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All Cigar Discussion>Show your latest NC purchase III!
irratebass 10:23 AM 06-21-2013
Originally Posted by kelmac07:
Mickey...did you get the Black Bombs with your Firecrackers?
Yessir, I thought I posted pics.....sorry
kelmac07 10:30 AM 06-21-2013
Originally Posted by irratebass:
Yessir, I thought I posted pics.....sorry
Curious to know how they are. LMK.
irratebass 11:08 AM 06-21-2013
Originally Posted by kelmac07:
Curious to know how they are. LMK.
Will do.......I found out from Kevin the Firecrackers are Victor Sinclair
kelmac07 11:11 AM 06-21-2013
Victor Sinclair??? Not a fan of their sticks at all. Sorry fellas.
MrClean 04:09 PM 06-21-2013
So I bought the Little Monsters from Scott (MajorCaptSilly). It took him a couple extra days to get them sent out, no biggie for me at all, but he felt it necessary to throw in a 5'er of some good sticks on top of the already good deal he gave me on the Tat's. Thanks Scott!
E.J. 04:36 PM 06-21-2013
Those old Centurions kick sooo much tail!
MrClean 04:43 PM 06-21-2013
Originally Posted by E.J.:
Those old Centurions kick sooo much tail!
I'm excited to try them, I've had the MB3 and the Oliva V, the rest are new to me. :-)
maninblack 06:14 PM 06-21-2013
Originally Posted by kelmac07:
Victor Sinclair??? Not a fan of their sticks at all. Sorry fellas.
Epic fail. On my part and 2 Guys part. I can't see why they couldn't get a quality manufacturer.
kelmac07 06:20 PM 06-21-2013
Originally Posted by maninblack:
Epic fail. On my part and 2 Guys part. I can't see why they couldn't get a quality manufacturer.
At least let me know how the "Black Bombs" are. :-)
TJarv 11:41 PM 06-21-2013
Bought these off of Cole


He accidentally dropped this 5'er into the box too.

Thank you very much Cole, some tasty looking sticks in there.
TJarv 11:47 PM 06-21-2013
These are from the LFD event tonight

TJarv 11:48 PM 06-21-2013
maninblack 12:00 AM 06-22-2013
Damn fine grabs Ton!! Very jealous!
bstarrs 12:15 AM 06-22-2013
That's a haul and a half there. Very nice!
DaBear 08:09 AM 06-22-2013
Didn't know they make the LFD Lights in a maddie. Hmmmmmm, guess its time to talk to the bossman. :-)
TJarv 09:49 AM 06-22-2013
Originally Posted by DaBear:
Didn't know they make the LFD Lights in a maddie. Hmmmmmm, guess its time to talk to the bossman. :-)
They are in the process of changing the name from Lights to Suave
kelmac07 11:02 AM 06-22-2013
Nice haul Tony. :-) :-)
CamoFlogged 11:11 AM 06-22-2013
@Tony. Anytime it takes me 5 minutes to scroll through pictures of purchases, it is a good day. Nice pickups!
kelmac07 09:37 PM 06-22-2013
Snagged a bundle of the AJ Fernandez Overrun Coronas.

Lockspur 09:47 PM 06-22-2013 That's an amazing haul.

Mac, those don't look like mine. They oval maddies?
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