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Health and Fitness>Losing Weight with Starscream
Ahbroody 11:57 AM 05-04-2009
I am actually pretty lean for my age 33 and eat good and bad. For the most part a lot of it for me is genetics. That said I did work with a diet a while back that allowed me to loose a lot of fat weight when I was on my get a six pack craze. I am posting this cause my wife and I went back on this diet today. I want to loose a little fat and she just had our third child and wants to loose 20-30lbs.

Some people call it a paleo diet.
Basically you eat lean meat and green leafies with extremely minimal carbs during the day. This is not atkins. You dont eat fatty foods. By limiting carbs to 25 grams in the morning and 25 grams of carbs at lunch you force your body into ketosis where your liver converts fats for energy. The carbs must be low glycemic index.

I will say that fat is not really your enemy. I know people that do this with a fatty diet and it works as well. The Key is limiting the carbs to under 60-70 for the day. My wife gave me crap about the diet till she tried it and had to eat her words. Helped my buddy at work with this diet and he has lost 40lbs in about 6 months. That said he is also in the gym every day.

Anyway guys if you are intrested shoot me a PM and I can walk you through it. its not the funnest diet, but you do get a cheat day once a week and it works.
-MG- 01:05 PM 05-04-2009
Got room for one more in here? :-)

My belt is about 2 burgers away from not fitting, and I feel like crap. Luckily(?) I've been here before, and know I'll feel fine again if I can just get the weight off.

I just went to the gym last night for the first time in probably 6 months, though I've not been on any real exercise schedule for a good 4 years. I'm hoping that 'having' to report in to this thread will motivate me to actually keep with it this time :-)

I've gone from 230 down to 160 once before, and managed to stay there for about 4 years until I got married (to a wife who can cook!) and had a couple of life events that made it easy to be lazy.

Tomorrow is a herf night and I *need* the full stomach and sugar to keep from turning green and passing out (and I know better than to pass out at a herf! :-)), so tomorrow night's probably going to hurt. Guess I'll just have to work out extra hard the rest of the week.

Not quite sure what I'm at right now, probably near the 220 range. I was 160 5 years ago and really want to be back there. I'll update tonight with a proper starting weight, but for now: S: 220?/C: 220?/G: 160
Shaerza 02:30 PM 05-04-2009
Originally Posted by Ahbroody:
I am actually pretty lean for my age 33 and eat good and bad. For the most part a lot of it for me is genetics. That said I did work with a diet a while back that allowed me to loose a lot of fat weight when I was on my get a six pack craze. I am posting this cause my wife and I went back on this diet today. I want to loose a little fat and she just had our third child and wants to loose 20-30lbs.

Some people call it a paleo diet.
Basically you eat lean meat and green leafies with extremely minimal carbs during the day. This is not atkins. You dont eat fatty foods. By limiting carbs to 25 grams in the morning and 25 grams of carbs at lunch you force your body into ketosis where your liver converts fats for energy. The carbs must be low glycemic index.
Were you doing resistance training while on this diet? I am fighting to lose the last 10-15lbs of fat on the gut and waist, but I worry that gym performance might suffer without the carb energy
Ahbroody 03:03 PM 05-04-2009
Yes I was.
It will take you about 2-3 weeks for your body to get used to this. Mainly your brain. After that you will be fine. Your lifts will suffer a little for the first 2 weeks. I will say when cutting like this I am not lifting heavy. Thats to be expected though.

