3SmokesaRound 08:34 PM 07-12-2010
Originally Posted by ChicagoWhiteSox:
Hart is ripping the ball
Go Hart!
ChicagoWhiteSox 08:39 PM 07-12-2010
I hope Hart or Ramirez wins.
kelmac07 08:51 PM 07-12-2010
Originally Posted by ChicagoWhiteSox:
I hope Hart or Ramirez wins.
:-) Yeah!!
mahtofire 11:36 PM 07-12-2010
Is it just me or does the Home Run Derby get more boring every year? I use to love them and the last few years just haven't done it for me. Is it just that I'm getting older so it's losing some of its lust?
3SmokesaRound 12:22 AM 07-13-2010
Originally Posted by mahtofire:
Is it just me or does the Home Run Derby get more boring every year? I use to love them and the last few years just haven't done it for me. Is it just that I'm getting older so it's losing some of its lust?
Agreed... my wife asked me if I was even watching it because I was on the computer at the same time. I really wasn't paying too much attention to it, but know what the alternatives would have been
Starscream 03:38 AM 07-13-2010
Originally Posted by mahtofire:
Is it just me or does the Home Run Derby get more boring every year? I use to love them and the last few years just haven't done it for me. Is it just that I'm getting older so it's losing some of its lust?
I thought it was exciting this year. Not as good as Hamilton getting robbed in '08, but entertaining enough. This was my middle child (8yrs old)'s first HR derby , and he was excited about it. He was pulling for Corey Hart, but it was not to be.
kelmac07 10:54 PM 07-13-2010
Great All Star game...nice the see the NL finally break the spell!!!
:-) :-)
ChicagoWhiteSox 10:58 PM 07-13-2010
Originally Posted by kelmac07:
Great All Star game...nice the see the NL finally break the spell!!! :-) :-)
Well I guess the Sox won't have home field advantage in the WS
MedicCook 11:01 PM 07-13-2010
Originally Posted by ChicagoWhiteSox:
Well I guess the Sox won't have home field advantage in the WS:-)
Neither pair of Sox will be in the WS.
ChicagoWhiteSox 11:03 PM 07-13-2010
Originally Posted by MedicCook:
Neither pair of Sox will be in the WS. :-)
Mac and I agreed that its a Mets vs. Sox 2010WS
kelmac07 11:06 PM 07-13-2010
Originally Posted by ChicagoWhiteSox:
Mac and I agreed that its a Mets vs. Sox 2010WS:-)
:-) :-)
And I would have given the MVP to Scott Rolen for his hustle...it turned the game around for the NL.
MedicCook 11:12 PM 07-13-2010
Starscream 11:14 PM 07-13-2010
Originally Posted by kelmac07:
:-) :-)
And I would have given the MVP to Scott Rolen for his hustle...it turned the game around for the NL. :-)
To quote Brandon Phillips, "That's what we do in Cincinnati".
MedicCook 11:16 PM 07-13-2010
Originally Posted by andysutherland:
To quote Brandon Phillips, "That's what we do in Cincinnati".
Cinci has not had anything since WKRP.
kelmac07 11:32 PM 07-13-2010
Originally Posted by MedicCook:
Cinci has not had anything since WKRP.
Yeah...but Loni Anderson was HOT!! Les Nessman...not so much!!
:-) :-)
MedicCook 11:38 PM 07-13-2010
Originally Posted by kelmac07:
Yeah...but Loni Anderson was HOT!! Les Nessman...not so much!! :-) :-)
She had a couple things going for her.
Starscream 11:40 PM 07-13-2010
Originally Posted by MedicCook:
Cinci has not had anything since WKRP.
Originally Posted by MedicCook:
She had a couple things going for her. :-)
3SmokesaRound 12:18 AM 07-14-2010
Originally Posted by kelmac07:
Great All Star game...nice the see the NL finally break the spell!!! :-) :-)
Agree! Pitching was dominate tonight.
MedicCook 12:20 AM 07-14-2010
Originally Posted by 3SmokesaRound:
Agree! Pitching was dominate tonight.
On both sides. If the pitching keeps up for a couple more years they will start talking about lowering the mound again.
688sonarmen 06:06 AM 07-14-2010
Originally Posted by 3SmokesaRound:
Agree! Pitching was dominate tonight.
Hasn't it? Guys hitting the 100mph mark, low era's. The game is changing. Oh, and Go Cards!