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Health and Fitness>Pumping Iron with Zemekone and Icehog3
BigFrank 02:30 PM 10-08-2010
Looks like you'll have to skip driving and spin and just sit around and smoke cigars. Tell your Old Lady it's Doctors orders...
bonjing 06:41 PM 10-08-2010
Originally Posted by BigFrank:
Never heard of that stuff.

If your only looking at a two - three hour window before bed, I would just come home from the Gym and eat a normal solid meal. I wouldn't skimp on carbs because after training your body is definitely in need of some. 8-10 ounces of lean meat, some good carb source, some greens and some healthy fats ( I usually just use a salad dressing if I'm eating a salad that contains extra virgin olive oil ).

A lot of people supplement immediately after training with a protein powder. Personally I used to do that but by the time I got home I was too full from eating not to mention training usually does a number on my nerves and appetite. ( on a side note I get up early and train late so I usually train then go home and get ready for bed, so it puts me in a similar situation as yourself ) Which made eating a normal meal difficult after the shake. And I would highly recommend whole food over a protein powder supplement.

It really honestly depends on goals. If you are in a serious "bulking" phase of diet, I would pound a 2:1 ratio shake ( carbs to protein ) right after training, than eat a full meal before bed. I'm not 100% sure what your goals are, or how long you have been seriously training. So for the time being I would just eat that normal meal.
I don't know what is considered serious training, but I've been working out/excersing for a good year+ now, maybe 3 years total off and on. Depends on my schedule changes I'd maybe take a month or so off here and there. Serious deiting and excersie for about a month or so now.

Right now my goals are for fat loss and muscle gain. I really don't want to get ripped up, I just want to keep my size become solid, meaning I don't want to end up looking anorexic or become to big. I've been down to about 220lbs and a lot of people told me I looked anorexic, I have a pretty large frame. I've been about 320/310lbs since working out and have held that weight since pretty much forever :-), now I'm down to 290 since I've added cardio and dieting, looking to get down to about 250 maybe 240.

I've been eating salads with 1 or 2 peices of boiled chicken and light ranch dressing pretty much during the work week and small meals during the days off. I've also cut down on carbs and sugars for the diet.

If I haven't said it before, THANK YOU ALL for all the advice and support! ! !
DBall 09:02 AM 10-12-2010
found the row machines a couple days back. Very cool exercise... I was surprised when I could do 180# on the high rows & 160# on low rows about 10 times each. I know that may not really be a big number, but i'm just finding these things and kinda doing it by myself, so I really don't know what's good or average or whatever. To me, who weighs 140ish, it just sounds badass. Hahaha :-)
Da Klugs 09:07 AM 10-12-2010
60 push-ups this morning. Still "in the habit" and doing them daily. Feels ... less like aw crud
its that time again.... and more like oh yea lets get 61..... tomorrow! :-)

Edit... and down from 260 to 243 this morning.
GreekGodX 09:16 AM 10-12-2010
Originally Posted by Da Klugs:
60 push-ups this morning. Still "in the habit" and doing them daily. Feels ... less like aw crud
its that time again.... and more like oh yea lets get 61..... tomorrow! :-)

Edit... and down from 260 to 243 this morning.
I hope the improvements never end for ya Dave :-)

I definitely feel the same about my workouts and always have. I'm definitely "addicted" to lifting.

Going to hit shoulders today and maybe some biceps/triceps.
AD720 09:34 AM 10-12-2010
Did Triceps ad Chest last night. I'm not feeling it in my triceps or chest too much though, I'm feeling particularly sore in my biceps. Is there something I could be doing wrong with my form?
icehog3 09:56 AM 10-12-2010
Excellent Dave, keep making those gains and losses.

Been a week for me because of the Texas Herf, back to the gym tomorrow for me.
bonjing 12:09 PM 10-12-2010
Originally Posted by Da Klugs:
61..... tomorrow! :-)

Edit... and down from 260 to 243 this morning.

