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Sports>Offcial SEC Football Thread 2010
OLS 12:35 PM 10-11-2010
Originally Posted by rizzle:
throw this out there, Brad. LSU stinks.
Actually they are really good. Les Miles Stinks, and all of them together have exceptional luck,
voodoo, gris gris or whatever. Luck, skill, demonic intervention, you still have to play the game
well enough to be there at the end to steal the victory from the fans who bounce up and down
to that house music that's so popular now, the one that sounds like the opening scene from
"BLADE". They get SO WORKED UP about how their teams have all put the last nail in LSU's
coffin and what do we do EVERY SINGLE TIME?? That's right. We steal that $hit from em and
leave them drunk, quiet AND pissed. It was especially gratifying the other night when it was all
the sorority girls chomping their arms in synch, and "WOOOoo"ing into the camera. You didn't
see any of the Florida men smiling...they knew. MEN know football, and understand that
sick feeling rising in their throats. Women just think they've had too much Southern Comfort.

No Rizzle, my friend, you gotta have the skills it takes to be there at the end, and there was a LOT
of hard running and surprisingly nice passing and catching going on. I went to and
watched it again, and outside of the freakish luck at the end, we played well enough to be there
when it counted and could be won.
OLS 12:54 PM 10-11-2010
I should say one more thing about the game at Ben Hill Griffin the other night. An out of towner would expect
a little skull-duggery afoot in the officiating, but I was surprised that LSU got the calls they deserved, good
and bad, and the refs didn't seem to be stealing the game this year. A lot of 2009 games seemed tainted by
one huge bad call or another, and we remember the scandals that turned out not to be too scandalous,
concerning the officiating in the SEC. When a call is made, I am man enough to see it as objectively as
possible, benefit to me or not. It was pretty clean EXCEPT for a non-call at 10:50 of the 4th quarter on
a pass caught out of bounds, the LSU guy came up on a FL receiver heading out of bounds, and right there on the big,
wide, white strip, shoves him in the back with his hands, and sends the guy flying into a guy and a table full
of gatorade in cups. I could not believe that LSU was not flagged on it. I guess cause it was not a tackle,
he just shoved him, but with his momentum, it caused a lot of crap to get knocked over. I do not like dirty play.
Pass 01:06 PM 10-11-2010
Originally Posted by OLS:
I do not like dirty play.
Then why are you an LSU fan? :-) ZING!

j/k. I couldn't resist.
OLS 01:08 PM 10-11-2010
Haha, when I see it, I calls it. I think out of all the teams in the SEC, LSU and Florida get
the most accusations about that. It disgusts me for that very reason. I hate people to
have irrefutable video evidence that LSU plays dirty. It embarasses me. Like that UF guy
who was seen on TV closeup sticking his fingers into that guy's facemask last year, the
linebacker, name escapes me....Spikes.
OLS 01:15 PM 10-11-2010
OH, by the way....all of the replays of the games are here:

I watched my first game on it Saturday, Memphis got their ever-lovin A$$ handed to em by
Louisville...yikes. But it was cool to be able to watch. Had I not been headed to Fox
and Hound, I would have watched LSU versus UF on 'the thrice' :-), too.

I am sure I am the last American male to discover this site, but I don't follow too many teams
and if they weren't on broadcast TV, I missed em.
rizzle 02:27 PM 10-11-2010
Originally Posted by OLS:
Actually they are really talented Les Miles Stinks, .. .
Fixed that for you. LSU has talent out the wazoo, and if not for that excess of talent, would probably be 2-3 on the year.
OLS 05:01 PM 10-12-2010
Man, no matter what you think about the mad hatter, this is two weeks now that you can't swing a dead cat
without hitting a radio personality just hammering the stories to death, i.e. TN and FL versus LSU. :-)
All publicity is good publicity I guess.
rizzle 03:13 PM 10-14-2010
Well, time for the Tide to get back in the saddle this weekend against what should be a tremendously outmatched Ole Miss squad and their new mascot.


