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All Cigar Discussion>Show your latest NC purchase III!
MrClean 08:12 PM 08-06-2013
Nice pick ups Kevin!!
688sonarmen 08:18 PM 08-06-2013
Hard to photograph but Curivari Seleccion Privada Natural
roro16 08:48 PM 08-06-2013
(4) DPG 10th anniversary sticks. The coffins they come in are pretty sweet.
maninblack 09:08 PM 08-06-2013
Gotta have pics. We love cigar ****.
MUNKY 10:47 PM 08-06-2013
Oh Kev, report back on those 10 anniversary please!
RepoGenetic 10:57 PM 08-06-2013
You guys are killing it. Beautiful pictures gents.
kelmac07 06:27 AM 08-07-2013
Nice grabs Kevin & Jake!! :-)
czerbe 08:51 AM 08-07-2013
Originally Posted by kelmac07:
5er of La Flor Dominicana Double Ligero Oscuro Lanceros

I just got Light Headed! very nice
CoffeeWaterBeer 10:50 AM 08-07-2013
Nice Corey!, those look amazing.

I just grabbed a few this morning, never had teh NC Bolivars.

Ubiquitous 03:29 PM 08-07-2013

Olivia Melanio V Maduro :-)
Ubiquitous 04:47 PM 08-07-2013
Oliva silly iPhone auto correct feature
MUNKY 05:04 PM 08-07-2013
My B$M guy saved me a fiver of these bad boys!
maninblack 05:10 PM 08-07-2013
Very nice Brandon!
kelmac07 06:19 PM 08-07-2013
Few new additions to the already overstuffed vinos.

6er of RoMa Craft Cromagnon Craniums :-)

6er of some La Flor Domicanas from Jason (Big_Jaygee). Thanks Jason!! :-)

Left to right: LFD Texas Cigar Fest, 3X LFD Pipe and Pint 15th Anniversary, 2X LFD TAA 2013 Double Box Press Maduro
Ubiquitous 06:21 PM 08-07-2013
Looks Tasty Mac!
Outlaw God 06:33 PM 08-07-2013
20 count Alec Bradley MAXX The Fix :-)
My favorite size of the MAXX line
MUNKY 06:36 PM 08-07-2013
Nice grabs gents!
AdamJoshua 06:39 PM 08-07-2013
Sweet_Leaf_PDX 11:15 PM 08-07-2013
Keeping stocked up on the good stuff, and trying a new to me stick (Tatuaje Fausto Toro).

Got the 601's from Maninblack and the rest is from the Devil site.

Robulous78 11:19 PM 08-07-2013
Nice Pickups!!!!

Lot 23s are great, the Fausto is a Fav of mine... and you cant go wrong with 601 Blues...
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