Happy Birthday

:-) :-) :-)

I mean congratulations on the push ups and the weight loss :-) ! ! !
BigFrank 02:48 PM 10-12-2010
Originally Posted by AD720:
Did Triceps ad Chest last night. I'm not feeling it in my triceps or chest too much though, I'm feeling particularly sore in my biceps. Is there something I could be doing wrong with my form?
There are A LOT of things you could be doing wrong. Not to sound like a dick Andrew, but unless you video tape yourself performing the exercise it's hard to go off of.

Also which part of the bicep is the soreness in? Could be from overuse, or certain muscles used to stabilize dumbbells or the bar may not be up to par.

What did you do exactly? Exercises, sets, reps. That's something to start with.
PeteSB75 03:34 PM 10-12-2010
chest and arms for me this morning. Incline bench, flat bench, curls and dips.
MortonMilo 05:19 PM 10-12-2010
Just haven't felt as fleet footed and strong on the tackle as I used to on the soccer field...adding in some circuits of jump squats split jumps and some more core stuff to my routines.

Any suggestions from anyone on exercises I should be adding in for some more agility and stamina in the legs? Aside from running...I get that done on the field!
AD720 06:01 PM 10-12-2010
Originally Posted by BigFrank:
There are A LOT of things you could be doing wrong. Not to sound like a dick Andrew, but unless you video tape yourself performing the exercise it's hard to go off of.

Also which part of the bicep is the soreness in? Could be from overuse, or certain muscles used to stabilize dumbbells or the bar may not be up to par.

What did you do exactly? Exercises, sets, reps. That's something to start with.

I figured that much. :-)

Now, 24 hours later, I'm feeling it in my triceps more. I'm feeling it only in my outermost chest muscles and the back and underparts of my armpits.

The area of my biceps that is sore is the very top toward the front where it meets my lower arm muscles.

I'm a little foggy on the order but here is the gist of it.


10 minutes/1 mile, Elliptical
5 minutes, stair machine

3 sets, 12 reps bench press - 135, 105, 95
3 sets, 12 reps dumbbell bench press - 50, 40, 30 (combined dumbbell weight, not each arm :-))
3 sets, 12 reps incline bench press - 105, 95, 85
2 sets, 12 reps chest fly machine - 50

8 reps triceps dip (instruction was "to failure" and that didn't take long)
3 sets, 12 reps lying triceps extension "skullcrusher", 20, 20, 20
3 sets 12 reps triceps dumbbell kickback, 25, 25, 25

With the triceps extensions I was really trying to keep my elbows tucked in and that was the hardest part.

Overall I'm still feeling great and I can see how people get hooked on going to the gym, I feel great after.
PeteSB75 06:46 AM 10-13-2010
Good session today, deads - tied my previous PR at 355, then squatted a bit and spent a good ten minutes lying around and stretching.
Patrick B 11:53 AM 10-13-2010
Laying off the creatine (pump fuel from gnc) and heavy stuff for a week. Dialed down the calories a bit and hitting cardio hard this week. Just something to mix it up a little...
BigFrank 12:45 PM 10-13-2010
Originally Posted by AD720:
Now, 24 hours later, I'm feeling it in my triceps more. I'm feeling it only in my outermost chest muscles and the back and underparts of my armpits.

Originally Posted by AD720:
The area of my biceps that is sore is the very top toward the front where it meets my lower arm muscles.
Top as in where it ties into your shoulder, or top as in where it ties into your forearm??
After reading your workout it sounds like it might be something more along the lines of overuse injury...
Originally Posted by AD720:
10 minutes/1 mile, Elliptical
5 minutes, stair machine
Dump the Elliptical and just do 5min warm-up. Unless your in a pinch on time, perform cardio after a workout.

Originally Posted by AD720:
3 sets, 12 reps bench press - 135, 105, 95
3 sets, 12 reps dumbbell bench press - 50, 40, 30 (combined dumbbell weight, not each arm :-))
3 sets, 12 reps incline bench press - 105, 95, 85
2 sets, 12 reps chest fly machine - 50
8 reps triceps dip (instruction was "to failure" and that didn't take long)
3 sets, 12 reps lying triceps extension "skullcrusher", 20, 20, 20
3 sets 12 reps triceps dumbbell kickback, 25, 25, 25
Few things on the workout. Why are you decreasing the weight? Work up to a weight and stay with something you can do 3 sets of. Try not to work down in weight unless you are incorporating a drop set or something crazy like that. Also if you are planning on performing Dips in a chest / tricep workout I would ditch one Chest exercise. As dips will work your chest a good bit. It's not all triceps. Also I would try to do more volume on the dips, that is going to be the best exercise for your money...I would drop the Flat bench dumbbells and just go right to an incline movement.

