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Health and Fitness>Pumping Iron with Adriftpanda,Chainsaw13 and Icehog3 II
icehog3 03:50 PM 03-24-2014
Nice to see you guys hitting it hard. I was too spent from vacation to get up for the gym today, I should be back manana.
Adriftpanda 05:36 PM 03-25-2014
Heavy back day, finished it off with some volume work on the reverse cable flys.

Negative pull ups: 4x5 (mainly did this for a warm up)
Seated hammer strength row (one arm at a time): 4x5, with 2 drop sets
Bent over DB row (both arms): 5x6
Seated wide grip row: 5x6
Rear delt cable fly: 4x12-15

Incline db curls: 4x8
Cable curls: 4x8
icehog3 06:02 PM 03-25-2014
International Chest Day for my first day back. Shoulders felt great, the week off did them good....but they will probably be trashed again by next week. :-)

Bench press 205, 235, 265, 295, 295, 295, 265, 225
Horizontal bench press (plate loaded) 275, 325, 325, 275
Decline bench 275, 315, 275, 225

Great workout because it was (bad) pain-free.

Back manana, I will try to do you proud, Huy. :-)
TJarv 09:23 PM 03-25-2014
Dreaded leg day for me. I was working on getting my technique down on squat and dead lift.

Squat - 9 sets of 135x6
Front squat - 3 sets of 135x10
Dead lift - 4 sets of 225x6
Leg curls - 3 sets of 150x10
Seated calf raises - 2 sets of 90x10, 1 set of 140x12
Adriftpanda 09:38 PM 03-25-2014
How long have you been squatting and dead lifting, Tony?
RobR1205 05:55 AM 03-26-2014
Hit a great Back and Bi day yesterday.

Bent Over Rows, Preacher Curls, Rear Delt Flyes, T-Bar Rows, Strict Barbell Curls (elbows against wall), Hammer Curls, Pull Ups to failure...There's some growin' goin' on over here! :-)

Hitting legs today. Found a great fitting, leather belt for heavy squats and deads. Pumped to put it to use today!
TJarv 07:44 AM 03-26-2014
Originally Posted by Adriftpanda:
How long have you been squatting and dead lifting, Tony?
2 weeks. I did quite a bit before I was 20, but that's been 7 years ago so it feels like I've never done it before.
TJarv 05:46 PM 03-26-2014
Little easier of a day today

Flat DB press - 47.5x10, 52.5x10, 60x10
Incline DB press - 3 sets of 65x10
Pec deck - 130x12, 150x10, 170x10
Chest press machine - 50x12, 60x10, 70x8
Incline machine - 50x12, 60x10, 70x8

Tricep push down with bent bar - 65x10, 82.5x10, 90x10
Dip machine - 190x10, 190x10, 210x8, 230x10
Tricep push down with rope - 42.5x10 35x10, 30x10, 25x10, 20x10, 15x10, 10x10, 5x10

Then played some 3 on 3 basketball for 45 minutes
Adriftpanda 11:18 PM 03-26-2014

Stiff leg deads: 5x8
Lying leg curls (one at a time): 5x6-8
Kettle ball single leg deads: 5x8-10

Incline bb: 4x10
Flat db fly: 4x10-12
Dips: 5x10+failure
icehog3 11:20 PM 03-26-2014
Wasn't feeling like rowing too heavy first back workout back, so I started and finiished with cable work, with some light rows in between. Got a good pump, I'll hit the rows heavy Sunday.

Wide-grip pulldowns 200, 220, 240, 260, 285, 240
T-bar rows 250, 270, 270, 270
Cable rows 240, 260, 260, 260
TJarv 05:49 PM 03-27-2014
I got my a** handed to me today

Bent over rows - 6 sets of 3
Low row - 3 sets of 12
Wide grip pull downs - 3 sets of 15
Narrow grip pull downs - 2 sets of 20
DB shrugs - 3 sets of 15
DB flys - 3 sets of 20
DB shoulder press - 3 sets of 15

Row machine - 30 sec of max resistance then 30 sec rest for 20 min
Stair climber - 1 min of high speed then 30 seconds of slower speed for 80 flights of stairs
icehog3 11:28 PM 03-27-2014
Rocked out the seated military presses today....smoothest my shoulder has felt in a long time....put I am sure it won't last. :-)

135, 155, 175, 195, 205, 215, 225, 185

Added some machine work and some triceps, and called it a relatively pain-free day.
Adriftpanda 11:34 PM 03-27-2014
Guess going to NoLa really helped ya, Tom. Glad the shoulder is feeling good... for the moment. Crosses fingers.

Quads and Shoulders, 2 days in a row that Staci went with me. Must be a record for her.

Front squats: 3x12-15, 5x5 working sets. PR on front squats actually.
Leg presses: 5x8-10
Single leg extensions: 4x8-10 (2 drop sets)

Arnold Presses -- bent over rear delt raises: 4x8
Upright row BB: 5x8-10
DB side lat raises: 4x10
icehog3 11:44 PM 03-27-2014
Congrats on the PR, Huy. :-)

Yup, 5 days off did me some good. I will get 3 more days off next week because of work training, and 3-4 more in mid-May for my trip to Boston. I should be completely healed after that, right? :-) :-)

Tomorrow is supposed to be leg day, but I have hockey tomorrow night so I will throw in legs with Saturday or Sunday's workout, and just do bi's and abs tomorrow.
Adriftpanda 12:46 AM 03-28-2014
Thanks, Boss.

Maybe I will take some time off, when I'm your age and have been training as long as you. For now, my body doesn't need that much rest (at least it doesn't show). 2 days is the most I will take off. Even then, I feel like could go off of one day. We are going to train at least one day while we are in SoCal! Don't give me that vacation crap.
icehog3 09:02 AM 03-28-2014
I train 4 on 1 off year round, and often skip the one off and train 8 straight, Brother. And yes, 37 years of training entitles me to a mini-break 4 or 5 times a year. :-)

Train at SoCal? In a hotel's (so called) weight room? I think I will train with the Apple Pie Shine, Huy. :-)
TJarv 10:57 AM 03-28-2014
How do you guys try to recover from a little injury? I've had some decent pain in my right shoulder that only bothers me when I'm doing a push. I did a lot of shoulder exercises last night and it didn't bother me at all, but if I were to try to bench press any weight it would kill me.
GreekGodX 12:20 PM 03-28-2014
I train 6 on 1 off. I would train 7 days a week and used to but I've found the 1 day of rest really makes a difference.

Injuries? I'm really stubborn about them. I will train around the injury to rest it. Then give it hell. When that doesn't work. I will take an extra day off. Then give it hell. Lots of fish oil, rock sauce (like icey hot), motrin, circumin, rhodiola, massages, kinesio tape and anything else that will help with inflammation.

Tony could you be more specific on your injury? It sounds like you could benefit from some reverse grip benching.
TJarv 01:43 PM 03-28-2014
It's just a sharp pain in my shoulder. It feels like it's the top of the joint, and it only bothers me when I'm trying to push weight.
Adriftpanda 05:12 PM 03-28-2014
I am like Christos, I am pretty stubborn about injuries. I will push through it, but decrease in weight. Anti-inflammatory medicine wouldn't hurt either. I take some multi-vitamins and fish oil daily. Although, we are all different; resting would be ideal.

Chest/back day. Touch up day.

Flat bench: 4x10-15
Incline DB: 4x10-12
Hammer strength incline -- pec deck: 4x10

High rows: 4x10 (drop set)
DB row: 4x8-10
Bent over reverse grip row: 4x10
Stiff arm lat pull downs: 4x10
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