Like I said I didnt go into depth with this diet in the post. Your PWO shake does not factor into the carb count. This is because your body is so depleted. All the reading I did and my own experience showed the carbs in the shake post workout dont count.
Starscream 03:10 PM 05-04-2009
Originally Posted by Ahbroody:
Anyway guys if you are intrested shoot me a PM and I can walk you through it. its not the funnest diet, but you do get a cheat day once a week and it works.
If I wasn't already committed to a diet, I'd try it out. Still interested in the specifics of this diet.
Originally Posted by -MG-:
Got room for one more in here? :-)
S: 220?/C: 220?/G: 160
Welcome aboard! The more the merrier:-)
Starscream 03:13 PM 05-04-2009
If anybody's interested in tracking their progress online, this is a great place to do so:
LooseCard 03:16 PM 05-04-2009
Originally Posted by -MG-:
Got room for one more in here? :-)
There's always room for more people!
Welcome to the party, and keep us informed.
-MG- 09:47 PM 05-04-2009
Originally Posted by andysutherland:
Welcome aboard! The more the merrier:-)
Originally Posted by LooseCard:
There's always room for more people!
Welcome to the party, and keep us informed.
Thanks guys!

Looks like my official weigh in will be at 222lbs.

So far so good, I managed to hit the gym a little this afternoon (I only got in 13 minutes of cardio before my wife called it quits, but I'm just glad to see her going!). I had a couple chicken breasts and a big bowl of steamed carrots for dinner along with a weight watchers ice cream bar.

My usual breakfast is 2 peices of buttered white toast with jam, and a big glass of stawberry milk... I think I'm going to have to re-think that :-)

I rarely do lunch, so I guess I have to fix that too...
Ahbroody 10:17 PM 05-04-2009
Thats not a good start.
You are eating high glycemic carbs from the processed white bread and carbs/sugar from the fruit. The milk has protien but also carbs and sugar. Add in the sugar from the strawberry flavor and you have a lot of sugar consumption to start your day. This equals an insulin spike. For weight loss you want to avoid this
-MG- 10:19 PM 05-04-2009
Originally Posted by Ahbroody:
Thats not a good start.
You are eating low glycemic carbs and sugar. The milk has protien but also carbs and sugar. Add in the sugar from the strawberry flavor and you have a lot of sugar consumption to start your day. This equals an insulin spike
Agreed! What I was trying to say is that the dinner (chicken / carrots), and the gym were a good start, but I knew I needed to fix my past breakfast habits (the toast & jam with strawberry milk). :-)
shvictor 10:24 PM 05-04-2009
Well looks like I'm late to the party but I have lost 24 pounds in the last month and a half. Mostly by just giving up a whole lot of the carbs i was consuming everyday.
Starscream 06:25 AM 05-05-2009
Originally Posted by shvictor:
Well looks like I'm late to the party but I have lost 24 pounds in the last month and a half. Mostly by just giving up a whole lot of the carbs i was consuming everyday.
Awesome job:-) That's a lot of weight to drop in that short amount of time.
Starscream 06:32 AM 05-05-2009
I had a decent day yesterday. My daily points allowance is 28. I made it to exactly 28.
The main thing that I'm excited about was that I actually got in some quality exercise. I did some situps and pushups at work during lunch break and when I got home I did 45min. of Tae-Bo (don't laugh, it works). I plan on doing this from now on, on a daily basis. Yesterday, after a bad weekend of binge eating, I was up to 247. Today I'm down to 245. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be back at 243 so I won't have to scratch the week out for a loss.

Today's meals:
Breakfast - Nutri-Grain bar: Apple Cinnamon (2pts)
Lunch - leftover pesto chicken w/ marinara sauce over linguine (7pts)
Snack - string cheese (?pts)
Dinner - not sure yet, but it's probably chicken.
shvictor 12:38 PM 05-05-2009
Originally Posted by andysutherland:
Awesome job:-) That's a lot of weight to drop in that short amount of time.
Yeah and I cant believe how much better I feel. I just want to keep losing and losing
LooseCard 02:26 PM 05-05-2009
Originally Posted by shvictor:
Yeah and I cant believe how much better I feel. I just want to keep losing and losing
Just don't try to keep that pace. It would be unhealthy for 'natural' weight loss.

