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Health and Fitness>Pumping Iron with Adriftpanda,Chainsaw13 and Icehog3 II
GreekGodX 05:25 PM 03-28-2014
Originally Posted by TJarv:
It's just a sharp pain in my shoulder. It feels like it's the top of the joint, and it only bothers me when I'm trying to push weight.
I've had a bunch of shoulder issues. Other than rest, the three exercises that helped me the most is reverse grip benching, face pulls, and hand walks with a resistance band handcuff.

Reverse grip bench is the only exercise that you can really load up on weight and strengthen your shoulders without hurting them.

Google face pulls and you will get a video how to do them.

The hand walks, you take a resistance band and hand cuff yourself. Then against a wall, "walk" your hands up and down the wall for 30 second intervals with the band at full tension.

Don't know if any of that will help but that's what I do when my shoulder acts up. I like Tom's remedy: take days off for vacation, workout shoulders until pain comes back, take days off for vacation.
TJarv 05:36 PM 03-28-2014
Thanks for the advice guys
RobR1205 01:19 PM 03-29-2014
Awesome push day, yesterday:
Chain Bench Press (difficult, but awesome!)
Tricep Push Downs
Standing Military Press
Dumbbell Incline Press
Overhead Tricep Extensions
Dips to failure

Rest day, today. Back to the gym tomorrow to hit legs!
RobR1205 08:00 AM 03-31-2014
Great leg day yesterday! Although I'm feeling the after-effects today....

No gym today. I was up all night battling the stomach bug. Trying to stay hydrated without upsetting my stomach again. I'll probably be on the couch for most of the day. :-)
icehog3 08:51 AM 03-31-2014
Had that bug Friday, Rob....unfortunately, the headache remains, but I got through a chest workout yesterday with it, and I'll get through a back workout today. Hope yours passes quickly.
RobR1205 12:56 PM 03-31-2014
Ugh it had been years since I've had it...I forgot how truly miserable it was! Luckily, my stomach is finally beginning to accept food and drink.
icehog3 01:27 PM 03-31-2014
Same here, Rob, I've had horrible bronchitis and pneumonia several times, but I don't think I've had the actual flu for over 25 years.

Didn't leave myself any time in the gym today. 4 sets of heavy T-bars, 4 sets of heavy barbell rows, 3 sets of heavy cable rows and 5 sets of barbell curls was my day.

Off for 3 days now due to tactical training at work, be ready to bust again Friday.
Adriftpanda 03:23 PM 03-31-2014
Went solo today, partner had something to do early.

Going into my 4th week of my chest training, 3 times a week. And today I actually noticed some nice gains. Decided to do 3 reps rather than 5, because I didn't have a partner and I don't like to ask for spots from random people.

Flat bench: 3x5 @ 255 (with 2 drop sets back down to 205)
Incline DB: 4x5 (1 drop set)
Cable flies: 4x8-10
Vertical presses: 4x6
Dips: 4xfailure (not many, my chest was done!)

8 minutes of abs to finish off the hour.
icehog3 05:10 PM 03-31-2014
I gave a spot to some guy who asked for one today, and he SCREAMED through 6 reps at 265 on the incline. I did NOT spot him again. :-)
Adriftpanda 05:15 PM 03-31-2014
Hahah, thanks for the good laugh. Although I do not scream, I tend to make a hmmp sound when pushing.
icehog3 05:16 PM 03-31-2014
Yeah, I know I audibly grunt on some stuff, but screaming is a whole nother matter, Huy. :-)
RobR1205 06:04 PM 03-31-2014
Reminds me of this video... :-) Warning, may be NSFW because of language.
TJarv 08:46 PM 03-31-2014
Had a decent day today, shoulder didn't bug me too much

Seated rows - 3 sets of 6
Pull-ups - 3 sets to failure
Lat Pulldown - 3x10
Flat DB press - 4 sets of 6
Standing shoulder press - 3 sets of 8
EZ bar curls - 3 sets of 10
Skull crushers - 3 sets of 10
Weighted Dips - 3 sets to failure

Played some 4 on 4 basketball for about 40 minutes afterwards too
Robulous78 08:56 PM 03-31-2014
:-) Tony
icehog3 10:18 PM 03-31-2014
Originally Posted by RobR1205:
Reminds me of this video... :-) Warning, may be NSFW because of language.
LOL...That's screa-unting. :-)

My grunts are about 1/10th that loud, maybe less. :-)
Adriftpanda 12:29 PM 04-01-2014
Still riding on my high from yesterdays training. Back day, we had a special guest join us today. He pushed me to go even further today on my dead lift. Killed it.

Anyone use a Enzer belt here? Thinking of getting one now.

Dead lift: 3x8-10 for warm up. 4x5 working sets. Worked up to 405 for 5.
Wide grip lat pull downs: 4x6
High rows: 4x5-6
Hammer strength row -- reverse cable flies: 4x6
Seated close grip row: 4x5

Finished off with some negative pull-ups: 4x5 (Awesome way to finish it off, I could feel all the damn fibers working on my lats)
RobR1205 01:29 PM 04-01-2014
Back in the gym after a rough day of the stomach bug. Luckily, eating small meals and staying hydrated while I was sick helped me recover quickly:

Chain Bench Press (much more difficult, but really gives you a great burn :-))
Standing Military Press
Incline DB Press
Overhead Tricep Extensions
Cable Push Downs

Weighed myself for the hell of it, and I lost 5 pounds from one sick day! Trying to make up for lost liquids and nutrients today with solid meals and plenty of water.
RobR1205 01:49 PM 04-01-2014
Originally Posted by Adriftpanda:
Anyone use a Enzer belt here? Thinking of getting one now.
I personally don't. I use a 6" leather Valeo Belt which ran me about $30. However, most of the hardcore powerlifters at my gym use that belt religiously and seem to really like it. If you are going to be doing super heavy lifts, it would probably be a good investment.

Are you looking at the one with a lever or a normal buckle?
Adriftpanda 01:49 PM 04-01-2014
Simple solution.

2 double doubles with animal style fries from In-n-Out. Problem solved. :-)
RobR1205 01:51 PM 04-01-2014
Originally Posted by Adriftpanda:
Simple solution.

2 double doubles with animal style fries from In-n-Out. Problem solved. :-)
Not anywhere around the east coast from my understanding :-)
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