Blak Smyth 09:30 AM 11-03-2011
deadrise 04:44 AM 11-04-2011
hey Shane I have a simple request well simple for you I was working on my avatar
and don't get me wrong I was almost there but what I wanted was
in full color behind this
and there is 100x20 maybe 100x40 before you get in the fish img left at the bottom of water to black out for sig.
I don't have much for software anymore and even then gif's was never my favorite.
also anyway to make the fish not stop and keep looping?
If it is not to much of a problem I would really appreciate it.
I was using
this and it is good free software it just did not get me there.
Blak Smyth 07:24 AM 11-04-2011
Originally Posted by deadrise:
PM Sent
Hmmm I reached my mazimum uploads for the GIF site, I need to read up on PS manual now I guess!
Lonely Raven 09:24 AM 11-04-2011
I'm gonna need a new avatar for November...Anything clever and Raven related. It's my birthday month, so make it good!
P.S. I have a project that I might want to hire you for, sending a PM.
Blak Smyth 12:09 PM 11-04-2011
here is all I could do today, the cigar is too small.
I might be able to try something else on Monday!
Blak Smyth 01:27 PM 11-04-2011
Lonely Raven 01:42 PM 11-04-2011
OMG! I really LOL'd at work. Those are friggen funny!
Thank you!
Blak Smyth 08:05 AM 11-17-2011
Blak Smyth 11:37 AM 11-17-2011
falconman515 05:04 PM 11-17-2011
Originally Posted by Blak Smyth:
I am sorry but you are not very active on the site, I have made some exceptions for people who have not been here very long but their activity was steady. Since I have a waiting list right now and I don't have much free time currently, I will have to turn down your request at the moment. The original post does dictate a few rules in reference to this matter. If things slow down and I free up, I may go back to your request. Thanks for the inquiry, stay active brother and submit another request at a later time, thanks again for the interest.
Hey brother just touching base with in regards to a custom avatar.
When I posted this it was over a couple months ago and yes I wasn't to active at that time with a very low post count and no trades I think. Since then I have participated in a couple NST trades, a PIf trades and a MAW trade as well and have contributed a lot more in my threads and what not.
Just curious if you have some free time to conjure me up something cool?
I see so many Awesome avatars here and I thought I would just ask again to see if I can get one as well.
I look forward to your reply brother and thanks for doing this for all of us here and and making the threads look even cooler with these custom avatars.
irratebass 05:42 PM 11-17-2011
Originally Posted by Blak Smyth:
Is this up for grabs? Even though I haven't had an LP yet I just think its a sharp looking banner.
Blak Smyth 06:02 PM 11-17-2011
Originally Posted by falconman515:
Hey brother just touching base with in regards to a custom avatar.
When I posted this it was over a couple months ago and yes I wasn't to active at that time with a very low post count and no trades I think. Since then I have participated in a couple NST trades, a PIf trades and a MAW trade as well and have contributed a lot more in my threads and what not.
Just curious if you have some free time to conjure me up something cool?
I see so many Awesome avatars here and I thought I would just ask again to see if I can get one as well.
I look forward to your reply brother and thanks for doing this for all of us here and and making the threads look even cooler with these custom avatars.
You bet! You have deffinitley been active since you started. Let me know what you would like and I'll see what I can do. I'll be in Cali for the next week so it might have to wait until I return.
Blak Smyth 06:04 PM 11-17-2011
Originally Posted by irratebass:
Is this up for grabs? Even though I haven't had an LP yet I just think its a sharp looking banner.
It is actually my banner. Haha, but you can use it if you want. I'll make myself another one soon anyways! Have at it! I picked a couple of my favorite smokes and made that.
falconman515 10:20 PM 11-21-2011
Originally Posted by Blak Smyth:
You bet! You have deffinitley been active since you started. Let me know what you would like and I'll see what I can do. I'll be in Cali for the next week so it might have to wait until I return.
Awesome! Ohh man I have no clue what to request really. I would like to use my guy I have on my avatar now (feel free to tweak it or make it look cooler if you like) since I have used this one since day one but maybe put his face on something with some kind of cool background. Maybe a godfather / scarface / Sopranos kind of theme (since my avatar has that mob boss kind of look) with my guys face and my name (Real First name "Chris") in there somehow. Not really sure exactly what to request I will just leave it your hands to throw something cool together for me if possible whenever you can find the time my brother!
Thanks again for hooking me up with a cool new look.
irratebass 06:28 AM 11-22-2011
Originally Posted by Blak Smyth:
It is actually my banner. Haha, but you can use it if you want. I'll make myself another one soon anyways! Have at it! I picked a couple of my favorite smokes and made that.
Nah, I'll pm ya my idea later.
WittyUserName 12:11 PM 11-22-2011
falconman515 12:25 PM 11-22-2011
Originally Posted by WittyUserName:
Chris, is that your face?
Nope! Little to much of a beard to be me.
When I first started I was looking for a avatar I kind of liked and for some reason when I found that guy I thought it was a perfect fit for me.
Just a random sketched picture of a brother getting his smoke on!
emopunker2004 02:55 AM 11-27-2011
Ok Shane. I'm after one once again. I would like something with my name and Santa or a Snowman with a cigar?
DPD6030 03:55 AM 11-27-2011
Originally Posted by emopunker2004:
Ok Shane. I'm after one once again. I would like something with my name and Santa or a Snowman with a cigar? :-)
You change your avatar like I change my underwear...once every two days
emopunker2004 03:59 AM 11-27-2011
Gotta keep it seasonal Drew