Yes, I skipped weigh in last week, as I knew I had failed miserably. Trying to be better this week - time will tell.
Starscream 06:52 AM 05-06-2009
Although my weigh-in didn't show it, I had a decent week. Friday, Saturday, And Sunday were awful (binge eating), but turnaround on Monday and Tuesday. Did another round of Tae-Bo yesterday. I'm sore today... Dinner yesterday was two grilled breasts from KFC, two sides of potatoes and gravy, and a biscuit (all added up to 17pts).

Today's Meals:
breakfast - nutri-grain bar (2pts)
lunch - 2 nutri-grain bars (4pts)
Dinner - 12" sub and chips (no more than 17pts)

I had a gain this week, but I'm optimistic, focused, and determined.
-MG- 07:57 AM 05-06-2009
Yesterday (Herf day!) was not a good food day... we shall not talk about it :-)

Today's starting much better. 1 whole egg, 2 egg whites, and about 2 cups of cantaloupe for breakfast.

After taking a look around the kitchen it looks like I'm going to need to go grocery shopping soon to fix what's on hand. Lots of good food, not much good for me. Luckily my wife's just as serious about making a lifestyle change.

Originally Posted by andysutherland:
Breakfast - Strawberry protein shake
What can you tell me about protein shakes? At first glance it seems like an easy breakfast which is what I'm looking for since I don't usually do breakfast at all.

Also, I have to admit I haven't read the whole thread, how often are people weighing in?
Starscream 10:39 AM 05-06-2009
Originally Posted by -MG-:

What can you tell me about protein shakes? At first glance it seems like an easy breakfast which is what I'm looking for since I don't usually do breakfast at all.

Also, I have to admit I haven't read the whole thread, how often are people weighing in?
Protein shakes that I make are simple:
fat-free milk
berries/fruit/ or whatever you want to put in, I like peanut butter and bananas from time to time
two table spoons of fiber one powder
one scoop of whey/protein powder
two packets of sweetener

As far as the weigh in is concerned, I weigh in once a week officially, but I check it on a daily basis. Some people say pick a set day and weigh in, others say weigh in everyday. The majority of participants in this thread weigh in on a weekly basis (whenever possible). It really doesn't matter IMHO, whatever you are comfortable with:-). Different diets also call for different methods too. I'm on WW, and they reccommend a once a week weigh-in.
Ahbroody 09:34 PM 05-06-2009
Originally Posted by -MG-:
Yesterday (Herf day!) was not a good food day... we shall not talk about it :-)

Today's starting much better. 1 whole egg, 2 egg whites, and about 2 cups of cantaloupe for breakfast.

After taking a look around the kitchen it looks like I'm going to need to go grocery shopping soon to fix what's on hand. Lots of good food, not much good for me. Luckily my wife's just as serious about making a lifestyle change.

What can you tell me about protein shakes? At first glance it seems like an easy breakfast which is what I'm looking for since I don't usually do breakfast at all.

Also, I have to admit I haven't read the whole thread, how often are people weighing in?

Mg kick the cantelope and insert 1/2 cup of oatmeal and you have a rock solid breakfast. The oatmeal will also help not give you a sugar spike and will take the body longer to process so you wont be as hungry as quickly as you will be with the eggs and cantalope. Hell you could add in another egg white and be just fine.

As to breakfast shakes, it sounds to me like you are refering to a MRPs meal replacement shake. This is a good option if time is an issue and you want to get it right. That said a balanced meal is a better option. I am not a trainer but have more than a few buddies who are. Here is a list of MRPs

I dont want to be anyones downer. I see some things that should be changed. That said I dont want to force my opinions on anyone. One area I dont see being discussed is beverages with meals. I am scared to think what some are drinking and not realizing its effects on diets. Fruit juices and fruits can be your enemy on a diet.
Starscream 10:44 AM 05-07-2009
Originally Posted by Ahbroody:
I am scared to think what some are drinking and not realizing its effects on diets. Fruit juices and fruits can be your enemy on a diet.
Water is your friend:-)

I drink milk once in a while, but I normally stick with water and zero calorie drinks.
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