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Health and Fitness>Losing Weight with Starscream
kayaker 09:57 AM 03-24-2009
Originally Posted by andysutherland:
Got some arm work in last night.
Too much info, Andy.:-)

Starscream 10:41 AM 03-24-2009
Originally Posted by kayaker:
Too much info, Andy.:-)

Not that kind of arm work.
LooseCard 10:50 AM 03-24-2009
Originally Posted by kayaker:
Too much info, Andy.:-)

So I broke down and weighed in this morn...
Up another 2 and change.

I'm still down 5.1 overall in 3 weeks, so I guess it's not bad

I need to get my metabolism straight, so I've been contemplating a diet/breakfast drink for mornings. I'm sure it would do better than the Special K bars I've been trying to remember to have...
Yesterday was leftover homemade chili, today was a Bulkie Roll sammie and a handful and a half of animal crackers in lieu of chips...

Dinner was a seasoned pork chop, mashed, and veggies. Tonight will be something with chicken, yellow rice and veggie - haven't decided how yet...
Shaerza 12:12 PM 03-24-2009
Originally Posted by LooseCard:

I need to get my metabolism straight, so I've been contemplating a diet/breakfast drink for mornings. I'm sure it would do better than the Special K bars I've been trying to remember to have...
I ate the slimfast quick meal bars for breakfast every day for a year :-) They have enough calories (220) that they should stave off hunger enough till you get to lunch. They arent cheap.. But I havent found anything else that keeps me alive till lunch. I really think that breakfast was a pretty big step for me in terms of getting the metabolism on track. It sounds like you are already trying to make sure you eat at least something so thats a good step
Starscream 05:34 AM 03-25-2009
Breakfast is essential to losing weight. Get's you up and running in the morning. I like the SlimFast bars, but yes, they are expensive. I'll stick to my oatmeal.
LooseCard 01:57 PM 03-25-2009
I don't remember, or run out more often than not.
I pick up the boxes of Spec.K cheap (Price Rite) so it isn't too bad.

I know it's the right thing... but I can never get past the 21-day thing.
And when I do remember, it's usually around 10 AM already, and I'm realizing that I'm hungry.

Oh well... Image

As long as I keep trying..............
Starscream 02:16 PM 03-25-2009
Originally Posted by LooseCard:
I know it's the right thing... but I can never get past the 21-day thing.
As long as I keep trying..............
What's the 21 day thing?
LooseCard 02:24 PM 03-25-2009
It takes 21 days to make a habit.
If you can do it for 21 days, you'll do it every day there after.

It goes along with the 7-Yes study.
If you can ask 7 questions and get a Yes every time, it is likely that you can get them to agree with what you want - for the 8th or 9th question.
(Haven't found a situation to test this one myself, yet...)

You're only 21 days away from a good habit!
Starscream 05:48 PM 03-25-2009
Originally Posted by LooseCard:
It takes 21 days to make a habit.
If you can do it for 21 days, you'll do it every day there after.

It goes along with the 7-Yes study.
If you can ask 7 questions and get a Yes every time, it is likely that you can get them to agree with what you want - for the 8th or 9th question.
(Haven't found a situation to test this one myself, yet...)

You're only 21 days away from a good habit!
Starscream 05:34 AM 03-26-2009
This is now the fourth week in a row that I have weighed in at 242. Can't seem to drop from this point. Activity level rose this week and I thought that I'd at least lose a pound, but no such luck.
Hardcz 05:47 AM 03-27-2009
Originally Posted by andysutherland:
Breakfast is essential to losing weight. Get's you up and running in the morning. I like the SlimFast bars, but yes, they are expensive. I'll stick to my oatmeal.

I agree, usually I have 18 oz of coffee for breakfast while at work. Sometimes I'll splurge and have a few fun sized candy bars, maybe a bagel, or some pretzels. Whatever is laying around the cube.
Shaerza 09:48 AM 03-31-2009
No updates?! I hope that doesnt mean you all had bad weekends!

Coffee doesnt count as breakfast :-)
kayaker 10:08 AM 03-31-2009
I'm on a mini-hiatus. Life got crazy-busy here and someone hid the scales away. OK, ok...I actually know where they are but they are no longer where I have easy use of them. Also, I think I will have to move my weigh-in to Friday. I'll be working 10s Mon-Thur with my bus leaving at 0540 for the 0700 start. The active job should also help with the weight loss. At least I'm hoping it will.
Starscream 10:33 AM 03-31-2009
Weigh-in is tomorrow. I'll keep you updated. This cold plus allergies is not doing any good for my health right now. Hopefully I'll get over it soon. I can't even smoke a cigar right now for lack of flavor.
Starscream 07:09 AM 04-01-2009
I finally lost another pound (probably due to this cold)! Down to 241 today. Two more pounds to go to get below the 240 mark.
I have officially lost 20lbs! :-)
kayaker 08:27 AM 04-01-2009
Way to go Andy. :-)

I'm going to weigh in again on Friday. I don't expect it to be good but I need to get back on track again.
LooseCard 10:06 AM 04-01-2009
I weighed in yesterday, just forgot to report in.... LOL

Down 2.8, which brings me back to 8 lbs overall from the start.

Now to keep up the positive actions! :-)
Starscream 05:18 AM 04-02-2009
We're pullin' for ya, Ian.

Way to go, Dan!

I weighed in at 239 this morning. Not official, but I haven't been below the 240 mark in two years. I'm stoked about next weeks weigh in.
goalie204 05:34 AM 04-02-2009
I have been off the bandwagon for a long time, its almost like i got defeated and dont care blah, im pretty huge, so its dumb of me, but damnit i duno, i love food too much and its hard work eating healthy
Starscream 03:05 PM 04-02-2009
The New Year's Resolution kicks have all wore off of most of us by now. I still keep a very close watch over my diet but I'm not committed to exercising like I started out in January. I haven't fallen off the bandwagon, but I'm riding at the back. This little loss that I've had this week has given me some renewed enthusiasm though.
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