Oh my, the Rebel Black Bear. :-)
Pass 04:10 PM 10-14-2010
Originally Posted by rizzle:
Well, time for the Tide to get back in the saddle this weekend against what should be a tremendously outmatched Ole Miss squad and their new mascot.


Oh my, the Rebel Black Bear. :-)
As if having Hootie Dale for a coach wasn't enough to make them a laughing stock.... They changed their mascot to complete the dissent. :-):-)
OLS 04:25 PM 10-14-2010
Well, let's be fair. This was meddling kids, just like Scooby Doo. There are people that took
offense to the "Old South" and 'politically corrected' their way to making a stink and changing
what was fine before. To have no good choices is a product of stupid Aholes who, instead of just
forgetting about all that crap and moving on, dredge it up every day to make themselves feel
miserable all over again. I like the way Florida State handled it better.

Now, is it still embarassing. Sure. But I think in the end they made it worse on themselves,
(provided you believe that the people who ran Col. Reb out of town were black). Personally
I could care less. I thought the best possible choice was Admiral Ackbar.
OLS 04:31 PM 10-14-2010
Originally Posted by rizzle:
Well, time for the Tide to get back in the saddle this weekend against what should be a
tremendously outmatched Ole Miss squad and their new mascot.
Chatter here among the extremely deluded is that it's going to be just as imressive to be the SECOND team
to beat the Tide this week and that USC showed them the way to do it. As if Nick Saban coaches in a vacuum
and will not make adjustments to make themselves less vulnerable. I think it is one of their big D linemen who came
up with this 'we can win' scenario. Poor dumb bastards.

Of course, the one way to make it happen is for ME to say it CAN'T possibly happen. I'll pass this time.
I AM however predicting another LSU win against McNeese St.
BloodSpite 07:25 AM 10-15-2010

So I Lost a Bet regarding the Tennessee vs Georgia game

Fortunately we have a Bye this week.
Powers 08:28 AM 10-15-2010
Originally Posted by BloodSpite:

So I Lost a Bet regarding the Tennessee vs Georgia game

Fortunately we have a Bye this week.
Oh man, that sucks. Thanks for the link and video though, pretty funny :-)

I too have always wondered while such a proud Southern state as Georgia adopted as their song a Union, abolitionist hymn with one of its contemporary lyrics for the chorus as "We'll hang Jeff Davis from a sour-apple tree".

'Course can't expect UGA to do anything smart
rizzle 02:04 PM 10-15-2010
Originally Posted by OLS:
Chatter here among the extremely deluded is that it's going to be just as imressive to be the SECOND team
to beat the Tide this week and that USC showed them the way to do it. As if Nick Saban coaches in a vacuum
and will not make adjustments to make themselves less vulnerable. I think it is one of their big D linemen who came
up with this 'we can win' scenario.
Poor dumb bastards.
Correct. An extremely dumb Powe made the remarks. And I mean that literally.

Originally Posted by :
Of course, the one way to make it happen is for ME to say it CAN'T possibly happen. I'll pass this time.
I AM however predicting another LSU win against McNeese St.
Heh. Way out on the limb, huh bro? :-)
OLS 04:43 PM 10-15-2010
There ARE creaking noises, lol...
hammondc 04:57 PM 10-15-2010
Originally Posted by BloodSpite:

So I Lost a Bet regarding the Tennessee vs Georgia game

Fortunately we have a Bye this week.
THAT....was awesome. I have several blood red Georgia fan friends. Still not a thrilling season for them.
Smokin Gator 06:58 PM 10-15-2010
Where the heck are the Week 6 notable matchups? Did I miss them somehow or is Little Richie turning into an ACC fan?
Powers 09:22 PM 10-15-2010
Sorry gents, been a little busy this week!

Week 6 Notable Match-ups:

Vandy at Georgia

Arkansas at Auburn

South Carolina at Kentucky

Mississippi State at Florida

Ole Miss at Alabama
Powers 02:21 PM 10-16-2010
If i hear Verne Lundquist saw "oh my goodness" one more time i'm gonna snap. He is so annoying
hammondc 08:10 PM 10-16-2010
Terrible game for my Gamecocks. Hopefully they get their **** together in the next week.
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