Originally Posted by AD720:
With the triceps extensions I was really trying to keep my elbows tucked in and that was the hardest part.

Overall I'm still feeling great and I can see how people get hooked on going to the gym, I feel great after.
That's good your trying to make an effort to keep your elbows "tucked" during lying extensions. The medial head and long head of your tricpes tend to be weaker than lateral head( outside ). This is why the elbows tend to "flare" because the muscle wants to use the stronger areas to do the work. The soreness you feel in your armpit is most likely due to the inner tricep heads getting a good workout.

Glad to hear you're enjoying going to the Gym.
icehog3 02:32 PM 10-13-2010
Back into the gym after a week off....sluggish, low motivation day. Hopefully back in the swing by tomorrow.
Da Klugs 02:41 PM 10-13-2010
65 push-ups this morning. Its interesting what devoting 2 minutes a day to something can do.
PeteSB75 06:29 AM 10-14-2010
Keep up the good work, Dave!

Me, I slept in this morning after staying up too late with a good cigar and a movie last night. I think I must be getting old if 11:30 is too late. Hell, who am I kidding, 10:00 is too late...
AD720 07:28 AM 10-14-2010
Originally Posted by BigFrank:

Top as in where it ties into your shoulder, or top as in where it ties into your forearm??
After reading your workout it sounds like it might be something more along the lines of overuse injury...

Dump the Elliptical and just do 5min warm-up. Unless your in a pinch on time, perform cardio after a workout.

Few things on the workout. Why are you decreasing the weight? Work up to a weight and stay with something you can do 3 sets of. Try not to work down in weight unless you are incorporating a drop set or something crazy like that. Also if you are planning on performing Dips in a chest / tricep workout I would ditch one Chest exercise. As dips will work your chest a good bit. It's not all triceps. Also I would try to do more volume on the dips, that is going to be the best exercise for your money...I would drop the Flat bench dumbbells and just go right to an incline movement.

That's good your trying to make an effort to keep your elbows "tucked" during lying extensions. The medial head and long head of your tricpes tend to be weaker than lateral head( outside ). This is why the elbows tend to "flare" because the muscle wants to use the stronger areas to do the work. The soreness you feel in your armpit is most likely due to the inner tricep heads getting a good workout.

Glad to hear you're enjoying going to the Gym.
I have been decreasing the weight to really get a gauge of where I am right now. I start with what I think the most I can do is and then take it easy on the next sets. Once I'm back in it I will start doing increasing weight sets.

The soreness is almost gone now, the DOMS makes sense. It was top as where it ties to my arm.

What is the reasoning for cardio post workout? I thought I was supposed to try get my heartrate up and keep it there. Just curious...I could easily do the cardio after weights.
PeteSB75 07:54 AM 10-14-2010
Originally Posted by AD720:
I have been decreasing the weight to really get a gauge of where I am right now. I start with what I think the most I can do is and then take it easy on the next sets. Once I'm back in it I will start doing increasing weight sets.

The soreness is almost gone now, the DOMS makes sense. It was top as where it ties to my arm.

What is the reasoning for cardio post workout? I thought I was supposed to try get my heartrate up and keep it there. Just curious...I could easily do the cardio after weights.
After lifting is the most effective time. Your glycogen stores are depleted from lifting, so your body goes into fat burning mode much more quickly. Make sure you eat something right after cardio though, and make it short on leg days.

Higher heart rate is not what you want for fat burning. Low intensity is much more effective. I will usually just hop on the treadmill at a faster walk(not a run), and working uphill, but not massively steep (3.5 speed and 4.5/5 slope on my treadmill).
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