it's going to be a more active summer than last year with lot's of kayaking. Now I just have to keep on eye on what I eat and keep active in between my paddling excursions.
Starscream 06:31 PM 05-08-2009
Originally Posted by kayaker:
Cool. I get that. I guess it comes down to finding a balanced approach that works for you.I haven't really been tracking my food intake lately, but trying to be "good" most of the time. My active job has been a big part of my success lately, but that's over as of yesterday.

I'm down one more pound this week. Next week I'll be weighing in on Thursday, and from home (my real home). After that it's going to be more sporadic as I have a busy summer coming up with lot's of time away from the house. Fortunately it's going to be a more active summer than last year with lot's of kayaking. Now I just have to keep on eye on what I eat and keep active in between my paddling excursions.
I agree with the underlined portion.

Congrats Ian, on another pound loss. If this were a contest, you would be in the lead as of late.:-)
-MG- 11:21 AM 05-09-2009
So far so good :-)

I switched scales to one that I trust to be consistent based on past use and gives me body fat and other measurements (not sure how accurate those measurements are, but they do seem to be consistent).

On the new scale I'm down to 217 from 222. Going forward I'll keep using the new scale to know how much is weight loss verses scale difference.

My meals are much healthier than before, and I found time for a 2.5 mile walk at lunch yesterday, and another 2.5 miles on the elliptical machine at the gym last night.
Starscream 11:27 AM 05-09-2009
Sounds like you are coming along just fine, Kris:-)
shvictor 04:09 PM 05-09-2009
I am down to 260 from a high of 287. I'm dropping weight a lot slower now then in the beginning, but thats just fine with me. I have gotten so used to eating healthier i dont even crave the bad food anymore.
Starscream 06:47 AM 05-11-2009
How was everyone's weekend?

I didn't do too bad. Didn't get much exercise in, but I did walk at least 5 miles while I was at Darlington on Saturday evening. Went over on points both Saturday and Sunday, but I didn't pig out by any means. Weighed in today at 243 still...

Meals today:
Breakfast - turkey and spinach wrap (2pts)
Lunch - chicken and spinach brat (5pts)
Dinner - either a leftover hamburger or spaghetti (somewhere between 6-10pts)
Starscream 06:24 AM 05-12-2009
Went over on points yesterday too. No exercise either. And tomorrow is weigh-in day. Going to do good today both with meals and exercise and end the week on a good note.
Starscream 06:38 AM 05-13-2009
Back to 243 this week. I should have done better, but I'll take the 2 pound loss. Fell off the exercise wagon the latter half of the week. Focus seems to be dwindling. Gotta force myself to exercise.
Shaerza 07:56 AM 05-14-2009
I hit my panic weight of 190 a few weeks ago so I started mentally tracking points again for the past few weeks. Its amazing how much closer you watch portions and meals in general when you are actively holding yourself accountable for your calorie intake. Hopped on the scale this morning and I was back down to 184. Pretty nice to have the reminder that being strict with the plan does indeed work.

I think I might try to stick with the dieting for a month or so now too see if I cant cut some of the leftover beer gut out. I don't really want to lose any lbs, but if I follow a nice high protein diet, and stick to my regular gym schedule, I hope to be able to lose/ turn into muscle, the remaining 10ish lbs of fat that rings the waist.

Good job everyone else with trying to renew efforts. It certainly gets tough when there are bad weeks, but thats also when its most important to not give up with your efforts. Ive plugged it a few times before.. but I honestly think its still worth plugging some more. A great work routine that can be done easily at home and only takes about 20 minutes to get thru.
Starscream 08:14 AM 05-14-2009
Thanks for the link, Dan:-) Congrats on your positive and focused effort too:-)

I weighed in at 242 today. Seems like this is the lowest that I can get over the past few weeks. No exercise routine last night, but I did manage to play a lot of active games with the kids at church for about an hour. Freeze tag for 15 minutes wore me out.

Good news from Dan, I had moderate results this week, where's everybody else? I hope somebody else did well also.
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